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1、高一英语新课程必修1单词竞赛 班级:_ 姓名:_ 根据下列提示写出相对应的单词或词组。(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 注:n.名词 vt. 及物动词 vi. 不及物动词 adj. 形容词 adv. 副词 Phr. 词组 1.使不安,使心烦vt .:_ 2.定居,停留vi;使定居vt: _ 3忽视,不理睬 vt. _ 4. 为了phr. _ 5.口音,腔调n._ 6. 命令,掌握n.& vt._ 7.走近,上来,提出phr._ 8. 直接,挺直adv._ 9.时间表,进度表n._ 10. 从那以后phr. _ 11 运输,运送vt._ 12.下决心,决定phr._ 13. 使陷入困境vt

2、._ 14.结束,终结phr. _ 15. (使)震惊,震动vi&vt: _ 16.掘出,发现phr. _ 17.丧失勇气或信心phr. _ 18.慷慨的,大方的adj._19.指导,领导n._ 20.无私地,忘我地adv._ 根据句意和首字母用单词的适当形式完成下列句子。(共50小题;每小题2分,满分100分)unit 11.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c_ down myself.2.Parents are always c_ much about their children.3. True friends always

3、s_(分享) their sadness and happiness with each other.4. Im terribly sorry. I didnt do it on p_. 5. Some animals hibernate(冬眠,蛰伏) under snow, because there is much air in l_ snow.6. The old man went t_ many wars and s_ a lot from them.7. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e_(ad

4、v,完全地,整个地).8. We have moved to live in the countryside. when did you get _of the city life?9. Then happened a s_ of school bus accidents, which drew the attention from all over the country.10. How are you getting _ with your work . Unit 21.Many students attended the lecture, i_ our monitor.2. Though

5、 he is not a n_ English speaker, he can speak English very fluently.3. Nowadays, many tall buildings have e_ for people to go up and down.4. He thought I had known the fact. But a_, I knew nothing about it.5. _ it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.6. Though I havent met him for many

6、 years, I could r_ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd. 7. The people p_ at the meeting were all for the suggestion.8. If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r_.9.Because of his excellent performance, he was invited to _ a leading part in the following film.10. He sa

7、id trust was _ on understanding. Unit 31.Though with great difficulty, I finished all my work f_.2.He is a s_ person. No one can p_ him.3.The mother i_ that he finish his homework first, which made his son very angry.4.Its a hard job. Hope you can do it with great care and do it p_. 5.I am d_ to cha

8、nge my job. No one else can c_ my mind.6. At last, the enemies had no choice but to g_ in.7. There usually is a v_ between two mountains.8. Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your a_ to it.9. This song sounds f_ to me. I must have heard it sung somewhere before.10. Dont be

9、shy. If you have some questions, you must be b_ enough to speak it out in public. Unit 41.When an earthquake happens, the ground will s_ greatly.2.When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b_ into tears.3.The two countries were separated by a c_.4.Water can be turned i

10、nto s_ when heated(加热).5. The desk is covered with a lot of d_. Would you please clean it?6. After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_.7. An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was i_. 8. The worked made great efforts to r_ the people who were trapped underground.9. J_ from his accent, we know h

11、e comes from the west.10. Its my great h_ to be invited to give a s_ to you. Unit 51. We should pay more attention to the q_ as well as the quantity.2. He is always w_ to help anyone who is in t_.3.Everything needs to be done according to a certain _(原则,原理)4. People in Iraq are dreaming of living a

12、p_ life, that is they hope to live in p_.5. The thief was caught and was s_ in p_ for 3 years.6. During the period when I was in my university, I studied l_ myself and became a l_ after graduation.7. If he gets that _(职位),I think he can do it well.8. They dont want to solve the problem with v_. Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.9. In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e_ to men.10. As a well-e_ person, its hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such _(残忍).


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