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1、 小升初英语专项一:代词一、 知识点回顾代词概念:代替名词或一句话的一种词类,大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。人 称形 式主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词单 数第一人称第二人称第三人称复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称(一)人称代词的用法 ( 1 ) 人称代词主格用来作_,一般放在谓语动词_。 Eg: _ am from China.我来自中国。 _ are good friends.我们是好朋友。( 2 ) 人称代词宾格用来作_,放在_或_的后面。 Eg: Mr.Wang teaches _English. 王老师教我们英语。 Whats wrong with _?他怎么了?

2、( 3 ) 人称代词的排列顺序人称代词并列使用时,通常以下列顺序出现,请熟悉并记忆。1) 单数代词:you and I; you and he ; he and I ; you ,he and I2) 复数代词:we and they ; we and you ; you and they; we, you and they3) 第三人称单数代词:he and she*人称代词排序口诀:单数人称二、三、一,复数人称一、二、三。Eg:You,she and I are in the same school. These apples are for Mary and me。 We,you and

3、 they are all from Beijing.(4 )it除了指“事“和”物”的它外,还常用于指时间、天气、距离、形式主语和形式宾语等Eg:What time is it? -Its 7:00.(指时间)Its a fine day.(指天气)Its about ten minutes walk from here.(指距离)小试牛刀:( )1._are good friends.We often play together.A.You,Mike and I B.Mike,you and I C.I,you and Mike( )2._is Sunday today._is a fin

4、e day.A.Today,This B.It,That C.It,It( )3.Please give_some paper,please.A.I B.us C.you( )4. When he comes back, he will buy _ a present. A. I B. he C. me( )5. Miss Jane is your English teacher, you must listen to_. A. she B. her C. him( )6. Last summer, parents and _ went there on holiday. A. my B. m

5、ine C. I( )7.Miss Green teaches English this term. A. we B. us C.our (二)物主代词的用法( 1 ) 形容词性物主代词后要加_。Eg:I like his car. 我喜欢他的小汽车。( 2 ) 名词性物主代词可以独立使用 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 May I use _ pen? _ works better.我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。( 3 ) 名词性物主代词与of连用: He is a close friend of_. 他是我们的一位亲密朋友。( 4 )常见固定搭配On my/your.

6、way to school. 在我/你去学校的路上。Do my/your.homework.做我的/你的作业。小试牛刀:( )1. Our classroom is big, _ is small.A. your B. yours C. you( )2.Today is_ birthday. Amy bought a present for_. A. his,he B her,her C. Her,hers( )3.I have a cute pet. _ a dog. A. It B. Its C. Its( )4. Whos English teacher? Mr. Carter is m

7、y English teacher. A. my B. you C. your( )5. This hat is , and is in bag. A. your, mine, my B. yours, mine, my C, you, my, mine ( )6.Miss White is _English teacher, we all like _. A. we, her B. our, she C. our, her( )7.Her story book is thicker than_.A. me B. my C. Mine8.(汉译英)_(我有一个大的书包)9.(汉译英)_(我喜欢

8、她的铅笔盒)(三)反身代词的用法(熟记如下固定搭配):By myself/yourself/._ Enjoy ourselves/myself/._Teach myself/himself/._ Help yourself/themselves/. to._Eg:I do homework by myself. They enjoy themselves at the party.小试牛刀:( )1.I am looking at_in the mirror.A.my B. myself C. I( )2. Those girls enjoyed _ in the party last nig

9、ht. A. them B. they C. themselves D. herself ( )3.Who teaches _ math? I teach _. A. your, myself B. you, myself C. you, me D. you, herself ( )4.Why dont you buy something for_?A.he B. yourself C. they( )5.The old lady lives alone.She has to look after_at home.A. hers B. her C. she D. herself ( )6. -

10、Look at this model ship. I made it all by _ last week. - Wow, you are so smart! A.me B.my C.mine D.myself (四)指示代词的用法(1)表示“这个、那个、这些、那些”指向性的代词为指示代词,主要有:this,that,these,those。其中this,these指在时间或空间上离说话人较近的人或物;that,those指在时间或空间上离说话人较远的人或物。this和that指代的是单数名词,these和those指代的是复数名词。(2)指示代词的特殊用法:电话用语中,Thisis.表示“我

11、是X。Isthat.?表示“你是XX小试牛刀:( )1.What is this? _ is a pen.A.This B. That C. It( )2.What are these? _are hens.A.Those B. They C. These( )3.Who is that speaking? _Mike.A.This is B. That is C. I am( )4. Hello. Whos that?Hi. Emma speaking. AThis is BThat is CShe is DIt is( )5.Look at_flowers in my hand.They are beautiful. Athose Bthese Cthis Dthat( )6.What are_o


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