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1、第一课时Sction(1ad)01基础过关 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1 Mr. Wng_(幽默的)Hete mesus lu. Now pluionis a _(严重的)rlem.3. ly uedt beqit,ut he isver _(开朗的)now.4. Mary gt th ihet _(得分)o th exam5.ont eat muc junk ood. u hould _(改变)your eatig hait. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6u nglih tecer is _(fried)to We regadhr or friend. To issuch n hne

2、st and _(help)by th ll he neihborslik.8. No mtter hat o sk, hlays keps _(ence)n saynthing. We can eesom ishes _(swim)in hriverow.10.My sisterals wars _(las)when se oes ot. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11.你过去常常下午喝茶吗?_ _ _ rik eain the ftnoo2. 周末琳达时常去上班。Lnda gos to wrk at weks _ _ _.1. 我个子高,留着短发并且戴副眼镜。Iam tall,_ w

3、earglasse.14. 自从我们搬到这座城市以来已经有0年了。It _ _ nyars sin we _tothis city.15 玩这种游戏有趣。Its nterstn _ _hisknf game.2能力提升.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。16.He ued lay the uitar. (改为一般疑问句)_ e_t play the uiar17. The oyis bg ad stron now. (改为感叹句)_ and_te y is now!18. ike grandp as een dead for tryers.(改为同义句)I _ hreyars _ ies grnd

4、p ied1. Your rother use hve ong hair.(完成反意疑问句)Youroherused ohav long har,_ _?20. Tee ued to be a g pak (改为否定句)her _ to be big pk.补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余): H, r, hw do ouo to rk eeyd: used too o wk y bk, but now ave o go tr.A: 2 B: Beause compn(公司)hsodtonother ciy. Nowveythig has chagedA

5、: s, it be a lgwayt ge twok B: Iaeto et upat 5: every orning.A:O,o earl! 2 B: At leat oe dahalfhours.A: Its lntr 2 B: hasa gd e oslep drig heip, orI illbe sleep a te morng.A: 2 B: Ys.oetimesI cat get o until 9:0 pmA: n ou usbevr tired fter getting hoe.B: o rigt.Wat tie id u getup. Do yo get hme lae

6、etimes. n youtakea bsD.Wn do av to ge p ery orningE.Why nt makeupsome slep in th trnF How lg oesit akeouo e here by traiG Why do yu have o o y train21._ 2_ 23._ 24._ 5._第一课时ecion A(1a2d). .hmorous 2sus. oui4 cores 5. chae.6. fendly elpful 8.sile 9. swimmng 10. glases. 1. Did you use 12 ro meto time13. have hrt hair 14has bn;mod 15 to play 6. Dd;se1.ow bg;stong 8. hs been;sin19. dd he 20id use. 21-25 GEB



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