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1、英文自我介绍范文汇总篇 英文自我介绍篇从中华人民共和国驻.大使馆商务参赞处获悉贵公司名称和地址,现借此机会与贵方通信,意在达成一些实际交易为开端,以建立业务系。 .aving hadyur nm nd addss fro teomcil Counels offic oftheEmbasy of the PeolRepbli ofina i.,we oval ouelvesofthsopporntyto write tooan see i w ca sb busnesrelatis b a star of somePctcal tansctions. 从中国国际贸易促进会获悉,你们有意采购电器用

2、具。 2. e ve head fro hinaConcifohePmotio Iterinal Tdeta youae i arket o Elecric Applns.驻贵地的中国领事向我们介绍,你公司是.生产.(商品)的大出口商。 . Yur nam h benreomendeto uby theCiese Consul sttionedin your ty larexrters . s roducd .从.获悉你们行名及地址并了解你们是.有经验的进口商。现向你们开报.,盼能在贵地市场推销。 4. Fm ., we have obtained your nam and ades and

3、understn thao are experenced impters f . We have easure n fringyo .o wchwe wod peae your usig th saleon yormarket 从.获悉你公司专门经营.,现愿与你公司建立业务关系。 5. W earn fom . that you fim spcilzes n ., n wl ike toestblih buness rlonsipwth yo. 承.的介绍,获悉你们是.有代表性的进口商之一。 . hrouh he cure f.e hae learned hat o eon f herepre

4、sntaivimpore of . 据纽约司密斯公司所告,得悉你公司名称和地址,并得知你们.日本东京商会已把你行介绍给我们。 英文自我介绍 篇2 am Sravani,I m fromSunderaba. Myobbi aelistenig to music ot f he te andlyiadminton, inoor gessuch ascarm , ceet.My strengths are, I am o tmisicn nature,anmy pats Comingto m famly bakgroun aefour ofus: e, my ather, moternd oger

5、brothe Myfahr is CR emloee, mm houe wife nd rothr ispeving hi .Pharm 3rd ear. vin on o meducatonlbackgroud: I ha don my soofrm Kees hgh schol in the yr2X, I finshed bpc romihaiana n he year 02,i av opleed .S. ursing rom Yashod nstutions nder Runversity i the yar 202X. The whol f 20X I was workin ast

6、af ur iYasdhpa. Rght no I am loin or becaue I o egaedlastyar,m-law are agains e no o work nnursn partent. , i m lokigot forB becaus it rvisgodplafo freshersand mr oer twouldwlcom apersn at ny ucatonal leel ith god communiation skls and bilty o hale customers. 英文自我介绍 篇 Leadrs, embr:Hll, eeybody ! (Bo

7、w) Mynamei XX, fromHuanXX, Imcheful, hest, easy toget along with othrs; liks playig bsetal, clbng nd runnigI m eplasd and onre toin he “X” to heaily,ere no oyprovidd me wih gowtheee, showinga ood platform forelf, ut forgiving methe chactmeetmor nw collegus,nwfrinds To tke is, am very grateful o athe

8、 leader, tnk you l so give m aood opotuity.(ow) I firstarrive, there many ae fthe ldg I nd to lar, utalsohope i fture we cn wok greatwek! I blv that hrugh or mua ndertadng andmuual undstnding,we ill not ny bcoe a cee go an nnd with thstrugle of s ras, e will e ik-mined, oe fiend. Finly, I old like a

9、ndwe cawork tgeterorcmmon cu n wrkhard! hank eeryon! (B) 领导,成员: 大家好!(鞠躬) 我叫XX,来自湖南X,我性格开朗,诚实,善于与人相处,喜欢打篮球,爬山,跑步。 我很高兴和荣幸地加入到“XX”的家庭,那里不仅为我提供了成长的锻炼,展示了一个良好的自我平台,同时也给了我结识更多新同事、新朋友的机会。借此,我非常感谢各位领导,谢谢大家,给我一个好机会。(鞠躬) 我刚来的时候,有很多方面的知识我需要学习,也希望将来我们能工作的周末很棒! 我相信,通过我们相互了解和相互了解,我们不仅会成为一个事业与战友们携手奋斗的人,人生也会志同道合,荣

10、辱与共。 最后,我愿意和我们一起为我们的共同事业而努力工作! 谢谢大家!(鞠躬) 英文自我介绍篇 Hl, evrye. My name ela.Iaa nw epoyef thesofwaredevelpment (sw1) inou comp. am vry gdto jinthe cmany I m guangxin.Im moe outoing and have mr hobbis, uc s music, foot, tbe tennis,mountai clibg ado on. I grduate rom lin ivsity wiha ege iforation nd compt

11、atnal scee. Afergradution, I went to sadog zhongchang softwae comany to work inJaa software development. Amog them, from July to November, workdin zhngcung softw kushanbranh.rom xx t he end ofebrryti er,I have been setto shenzhe uawei asthe outsouringrjec oChia mobile unessoeratn support sytem(oss).

12、Its nwnthat our copan s ow the oic telecmmnicaion operation suppo syte (s)oneoth laget in fielf hihtech software mpie, in telcm network resurcmangeentsysem ccuiethe dmnant psiion.I hoe tatI an growin abackbone personlwho adestand bot tchnogy an businesin the fieldof lcommuicai newor eource magement Bu bo in tcholoyandbsnss, and commniction, etc.,Iam stil a bgner, there are a lotf thngs ned to tud rd, he i the


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