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1、蹙械工摩院毕业论文材料:英文文献及译文专业市场营销学生姓名裴爱荣班级BD营销092学号0920404224指导教师姜锦萍专业系主任肖 立完成日期 二零一三年一月Does service failure influence customer loyalty?Francis buttleJournal of consumer behaviour vol. 1,3,217-227 Henry stewart publications 1472-0817Abstract :There is a general consensus that customer loyalty to service pro

2、viders is not solely dependent upon their level of satisfaction dissatisfaction .However, the identified antecedents of loyalty remain, at best, highly speculative. The aim of this extensive literature review is to give some understanding of the nature of customer loyalty and the antecedent effects

3、of service dissatisfaction.The research reviewed suggests that customer loyalty is an attitudinal state, reflecting value, trust and commitment within supplier-customer relationships. Satisfaction is one of several antecedents of loyalty. A key influence on loyalty is the offer of unique value deliv

4、ering advantages not provided by competitors. Thus firms need to develop positive value-based exit barriers to achieve loyalty. When service failures occur, the recovery process is likely to have a greater impact on loyalty than the original service failure. The key to successful recoveries was foun

5、d to be the customerperception of fairness. Recovery programmes must get it right first time. Customers who remain dissatisfied after a complaint has been handled are more dissatisfied than 讦 no recovery attempt had been made. Dissatisfaction and customer satiation are major causes of a customers ex

6、it. The solution to customer satiation is dynamic value creation. Collection and monitoring of customer data is needed for success and two-way communication is vital.RESEARCH METHODDatabase searches using Info Trac in conjunction with desk research of existing known papers and media contributions re

7、sulted in over 260relevant academic, practitioner and consultancy papers being identified. Additionally, over 270 market research orgnaisations with customer satisfaction experience were approached in order to request details of any relevant research.UNDERSTANDING CUSTOMER LYALTYFirms aim to cultiva

8、te repeat transactions (exchanges of value, Gummesson 1995.p.245) with customers. The repetition of these interactions over time leads to the development of relationships between firms and their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a cost/profitissue. It is generally believed to cost

9、 more to gain a new customer than it does to retain an existing one(Blodgett et al 1995: five times ad much; Gummesson.1994; five-ten times).The CRM agenda brings a long-term focus to customer management (GroEnroos,1994,p.12) since it aims at generating enhanced revenue streams from customers over a

10、 lifetime of transactions.CRM therefore aims to achieve customer retention/loyalty(Cross,1999).Many researchers and consultants, including Morris et al.(1999),claim that intimacy ,trust and commitment are the cornerstones of customer loyalty. To achieve this, companies must learn continuously about

11、their customers: The key to customer retention is measurement and by focusing on understanding customers needs(Jamieson,1994).However ,there is no consensus about what exactly the term loyalty means, or ,indeed, how to measure it .One point of view is that loyalty is simply another term for customer

12、 retention; a customer who continues to buy is a loyal customer. However, Fay (1994) reports the case of one retail organisation which found that the customers it retained the longest were actually the least profitable because of their strategic bargain seeking behaviour.A second point of view is th

13、at customer loyalty has an affective or attitudinal component; Its about having had experiences of things that you feel are important. Putting it in personal terms,you build loyalty to your friends through personal experiences youve shared.Customer loyalty really is like friendship Ros Novotny, head

14、 of customer relationship division, BRMB (woolgar,1998) . Researchers holding this point of view point to the fact that many customers continue to do business with a supplier despite being dissatisfied with service performance. Inertia, indifference high switching costs and the belief that all suppl

15、iers are equally good (or bad ) all account for high levels of customer retention.The importance of customer retention is clear.Jamieson(1994) reports that a 2 percent improvement in customer retention has an impact on profit equal to a 10 percent reductionin overheads. Bain& Co found that a 5 per c

16、ent increase in customer retention raised the valueof eachcustomer by 25-29 per cent(Reichheld ,1996) .Narayandas(1998) identified six benefits of customers retention when retention is grounded on strong positive attitudes to the service provider/organisation: resitstance to(1) counter-persuasion, (2) competitors offers, (3) adverse expert opinion, willingness to (4) wait for products to become available ,(5) pay a premium and (6) r


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