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1、08.4狭水道、冰区与运河航行目录82301Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should .A. back your engines B. stop your engines and driftC. answer with one prolonged blast D. sound the danger signalKEY: C 你船正在接近一个湾头。在湾头附近你听到一长声。你应回答一长声。同原题库00022302The principal danger

2、 from ice collecting on a vessel is the.A. decrease in capabilities of radar B. decrease in displacementC. adverse effect on trim D. loss of stability KEY: D 船上结冰的最大危险是稳性损失。2303Which will most likely occur when entering shallow water?A. Rudder action will become more effective. B. The vessels list w

3、ill change.C. The vessels trim will change. D. An increase in speed will occur. KEY: C 当船舶进入浅水时,什么将最可能发生?船舶的吃水差将变化2304You are on an ice-reinforced vessel about to enter pack ice. You should .A. enter the pack on the windward side where there is a well defined ice edge-边缘明显的上风一侧B. trim to an even kee

4、l or slightly down by the bow to take maximum benefit of the ice reinforcementC. take maximum advantage of coastal leads caused by offshore windsD. look for areas of rotten ice and enter perpendicular to the ice edgeKEY: D 你所在的冰区加强船将要进入浮冰群。你应寻找蜂窝冰的区域并垂直于冰的边缘进入。2305A flashing green light displayed at

5、 a single lock means that the lock is .A. ready for entrance B. ready for entrance,but gates cannot be closed completelyC. being made ready for entrance D. not ready for entrance KEY: A 单一船闸上显示的闪绿灯光意味着船闸已经准备好进入。2306A flashing red light displayed at a single lock means that the lock .A. is ready to u

6、se but vessels must stand clear B. is ready to use and vessels may approachC. cannot be made ready immediately and vessels shall stand clearD. cannot be made ready immediately but vessels may approachKEY: C 单一船闸上显示的闪红灯光意味着船闸不能立即准备好并且船舶应让开。2307A SEA ROOM TO BE KEPT FOR SAFETY AROUND A VESSEL ,ROCK,PL

7、ATFORM,ETC.,OR THE PLACE ASSIGNED TO A VESSEL WHEN ANCHORED OR LYING ALONGSIDE A PIER,ETC means .A. Port B. Commercial area C. Berth D. RoadsteadKEY: C 为船舶,岩石,平台等或当船舶锚泊或靠码头时指定给船舶的宽广海面意思是停泊处。2308A situation has occurred where it becomes necessary for you to be towed. What action should be taken to pr

8、event your vessel from yawing? 同原题库 1649A. Shift weight to the bowB. Shift weight to the center of the boatC. Shift weight to the sternD. Throw excess weight overboardKEY: C 发生一种情形致使你船有被拖带的需要。你应采取什么措施以防止艏摇?移动重量到船艉2309A stream of water immediately surrounding a moving vessels hull,flowing in the same

9、 direction as the vessel is known as .同原题库 3526A. directional current一方向流B. forward current一正向电流C. propeller current一推进器尾流D. wake currentKEY: D 一股直接围绕于运动的船体,流向与船的运动方向一致的水流被称为尾流(伴流,迹流)。2310A stretch where the channel changes from one side of the river to the other is called a .A. crossing B. transitC

10、. transferD. passingKEY: A 航道自河的一边改变到另一边的一段距离叫做横越。2311A strong back refers to a .同原题库 2608A. bar securing a cargo port B. centerline vertical bulkhead-垂直舱壁中心线C. deep beam-加强横梁D. spanner stay-两吊杆柱之间的横牵缆KEY: A强力背板指的是加固舷侧装货门的材料。2312A tide is called diurnal when .同原题库 3520A. only one high and one low wa

11、ter occur during a lunar dayB. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual一高低潮高比平常的更高和更低C. the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart一高低潮之间精确相差 6 个小时D. two high tides occur during a lunar day一在一个太阴日内发生两个高潮KEY: A在一个太阴日(约24时50分太阳时)内仅发生一次高潮和一次低潮的潮汐叫全日潮。2313A tow that veers

12、to the side on the end of the towline is said to .A. yaw-偏航,(船)首摇B. surge-(船舶)纵荡 C. sway-摇动,横荡D. swing-摇摆,摆动回转KEY: A 在拖缆末端转向一侧的拖带表达为偏航。2314A towboat has the same draft as the barges it is pushing ahead. If the distance from the stern of the towboat to the head of the tow is 260m , where is the appro

13、ximate location of the pivot point of the unit?A. At the head of the towB. 75m from the head of the towC. 120m from the head of the towD. 180m from the head of the towKEY: B 一艘拖轮与由其顶推的驳船具有相同的吃水。从拖轮尾部到拖带船的首部的距离为 260 米,则该单元的旋转点大约在什么位置? 距拖带首部 75 米处(距船首1/3到 1/4船长处)2315A towing vessel should be on the cr

14、est of a wave at the same time as its tow and in the trough at the same time. The term used to describe this is . xxhA. tow strain B. catenary length C. being in step-齐步走,步调一致地 D. Williamsons Tow KEY: C 在拖带处于浪谷的同时拖轮将处于波浪的浪尖。用于描述的术语为?2316A tugs horsepower available at the shaft is .A. indicated horse

15、power-额定马力,指示马力B. brake horsepower-制动功率C. dynamic horsepower-净实马力,输出功率D. net horsepower-净马力,有效功率KEY: B 在拖轮传动轴上可利用的功率是制动功率。2317A vessel is proceeding downstream in a narrow channel on the Western Rivers when another vessel is sighted moving upstream. Which vessel has the right of way?A. The vessel moving upstream against the currentB. The vessel moving downstream with a following currentC. The vessel located more towards the channel centerline D. The vessel with the least amount of maneuverabilityKEY: B 一艘正在西方河狭水道向下航行的船舶当他看见另一艘向上游航行的船时,哪一艘船具有优先权?顺流向下有航行的船2318A ve


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