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1、更多优质自考资料尽在百度贴吧自考乐园俱乐部(http:/ & UsageSubjectVerb Agreement()1.主谓一致的三条原则(1)语法一致,即在语法形式上取得一致。Human beings enjoy learning.Everybodys understanding is incomplete.(2)意义一致,即根据意义来处理一致关系。The people there are fighting for the independence of their country.Ten dollars was a lot of money at that time.(3)就近原则,即谓

2、语动词的单、复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。There is a pen,two pencils and an eraser in the pencil box.Neither the boy nor his teachers know the answer.2.集体名词作主语时与动词的一致(1)当主语为furniture,equipment,machinery等词时,谓语动词通常用单数。The furniture in that shop is all made in China.Office equipment is very expensive nowadays.(2)集体名词如peopl

3、e,cattle,police,poultry等往往作复数用。Some people drive madly in this country.Many cattle have died because of the flood.(3)family,government,class,committee,audience,team,public等词被视作一个整体时,其后的动词用单数;被视为构成整体的个体时,其后的动词则为复数。His family is a happy one.His family are all interested in stampcollecting3.并列主语与动词的一致(

4、1)当“名词+名词”表示一种事物时,用单数形式。Bacon and eggs is a very popular British breakfast.(2)当主语是由and,both.and连接的并列结构时,如果主语所指的不是一种事物,动词则用复数形式。Jack and Mary are in love with each other.Both Tom and John are absent today.(3)在由or 或 nor 连接的并列结构中,动词单、复数形式一般与or 或 nor 后面的名词或代词保持一致。He or his brothers are to blame for this

5、.Neither she nor you are mistaken.(4)not only.but also 连接的结构作主语时,动词的单、复数形式依据 but also 后的名词或代词。Not only Fred but also his parents love this small pet dog.Not only the boys but also their mother is very ill.SubjectVerb Agreement()4.带确定数量词的名词词组作主语时的主谓一致(1)当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等的复数名词时,如果该名词所表示的数量看作一个整体,其后的动

6、词用单数。Four years is too long for me to wait.Sixty miles is a short run in a car.(2)当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等的复数名词时,如该名词所表示的数量看作单个个体,其后的动词用复数。The past three weeks were the hardest time in his life.Hundreds of buildings were put up in the city last year.(3)当主语为“分数或百分数+of+名词”时,其后的动词形式依照of后名词的单复数形式来定。Thirty per

7、cent of the oil in that country is imported.Ten percent of the eggs have gone bad.(4)当主语为sheep,fish,deer,aircraft,means,steelworks等单数与复数同形的词时,动词的形式以名词单、复数意义为准。Three aircraft are reported missing.Ten fish have been caught today.5.all的主谓一致(1)代词all表示可数的人或物时,其后的动词用复数形式。All were hungry and desperate(渴望)f

8、or food.All who have seen the film love it.(2)代词all表示不可数的名词时,其后的动词用单数。All is going well.(一切顺利。)All is quiet in the middle of the night.(3)形容词all+可数名词时,其后的动词用复数形式。All roads lead to Rome.(条条道路通罗马。)All things are difficult when we begin to do them.(4)形容词all+不可数名词时,其后的动词用单数形式。All work and no play makes

9、Jack a dull boy.Not all food is good to eat.6.带none的词组作主语时,其后面的动词单数或复数形式都可用。None of you have / has had my experience.None of the hotels are / is ready for guests yet.NounPronoun AgreementNounPossessive Case Agreement7.名词与代词和名词所有格的一致一般来说,代词和名词所有格对名词的指代在数的形式上是一致的。The two sisters have their own differe

10、nt toys.The men are discussing their opinions at the meeting.当名词为audience,class,committee,enemy,family,faculty,gang,government,jury,media,public,staff,team等既可视为整体名词又可视为个体名词的集体名词时,则要根据它们在句中的意思来确定代词和所有格的形式。The public demanded that the government account for its new economic policy.The government had d

11、iscussed this problem for a long time but they had shown no sign of agreement.8.不定代词的一致问题one,everyone,everybody,no one,nobody,anyone,anybody,someone,somebody等作主语时,在正式的文体中其相应的代词一般用him,所有格用his,也有人用him or her和his or her,但是这种用法显得累赘。Everybody must finish his homework by tomorrow.Nobody in that position w

12、ill give his opinion right away.注意:one作主语时,其相应的代词也可以是one,所有格可以是ones。One has to be careful about what one says before children.在非正式文体中,也可根据意义,用复数代词。而且,由于him和his有语言性别歧视之嫌,虽然谓语动词仍用单数形式,现在人们普遍用复数代词。No one has handed in their paper yet.Everyone has given their opinion on the issue.但everything,anything,so

13、mething,nothing作主语时,其相应的代词要用单数形式。Something has gone wrong,hasnt it?Tag Questions9.附加疑问句的构成由两部分构成:陈述句+附加成分。附加成分也由两部分构成:助动词或be的一种形式+人称代词(应与陈述句的主语相应)附加疑问句主要用于口语,表示期望对方的同意或对所陈述之事的首肯。附加疑问句有下列几种形式:(1)肯定陈述句+否定附加成分(附加成分除极为正式场合或老式英语中都要用缩略形式)You sure get to see things differently,dont you?Youve heard the news

14、,havent you?(2)否定的陈述句+肯定附加成分Peter doesnt smoke,does he?The party wont start until seven,will it?10.附加疑问句的几点特殊用法(1)凡是带有no,none,no one,nobody,nothing,hardly,seldom,rarely,never,barely,few,little,neither等否定词的陈述句,都应看作否定陈述句,后面接肯定附加成分。She seldom leaves the room in winter,does she?People rarely go that far

15、 to that small village,do they?(2)当陈述句的主语everybody,everyone,someone,somebody,anyone,nobody,no one,neither,none时,附加成分中的代词一般用they。Everyone at the party had a good time,didnt they?Neither of them said a word,did they?(3)陈述部分是there引导的存在句时,附加成分由助动词或be的一种形式+there构成。There is something wrong with the child,isnt there?There is nobody in the room,is there?(4)陈述部分是肯定的Im.结构时,附加成分为arent I。Im the doctor ,arent I?Im late,arent I?(在老式或极为正式的英语中用:I am late,am I not?)(5)陈述


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