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1、1.概述在四级新题型考试中,翻译题所占分值为10%。由5个句子组成,要求考生将句子的一部分由中文翻译成英文。它考查的内容主要包括两部分,一是意群的表达,二是句法。考生须需要掌握英语句子结构的把握能力和了解汉语和英语表达的差异性,掌握四级学习中一些重要的英语表达语,如重点词汇、词组和句型。2.解题技巧翻译部分的题目从形式来说,可以考查:1) 主句2) 从句3) 介词结构4) ing 形式5) 不定式6) 其它首先,确定关键词(一般由两个词或词组组成),寻找可能的英文相应表达;然后,利用相应的语法结构或功能连接方式(connectives)将两个英文词或词组连接起来;最后,结合待翻译的文字在句子中

2、所处的位置与功能,根据句法结构理顺语言。3.实战演练1. The substance does not dissolve in water _ (不管是否加热).关键词加热heat;不管是否(no matter) whether or not连 接heat与其逻辑主语substance之间需采用被动连接,即heat加ed。优 化whether (it is) heated or not. 注意,it is可省略。点 评如果heated or not放在句首,whether也可以省略。2. Not only _ (他向我收费过高), but he didnt do a good repair j

3、ob either.关键词收费过高overcharge, charge too much/high连 接句首的Not only决定了倒装连接,下文用了过去时态,因此,这里需在he之前加did。优 化(Not only) did he charge me too much/high, / did he overcharge me, 。点 评如果未能想出用overcharge/charge too much表示“收费过高”,也可以将其含义“化解”掉,用ask for too much来表达,答案可以是did he ask me for too much。3. Your losses in trad

4、e this year are nothing _(与我的相比).关键词相比compare (with), in comparison with;我的mine, my losses连 接compare与其逻辑主语Your losses之间需采用被动连接。优 化in comparison with mine或compared with mine。点 评此处最好用介词词组,如果用compared with mine,则放在句首更合适。4. On average, it is said, visitors spend only _ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in Lon

5、don.关键词一半half;钱money连 接注意后文的as,此处需用一比较连接词as,并在as后需增添一形容词或副词。优 化 half as much money。点 评这里因为前文有spend,这里可以省略money;此处如果先把“一半”的意思撇开,更易“化解”原文,即先译出“一天里在利兹和在伦敦花同样多的钱”,spend as much (money) in a day in Leeds as in London,然后将“(只有)一半”加进去,这样来看(only) half只能放在as much前。5. By contrast, American mothers were more li

6、kely _ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.关键词孩子的成功childrens success / success of the children;把归因于attribute to / owe to连 接上文的were more likely后需接to。优 化to attribute their childrens success / success of their children to。点 评“把归因于”也可以化解为“相信的原因是”,即believe that their childrens success is due to/ the main factor f

7、or their childrens success is。1:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: What upset me was _.(不是他所说的话,而是他说话的方式)。2: In the conference, the mayor _(反复强调了)the importance of environmental protection.3: He is opposed to the plan for the simple reason _(这个计划目前暂不可行).4: _(还要多长时间)before you graduate from college.5

8、: He is such a stubborn boy that _(劝他不要沉迷于电脑游戏没有用).2:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: _(不管是什么种族,宗教信仰), we are all equal.2: John obeyed his wife _(惟恐她发脾气).3: Its the first time she came to Beijing; _(难怪她充满着好奇).4: Many of those who violate the laws never think of themselves as lawbreakers, _(更不用说犯罪分

9、子了).5: John is not well-grounded in mathematics, but he _(取得了难以置信的进步).3:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: He felt excited at _(一直想他的童年) in the countryside.2: On the whole, _(很少有人不抱怨自己的工作单调乏味的). However, they will feel more bored if they dont work.3: I _(对他的请求不好拒绝), for whenever I asked him for help

10、, he had always obliged.4: The production of the auto factory is _(逐步增长).5: It is strange that _(他昨天居然什么也没说就走了).4:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: _(我刚刚到家) than the telephone rang.2:The old man regretted _(一事无成) in his life.3:_(他五十多岁), but he looks younger than his age.4:Many big cities in the wor

11、ld _(正面临淡水资源短缺).5:He said nothing, leaving me _ (对他的计划毫不知情).5:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: How I even you! _(要是我也能像你一样去一趟巴黎该多好)!2: Id rather read books in the library _(也不愿上课).3:Our aim is to _(全心全意为人民服务).4:Id like to _(借此机会) to express my heartfelt thanks for your help.5:The court ruling _(剥夺

12、了他的政治权利).6:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: The truck driver is _(对这起交通事故负全责).2:In the court, the defendant _(声称自己是清白的).3:Unemployed, John _(几乎无法维持生计).4:_(在任何情况下,中国都不首先) use nuclear weapons.5:_(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first.7:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: I have promised Jane that I shall play the violin at the party, but _(我已经好久没有练习了).2:The professor advised the students to _


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