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1、八年级下英语Unt0试卷1I根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。(10分). Wese the e_to o up dowthebuildn. 2.lok!Its anig outide, yodbettrput on yor rancator ak u_ 3.If ouwt to know tanswertoe prole, you ol o _ bos nthelibr. 4.Wuld ou lieto co nd meety aents ad haea f_dinn wit us5 hen thet_ lightsarered, ou must to anwit. . There sone c

2、hild a_ inthe ro. he are m_ o reasonfo mto tay .Wwerefilld with _when w hard ofhs deth.Yerdom ha a irthday patan I ha mny wine wth dliate f_ 10.Teld men shoue spken to p_. I. 将下列句子改为反意疑问句。(1分) .Se is a school irl, _ 2. Itooks ike ri, _ . Tey g ere by bus, _ 4. His mohr goes to wok a8:0, _ 5. The gir

3、 cnsig anEnglihsong,_ . The suent had a ssmtngyeteday, _ 7. e frgot isumbrela, _ . herewas telehe or you,_ . ets ln our edrom, _ 10 think he is a eher, _ III 单项选择:(15分) h oreign visitrs have been Narony o _ hreeeeks. A.ore tan B than C. more D.more and mor . I can _ sim _ skte. Will u pas tehm A. ei

4、her o .nt onlybls oh and D. eihernor 3. -Can I tryit o -Im _yu ca AeB.e sure maksue D. surely 4. -We e free thi afternoon. es g paompuer gas. Well,I think Id etterwth n nlis rogra_. A.too B. either e Disead 5. How are you getting onwityourork -Icant doi_ anlongr,Ilhv toget hel A singly Buietlyalone

5、D ar 6 I lerned _ Rusan tmddle school. A. a biB. bit of C. a itof D.little f t Cilren readin _ dgtingn he bu. A o ie .in a ine .on linD. n ine 8. Yo shouldnt wait here, _oucan go anask Jim hy A.atthe bgning B. n th en C.at irst D. alest 9. Theok is _.M of tachers ae_ in it. . interestg, interestd Bi

6、neig,inerestin C. nteresed, esing Dineeed, intereted 10. Fw of them urt tmselves nheaccident last night ,_. A. dontthey dint they C.didthy D.othey IV 补全对话:(0分)A. Yov ben o more plces t I hv.B. Well, yol ha lotof chces i u lke. C Ive nevr seen such a plac in Chin. Wheres thtEWhatplacshaveyu een t in

7、China A: H, Kate! 1 B: O,Iebn to anyplaces, suh ain,Hangzhou,hagha, ulin anTibt. : 2 :Realy a plce have y been to A:Very few. Ionlyben o ingyao. : 3. A: Its in hani. Isa sal place, but ithas lng hisr.Its one o the oldest o in ChinThere you an sewelletcity wall. B: 4 Ivejust een l ofnatura bauies, bu

8、 ot uch d Chinese clte (文化)ye. A: V. 完成句子:(10分)1. 看起来他的确赢了那场比赛。 It _that _ tat mach. 2.他昨天告诉了我一些关于汤姆的一些事。He _ m soething _o yeseday. . 做班里拔尖学生不容易。 It isnt _tetop tudenti te class 4 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。 _ e _ u party . 中国人对外国朋友很友好。Chinse _ lwy_ foei uests. 你能帮我搬这个大盒子吗? _ou _ _ he hevbox 7.我们学校至少有100名同学。 _r

9、_ 100 sudens in our shol. 8. 你和你的朋友们相处的如何? _ a you_ ou inds 9 昨天我们举办了家宴。 Yeseray w _ 10. 我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视。_ul _ al my omewrk. VI. 完形填空:(15分) Fire canelppplen many way ut t alsob ery hful (有害的) Fire can keep your hous 1 , ive ligh ao ood.Butfire cn burn thins 2 . Big re can bu, trs, hues,animals or pe

10、ople. bdykos ow peple began o usefir.Bt there reinerestin od stoes about ow amnor woman tr fire. Onis 4 a an. Te an 5a very long tme ago H went up heun and 6 fie own Tday pople know ow to mak fire wth matches (火柴). Cidrnsometimes7 to pl with em ut matchesan beve agerou. Oe match canb aicef aer. ad 8 it cld burn a house.Asmal fire cn t


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