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1、课 题Lesson5 Dannys very Special Guest课型新授课学习目标1,新单词:guest such able great practise2, such的用法3, practise的用法课 堂 预 设Step 1 请按查,拼,读,背,用“五字决”自学本课新单词Step 2 请小组起立群读词汇Step 3 请根据教学提纲群学课文(按照读,译,划,找,问,展“六字诀”)Step 4 请小组展示群学结果(1),Who is Dannys special guest? What does he do?(2), Whats the date of Dannys diary?(3)

2、, Whats the weather like on September?(4), Whats Dannys favourite sport?(5), When will Danny go to the gym?,Step 5 请全体同学听课文录音并读课文Step 6 (知识点讲解)(1), practice sth for sth /practice doing sth. (2), such 与So 的用法:such 是形容词, 只能修饰名词:而so 是副词,只能修饰形容词2副词。such +a/an +adj+n=so+adj +a/an+n ex:such a important pl

3、an =so important a plan(仅限于单数可数名词) 要注意的是,当such 修饰复数名词和不可数名词时, 不能换成so. Ex:such beautiful pictures 不能说成 so beautiful pictures, such bad weather 不能说成so bad weather. So 后面还可以接many/much /few/little等 修饰名词。 So little food.(3).need 的用法,(4), can 与 be able to 的区别, Step 7 听读课文 第一,二三 段录音后填空)We had an interestin

4、g day school today! I need write about it .If I dont . I wont sleep tonight! Our gym teacher ,Mr. Brown . said we a very special guest. Jeff Johnson was going talk our class. Jeff Johnson is a great basketball player. I told everybody that he played basketball Canada the last Olympics. I love the Ol

5、ympics. And basketball is my sports. I saw every game .Canada the bronze medal basketball. Step 8 (课堂检测)一, 根据所给汉语完成句子1, Jeff Johnson is a (伟大的) basketball player。2, Whos Dannys special (客人)?3,The next morning .he went to the gym to (练习),4, He is an (有能力的) man.5, I have never seen (这样的) a wonderful f

6、ilm before.二, 改错1, It was so a warm day that I took off my coat. 2, The house needs to repair. 3, I tried to make the baby stop to cry by singing and jumpinglike a monkey. 4, John fell asleep when he was listening to the music. 5. You neednt smoke here .Can you see the sign “No Smoking”? Step 9 (课堂师生小结)Step 10 Homework 金榜学案 第五课


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