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1、法律涉外文书:加拿大传令状 加拿大传令状writ summnsOR 1(RUE 8 () )N. . RegistrIte uprem Court of BriihColuba Btwee_, Paitff(s) and _, Defnnt(s)WI SMONS (Nae adadresofeah plaintiff) (Nam and addes of ch dfedant) ELBETH TE SECOND, y th Gace God, othe Unted ingdom, Canad anHe ther ealms and Teritories,en,Hea of the Cmmonw

2、alt, DefenderfheFith. To hefndat(s):AKE OTICE that ts aton aenomenced against ou bythe paintiff(s)orhcaim(s) st outn tis wri.IF Y TNDT EFENthiactin, or i yu ave asetoff or cuntecam tha yo wish t hve takeinto accoutate tril, YOU MUST (a) IVE NOTIE oouention by flin a form enitle Aprance in the abe re

3、gistr thi curt, a te ades shownelo, within t Time forpearace poddor below nYO MSTALSODLVER a copy ftheppearace tth plantifs adress fo elivery, which is set t thi writ,d (b) if a satementof claim is rovidwth ths writ fsummons or latr seved on or dlivered toyou, FLE a SttementofDefence in theove gistr

4、y this urt withn te Tim forDfenceoidedfr belowand DLIVR a op ofte Sttement of efence to he litiffsddess fodlivery. YOU R OU OLCITO ma file he ppearane and he Statmen f Deenc. You ay obtain frm of Appeaanc at theegitry.JUDGT MAY BE AKEAAINST YOUIF (a) OUFAIL tofile teApeaane ihn theim or arce povided

5、 for below,r (b)YOU FAIL tfiethe Satmen ofDefenc iin te Tie fo Defenc ovdedfo blowME FORAPPERACEIfthis rit is sred on person inBrih Clumbia, theime fr apncebythaperson is 7 aysom he serce (not icluing the day of rvie).I tis writ isserve o a prs ousie Briis olumbia, thetime frappence by tha pern aer

6、service,i 21 day inhe ase o aprson resding ahere wiinCana,28 days ite ase f a eson residn n the Unted Sttes of Amrica, and 42 das n te cas of a person residing eewereor, i the ime or apeance ha en set by orer oft court, wihintht tme.TIM FOR DENCE Stent of Dne s e fle d delverd to th intiffwith14 asa

7、fterth la of () the tieht tentof Claimisserv on you(whether th thi ritfsumons or oterwise) or is dliveed tyoun acordet th ueso Cor, ad (b) the endof heme foAppeaanepridd or ove. o,f the me for defenc as bee set by orr of tcour, within tat time. (1) Theadressof heregistryis: ()Te plintiff DDESSFO DEIVEY i:Fax nber for delv (if any):(3) The name and ffice addres ote laintf solitoris: he laintiffs cams .r set t a ttement of caiminForm 13 . ated . .Pliniff or solicito


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