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1、2022年中考英语完形阅读考前提分必练(江苏南京专用)提分必练02(一)完形填空寓言故事阅读理解A篇电子产品使用的调查结果阅读理解B篇介绍北京冬奥会的相关内容阅读理解C篇作者第一次见到卡洛斯的情景阅读理解D篇介绍了无线电子温度计,它在北京2022年冬季奥运会上的作用阅读填表感动中国人物中的其中两位杨振宁和苏炳添短文填空介绍中国快递员高治晓的事迹。他的照片于3月登上了时代杂 志的封面,他被该杂志选为英雄之一。一、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Once upon a time the colors of the world starte

2、d to 1. All claimed that they werethe best.Green said, Clearly I am the most 2 as the sign of life and of hope. Just look over the countryside, I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves.Blue interrupted, kfcConsider the sky and the sea. The sky gives peace, and 3 is the basis of life. Without my peac

3、e, you would all be nothing.Yellow laughed and said, “You are all so 4.1 bring laughter and warmth into theworld. The sun, the moon and stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to 56 said, 4I am the color of strength. When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my b

4、eauty is so amazing. ”Red shouted out, “I am the ruler of all of you. I am lifes blood! I am the color of danger and bravery. Without me, the earth would be as lifeless as the moon.”Purple said,” am the color of royalty and power, so kings have always chosen me. People do not question me! They liste

5、n and 7Finally, Indigo (靛蓝) spoke slowly, t4I am the color of silence, representing thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance, prayer and inner peace.Their quarreling became louder and louder. 8, with a flash of bright lighteningthunder, rain started to pour down. The

6、colors were frightened. Rain said, Dont you know that you were each made for a 9 purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me.”The colors united and joined their hands. Finally, the rain stopped and a beautiful 1() appeared in the sky. It looked so peaceful and beautiful

7、 after the storm.1. A.talkB.complainC. chatD. argue2. A.interestingB.importantC. beautifulD. colorful3. A. foodB. airC. waterD. sky4. A. seriousB. lovelyC. funnyD. selfish5. A. cryB. smileC. fightD. worry6. A. OrangeB. BlackC. RedD. Grey7. A. obey8. A. LuckilyB. answerC. requestD. refuseB. SuddenlyC

8、. LatelyD. Hopefully9. A. difficultB. impossibleC. strangeD. special10. A. light【答案】B. cloudC. rainbowD. bird1. D2. B3. C4. A5. B6. A7. A8. B9. D10. C【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,颜色争吵谁是最好的,但是一场大雨过后,他们共同变成了美 丽的彩虹。1 .句意:从前颜色世界开始争论。talk 说话;complain 抱怨;chat 聊天;argue 争论。根据AH claimed that they were the best.” 可知所有颜色都说自己的

9、最好的,因此是在争论。故选D。2 .句意:显然,我是最垂要的生命和希望的象征。interesting 有趣的;imporlanl 重要的;beautiful 漂亮的;colorful 彩色的。根据“as the sign of life and of hope.”可知生命和希望的象征应该是重要的。故选B。3 .句意:天空给了平静,水是生命的基础。food 食物;air 空气;water zK; sky 天空。根据“Consider the sky and the sea.”可知此处指海给 我们的东西,水也是一切生命的基础。故选C。4 .句意:你们都这么严肃。serious 严肃的;lovely

10、 可爱的;funny 有趣的;selfish 自私的。根据“I bring laughter and warmth into the world.”可知黄色说自己有趣,与其他颜色的“严肃”形成对比。故选A。5 .句意:每次你看向日葵,整个世界都开始笑了。cry 哭;smile 笑;fight 打仗:worry 担忧。根据I bring laughter and warmth into the world.M 可知此处列举黄色带来的欢笑和温暖。故选B。6 .句意:橘色说:“我是力量的颜色。当我在H出或I I落时填满天空,我的美丽是如此惊 人。”Orange 橘色;Black 黑色;Red 红色;

11、Grey 灰色。根据 When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset” 可知日出和日落的时候天空是橘色的。故选A。7 .句意:他们听和遵守。obey 遵守;answer 回答;request 要求;refuse 拒绝。根据 am the color of royalty and power, so kings have always chosen me. People do not question me!”可知紫色是皇族的颜色,皇族是发 号施令的,因此是需要遵守他们说的。故选A。8 .句意:突然,随着一道电闪雷鸣,雨开始倾盆而下。Luckily 幸运地是;S

12、uddenly 突然;Lately 最近;Hopefully 有希望地。根据wilh a flash of bright lightening thunder, rain started to pour down.”可知突然下起雨。故选 B。9 .句意:难道你们不知道每个人都有一个特殊的目的,独特而不同吗?difficult 困难的;impossible 不可能的;strange 奇怪的;special 特殊的。根据“Dont you know that you were each made fbr”可知每个人都应该是特殊的。故选D。10 .句意:最后,雨停之后,一个漂亮的彩虹出现在天空中。l

13、ight光;cloud云;rainbow彩虹;bird鸟。根据上文的颜色可知,这几种颜色构成了彩虹。 故选Co二、阅读理解ASCREENTIME SURVEYDo you use tech too much?Yes No0 I check my phone every few minutes. I often get nervous or angry if I cant use my phone or computer. 3 Once I start playing video games, I have a hard time stopping. 0 I like reading e-boo

14、ks on my mobile phone. 0 I check my social media all the time.0 I often stay up too late using my phone. I feel nervous or upset when my phone is dying. El I check the same app over and over again. 0 I often use my phone when Im not supposed to. Family members often get angry with me for spending to

15、o much time on my phone.Give yourself 1 point for every Yes.YOUR SCORE:0-3 points: Not bad. Stay tech smart.4-5 points: You should really try to cut down on your tech use.6-10 points: Your tech habits are heavily influencing your life.Think about how you can change and be more present in the real world.1. How many points does the person get?A. 1.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.2. The person who is answering the questions in this survey.A. gets nervous while talking to othersB. often checks the phoneC. usually goes to bed ea


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