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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。20X考研复试英语自我介绍 研复试中对英语口语的考察也是必不可少的一项,最常见的考查方式就是英语自我介绍和英语口语对话,所涉及的内容主要就是个人介绍、考研原因、研究生期间计划、本科院校、家庭和家乡等。 1.自我介绍(elfintodue) god morig. i am lato be ere frhisitevi.irst, pleas ee irouemyslf.my nam i *, 24. i cme rom *,te aital of*pvice. grduaed fom the * dpartment

2、 o *university in july,XX. inte st wo yas iae e preparin or the postrdaeeaminationwile have ben tach *in no. *middle scol ad i was a hed-teacher o a lss ijunor grade wo. ow al myhard whasgota st sne have a cho b teew by yu. im en-mind, quc in hogh nd very fonof histor inmy spare tie, i have bra iner

3、ess like an he yoers, suh a eag books, especiallythse about *. freuntly iecagi oher eol byaking commets in he orumonline. in aditio,during mycolee yes, i one et-bar tecnician. , havea compativeg comand o ntwrk pplictin i m ble toopratehe coputerwl. im silfu nsarching r ifoation in iternet. am a fota

4、ll fa fo ears.taianteam i my avorie. nwa, i fel ra piyor our counry’s tam.i alay eleve tha ne will easilyl behind uss he eps on larnng. fcourse, if i givn a chance t tdy*n thi faos unvrsty, will spar no ffort to mste ag commanadvance* 2.考研原因(resos or y hic)there areseval easns. i have bendeeli

5、mprssed yth acadec atmoere he i ame her las mer. inmy opinn, a oe ofhe mos famus * our couny, iprovi pole wi eog roomto gefurhr richent.th the first reson. te scode is thati am lo for doi reseac*trohout my ife.it#39;s a peasurto e witmy favorte * f lii suppose thi ithe mostipott factor my deson.trd,

6、i learnt alfrmy *jobduring th pst two years howeve, i thin furth study s stillurget fore to reie slf-vue.lif is precio. i i eeary t sze ny cance o sef-dvelopen, epiall in is copetiiveod word. in a word, i amooigfrar to mking ld founaion fofturprofssi ater tw years stu here.3研究生期间你的计划(ps n he pstgrad

7、ate tdy) rt,i pe i ca frm systemati viewf *. a fr *, mepes wih i get a ompltecompeenso o thforation nd evelomentas well as *. if pssib, will o on wit my stdy fo docorae degree. i ord, i am lokin foward main a slidfndatio for futurepoession afteroyestud hee 介绍你的家乡(bout hotown)i arom *, a famoucit ith

8、 ng hstoy ove ,20 yeas t sclld “;rg cheng “; becaue thee re os f banseen 90eag te iy ies n the estr artof the rovinceit is thecnte ofpoliti, ecoynd ctur. many ceerits wr bor er,for nstnc, yafu, xie bngin, linzexu and on . you know, here is a syngtt "thegretnes ofa man ends aglory toa place&qo;.

9、 thnk the iy really dsers it te tp the arwre r shsa stoe, cattl-hrn ombs and bdiles lacq re. i aditon, itis faous for th hot srig hey’r known f hih-qulity. vors at hmand abrd flit comforlebathng hre.there isy belovedhmetown. .你的家庭(bout mi)there refor memer n my faily; my arents, m cue ct f 9 y

10、earsoandm. my fathr a teician n theujan t atin he otengoes out on sinss o most of the housework do by my industiousm. climbing t weked ou common interest. h frsh aird ntur beuy cn help us etrof iredness the cn trgthen our relaion,too.duing my prearing or cominhere, my pre&rsu; lovead suppot v always

11、be y power and i hope i futre i wil be ale toreptm. 6你的大学(abutuiveity) *vrsi is te deste i te provine itwa fouded i * and o an ara ofver * mu.th buildingarea is*square mtr.it eelops ito acomphesive univrit thefforts of geneion, espily ter therfor nd openig it tkthe lead amg th *univrsiies withnice e

12、ahing ancntfic reseac biity. the libaryha a strage o *boks. arus rsearcintitesre set u includin 52 resarch ceters.heacing esarc experimnal bses. rexampe, thecmpuer ceter,anlzn-tet cene,mden dato teicl cnte and on. 【考研复试英语自我介绍】延伸阅读;;专家教你如何准备考研英语复试 专家教你如何准备英语复试英语复试是考研复试必须要经历的,而对英语能力的考查,你是否已经准备好了呢很多同学对此较为茫然。事实上,尽管各个院校的复试题目不同,但都并不难。要想在1520分钟的时间里,展现出自己的英语实力并不是一件很容易的事情,这需要我们提前做好相关准备工作。从形式上说,英文听力口语的测试一般


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