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1、Unit 30 Mainly revision-Lesson 117Lesson 117 PPT 多媒体教学设计方案一、教学内容1 词汇 ( 略) 。2 日常交际用语:复习表示请求、交通工具等日常 表达用语。二、教具PPT 多媒体课件。三、课堂教学设计Step 1 。 revision 课件展示 值日生报告。教师展示课件中的有关交 通工具的图片,与学生展开有关交通工具的问答练习对 话练习:T: I usually come to school by bike , and you?S: by car/ by bus 。T : How do you usually come to school ,

2、 xxx? : I usually come by bike / bus/ on foot。T : How does your father/ mother usually go towork?: He usually go to work by bike / bus/ on foot 之后,每两位学生进行对话练习,将这种对话进行下去Step 2 。 Read and act 。 课件展示 1 。教师在给学生放录音之前,提出问题 (Pre listening question)T: How does David/David s father / mother usually go to wor

3、k?教师放课文录音一遍 ,指导学生回答问题 S: He usually goes by bike 。 Sometimes by bus 。 David s father usually go to work by car。 His mother goes to workby bike , sometimes on foot 。再放录音,学生跟读两 遍,熟练听读。 T: Nowplease listen to the tape again 。 Please pay more attention to its intonation。教师让学生两人一组练习对话。可以让若干组学生演示对话。 T: We

4、ll , please practise your dialogue in the class with your partner。2 教师可以点击影片,播放课文对话情景影片,使 学生边观看边模仿,教师强调一下对话中出现的交通工 具。可以在学生看录像之前设置一个问题:T: How manytransportations () in the dialogue 。教师解释 transportation 的意思Step 3 。 dialogue 。 课件展示 教师点击 放录音,学生跟读。让学生两 人一组操练对话并使用方框中的替换词课件中红色字体的单词,编练新的对话。教师请两组学生表演,并予以 讲评。

5、T: Please read the dialogue first , and you will change the word which is on the table in your own dialogue 。 Now practise your dialogue with your deskmate , after that I will let someboys and girls act out their dialogues 。Step 4 。 Consolidation 课件展示 教师总结这一节课的语言点。( 共有两页,教师点击按钮可进入下一页的 consolidation)

6、1 。 Walking is good for health 。 走路对健康有、人益。Walk 是动词,不能做主语。若要用 walk 做主语,就 需在 Walk 后加 ing ,即用 walking 做主语。动名词是动 词的另一种非限定形式。它在句中起名词的作用,可单 独使用或引起短语,做句子的主语、表语、宾语或介词 的宾语。如:Reading in bed is bad for you eyes 。主语2 。Be good for 意为“对。有益”,与 be badfor (对有害)相对。如:Doing morning exercises is good for health。Eating

7、too much is bad for health。3 Take the bustake 在句中是“乘,搭”的意思,表示一种行为 而“ by+交通工具名词”则表示一种方式。如:You can take the No 。5 bus 。My mother often comes back home by bike。4 总结交通工具1 )长途: by air / plane , by sea / ship, bytrain , by bus , by taxi , by car 等。短途: on foot , by bike , by bus, by taxi , by car , by boat

8、 , by minibus 等。2 )地理环境海: by sea /ship , by boat陆:on foot , by bike , by bus , by minibus , by car ,by taxi ,by train 等。空: by air/planeStep 5。 Practice 课件展示 教师指导学生完成课件中的练习,逐步 点击鼠标,就会逐一显现练习答案。要求学生用笔头形 式完成。T: Let s do s ome exercises in text book 。Please turn to page 练习:1 。Howthese fish?A 。much is B。

9、much are C。 many is D。 many are2 。I like 。A 。cooking a lot B 。 cooking a lot ofC 。cook a lot D 。 to cook many3 。Do you often get up six Sundaymorning?A 。on; at B 。 at; in C 。 in; on D 。 at; in4 。There a big tree near the house。A 。are B 。 is C 。 have D 。 has5 。Mr 。 Gao is a teacher 。 He works in a ne

10、woA 。shop B 。 school C 。 factory D 。 hospitalStep 6 Homework 课件展示 教师布置家庭作业1 )练习朗读本课对话; 2 )完成练习册习题。 Lesson117 教学设计方案一、教学内容1 词汇 ( 略) 。2 日常交际用语:复习表示请求、交通工具等日常 表达用语。二、教具 录音机;交通工具的图片三、课堂教学设计Step 1 。 revision 值日生报告。教师展示手中的有关交通工具的图片, 问学生T: What is this?S: This is a bike/ bus/ car/T: I usually come to schoo

11、l by bike, and you?S: by car/ by bus 。 教师和学生展开有关交通工具的问答练习对话练习。 如教师与一位学生进行对话示范:T : How do you usually come to school , xxx?:I usually come by bike / bus/ on foot。T :(转向全班) How does he usually cometo school ? :He usually comes to school by bike / bus/ on foot 之后,请这位学生叫起另外一名学生,将这种对话 进行下去。Step 2。 Read a

12、nd act 。教师在给学生放录音之前,提出问题(Prelistening question )T: Howdoes Davids father usually go t o work? 教师放课文录音一遍,指导学生回答问题S: David s father usually go to work by car再放录音,学生跟读两遍,熟练听读。T: Now please listen to the tape again 。 Please pay more attention to its intonation。教师让学生两人一组练习对话。建议在练习中不必 拘泥于课本上对话内容,可依据实际情况,有

13、条件的班 级可以让若干组学生演示对话。T: Well , please practise your dialogue in the class with your partner。Step 3 。 Read and make up dialogue 。教师让学生两人一组,先将本课第 2 部分对话阅读 一遍,然后使用方框中的替换词,编练新的对话。教师 请两组学生表演,并予以讲评。T: Please read the dialogue first , and you will change the word which is on the table in your own dialogue 。

14、Now practise your dialogue with your deskmate , after that I will let someboys and girls act out their dialogues。Step 4 。 Practice 教师指导学生做练习册习题,要求学生用笔头形式 完成。T: Let s do some exercises in text bookPlease turn to pageStep 5 。 Consolidation 教师总结这一节课的语言点。1 。 By air=by plane / by sea=by ship/ by train/by

15、 bus/ by taxi/ by bike/ by minibus2 。 Walking is good for health 。走路对健康有 、人益。Walk 是动词,不能做主语。若要用 walk 做主语,就 需在Walk后加一ing,即用walking做主语。动名词是动 词的另一种非限定形式。它在句中起名词的作用,可单 独使用或引起短语,做句子的主语、表语、宾语或介词 的宾语。如:Reading in bed is bad for you eyes。主语My favourite sport is swimming。表语Lily likes dancing。宾语Thank you very much for helping me。介宾短语Be good for意为“对。有益”,与 be bad for(对有害)相对。如:Doing morning exercises is good for health。Eating too much is bad for health。3 Take


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