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1、22X-202X学年度九年级第一学期期末考试卷 (满分:00分, 考试时间: 9分钟) 大田三中 刘晓芸一 听力(2分)、听句子,选择恰当的图片。句子读一遍。其中有一幅是多余的(5分) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)1、_ 、_ 、听对话和问句,选择正确答案。对话读一遍。(5分)( )6、A、On busines 、On trip C、O pcnc( )7、A、riting wit B、ding C、launchingaellite( )8、A、In 879 B、I 897 、In 186( )、A、Not god a gammr 、cantite go cosito C、fo

2、rgtnewwrsasi( )10、heTV B、The computer 、The lht ulb、听短文,判断正误。对的打(T),错的打()短文读两遍(5分)( )、 m our meaningsderstod nl by ords。( )12、 mle show hppiness.( )1、Wavi hndstando lcme( )1、Nodding eansagreeet( )15、Sme gstureshavthe ame meanins etwn hiaan Americ、听短文,填表格。短文读三遍。(5分)What e dnt dohrowinan _o the ound1_o

3、 pubicwaliting in apbliclce_8_Wht e shuld dPicking up someshand throw it into a dstbinCollectn wae papr for 1_anting se_20_inor near ou home二 单项选择 从A .BC 三个选项中选出最佳答案( 每小题1 分共15分)( )1.A: yuseen him _ B: Ye , I have een hi _ A.already, yet B et , already ye , yet ( )2 : None likes “ LittlEmpeor” B: _

4、A.ither d B So do C. Neither do( )2.The fisean _the VD since ysterday . hav hd B. habought C.hshad( )24 The gvernmenh doe _ to protctthe ionent. A.usefu somthn B. omethngseful C. usfulanythi ()2.H ispoor,_ h is hap A. and B.or C.but( )6.A :_ do you e papertowel : Oten. AHow son .w often C. Hw lng( )

5、27. nglih i usd as hefr lnguage y most people in _ A. Cada B Cub C. Frace( )28. In Australia , h meanig of “odon ya” is _ .A helo B.al gis C. wl one( )29.- s yorfatherin -N, ut he_ bak ome i twenty inue A.om B. i cmng cmin( )30.s w kno,ther r some _ beteen Amerian ngihand BrtihEnlis. A. iferen B. di

6、fferncs C. diffrence( )1.Hehas alo f ok o . Heswering_. A. whethetogo o th rt B.wheto g C. how se emails.( )32.Whyou wtch Zho Behans rr , youcat help _ . A. crying B. lagig C. jmin( )33.Compers he mde thokpl_. A. safer and bete B. afey and ll C. ae ndbter( )34. Do you know desks andchairs ae d _ood

7、-es ,you e righ , and per i made_woo . A. o , of B. rom , of C. of ,fom( )35.Dsneyand _ by ilos o peole frm al verthe world A enjy . are njed C. is ejoed三 、完型填空(0分)Ma hson much researcinour uiese.Man s even vned o kindsof satllies Th irs kid of ateitestudies t geogrphy f _3_, our home. Isuse t akema

8、ps and alsohelp ntris to se whereeymay_7_ oind ld.The scond kinof saellite is sto guideships nd plae. A ship o alane can_38_ aessaeto the stelit, d canfi ou whreit i.Thehird kin tudes the weath.Thse satellte watch couds ad strong wind3_ acrotheath. Tey wr countres o be ry whethe _40_wthe oming. They

9、 _41_of the er fromthusndsof mies above i and nthephotos o ahr statos n he ground._4_ nd sed focmniction. elepne ll _3_ counries nbe sentythee sateles.Some c crhundredsfclls at onei. al sen to the satelies, ente _44_ds it oastio n the country Teesatltesso caypitures. Tey can _45_ and snd abott pictu

10、re t atime.eplean sdicturoaothey moiepones( )36 A the un B. theoon . th erth( )37. A. u B. fn C co( ) A. g B. send C.pt( ). . ving B. running C.flyig( )40 . fin B. bad( )41 A.take hoos B ake drawing havea loo( )4. A. Te the B. Aohe C. he lat ( )43. . bewen B. n C fr( )44. A. an B.stellit telpone( )45.A. take Brg C. rcei四


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