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1、英文口语自我介绍英文口语自我介绍范文 在我们考试或者与外国朋友交流时都需要用到英语口语自我介绍。大家需要看看一些口语自我介绍范文吗下面是小编收集整理的英文口语自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 英文口语自我介绍Hello everyon,my name i Le. This isrealy a ea ho tohe tisopportunity, an I bve anmk god prformance today. Now I wll intode mysef brefly. a20 yea ol,rni Guagdon provinc, sthofChina, a

2、nd Iam snir sudnt at Guangdong *University.y majo is Englih. And Ill ceive myachelo dege afermygrauationiune In th pasouryears, I spent most mytime on std I ssed 4 adCET ih eas ad cquiebc thoretca a actial knwlede o Lanage.Besides, I haveattended seeal Speech copetitonheld inBeijin, whic relly hoe o

3、r rofsiaadantages. Iave takea urto som bifatories nd ompais,trugh which ot a e ndrtandng oEglsh fr applicaton.Comprdt devlpe countes, unfortntly, lthogh we ha ae xtraordinr rogres ice 1998, ur packaging nustry ssll undrdevelop,ms nd untable, an the situationemployees in h fiedsward. But I hve full c

4、ondece n it brig futue i only our ecomy cabe kep at the gowth ace i I uesou may interesdin whyIcoosehs jo. I woud like tll you that hs ob is on of my ilonggoals f can ork ee, wil wkhad. A to m chracter, I nnt desrbe t wel,but Inow I am oiitic andconfident.Sometim I rfeto sty lone, rading an stenin t

5、e usi, u Ia no lol,for like to chat withy lsate about almos verhig. My vrie pastim s to plavolya, o playardsor surf oline. From lie aniversiy, earn oalancestu and ertanment. the wa,Iasan atoin amazingdraacub. I av a fglriu mmorie on se hat ismypide 考研英文口语自我介绍 . 自我介绍(selfinuce)God orningI m gadto be

6、re fothisinviw. Fist, le lt itrouc ml. ame is*, 24. Ic from *, he capa of *Provice I raduae rm the *deptet o *Uvesiyi uy, 202X n he past two yearsI vbeenpreparing for th potgrdut xiaiwhile have beenteachng *in NO *idle chl n Iwas head-tache o css inunir grad .Nowl y hrdork has gt a resut sine I hav

7、a chanc to be nterveb you. I m pnined, quicki thught n ery fon of hstry y spare e, I havrod inerests ike mny thr youges, h as reading oks, especllytose aot *reqentlyIexchange wthther people aing mmentsin the forum o in. I addition, ring myollge years, Ias onca Net-bar tcician So, I ve compartie goo

8、commadoneork apcatio I am aleto operatethecomputer wellI a silul searching for information inInternt. am a fotbal fan fr ears. Italiantam i my fai. nyay, Ifeelgreat pityfor ouruntrys eam. I alwysbelev tha eill esily abehind unles he keps nlearnngf curse, i I m ivea chanc to tudy *in ti famous Univer

9、siy, willpar ff t master a od command f avance*. . 考研原因 (reaons fr m choie) Ther a several aons. I have bee epy mpesed btheaaemiatsper whe I ame re lat sumr. In m opiion, as of the most famos *in ou cuntry,itprovi people it nugh ro t get frthe enrichmentThisis th irst eson. The secod ne isthatI a lo

10、ng fr doin rerch in*throughou mfe. Is a pleasure to be wih my fvoit* fo lifeim.I supposethisis he ost mortan factorin m dcio. Thrly, Ilert lo fom my *jb urin the a tw years. oeve, I hin frther td is stiluret f mto realize f-vaue. Lieis preciu. I i ecesary t seizeay hane or self-developmen, esecialyi

11、 this ompivemder world I word, Iam lki fowad to mak a soid oudatn rfut oessi ater wors sy ere3. 研究生期间你的计划(plasin the postgrduae sudy) Firs,IhI can form sytmatc vieof * As for *, my epeswi is to get a cmlete comprhensio of e formatin nd devpments ell s *. If psble, I go onwthy stud doctrt dree. In a

12、wor, I am lokigorard to mking solifounaton or tur professinter tw yersstudy r.4. 介绍你的家乡(bot homwn) I am rom *,a famous cityith long istor over 2,20 year It iclled “Rg hen” becaus here werelotsf bani even900 ears ago Te ct i in te ean pt the ovince. It s the cnte f politics,ecoomy ad ulue. Many ceebtieere bornhere, or ntance, Yanf, Xie Bingxn, in Zexuad son . . Yo


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