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1、UnderS且ndting: adei5口表层理解口速读教材卩26课文,完成下列任务I 阅读判断判断下列句子提供的信息是正确,还是错误,还是没有提及1. Dunhuang was the gateway and a green island in the middle of the desert.A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned.2. The Mogao Grottoes are testimony to how the Silk Road connect East and West.A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentione

2、d.3. Apsaras is unique to Dunhuang.A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned.4. Dunhuang began to fade during the Ming Dynasty.A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned.5. Mutual cooperation and cultural exchange make the Silk Road live.A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned.答案1 5 AAAAAII 补全信息选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子

3、提供的信息A. when they saw the oasis of Dunhuang ahead of themB. If you look upC. as it used to beD. Given that the theme of the Expo was to promote cultural exchange and strengthen mutual cooperation between the countries along the Silk RoadE. the first time I read it1. I fell in love with Dream of the

4、Red Chamber.2. You can only imagine how travellers fel.3. In the Ming Dynasty, trade routes changed and Dunhuang was not asprosperous .4. , you can see the paintings and other artworks that are testimony tohow the Silk Road brought East and West together.5. , Dunhuang was the ideal place.答案15 EACBDI

5、II.表格填空1. Para.12. Para.23. Para.3the Belt and Road Initiative.4. Para.45. Para.56. Para.6答案16 AFBEDCA. A short brief of DunhuangB. Dunhuangs muralsC. Dunhuang was brought to life throughD. Dunhuang faded graduallyE. Dunhuangs Library CaveF. The significance of DunhuangNameDunhuangLocationI.Gansu Pr

6、ovinceSignificance2.UNESCO-protected heritage sitesa centre of 3.cultural and commercial exchange4.a world-class tourist destinationCaves in MogaoGrottoesThe caves were carved out of the rock 5.over a period of 1, 000years.StatuesThe statues include elements from 6.Ancient Greece, India and Iran.Mur

7、alsThey vary from 7.religious stories to scenes of 8.everyday life.ApsarasApsaras painted during the Tang Dynasty are a reflection of 9. the confidence and optimism of people.Library CaveDiscovered inside were 10.thousands of manuscripts, paintings and scrolls including silk embroideries.I深度感悟一I细读教材

8、P26T7课文,完成下列任务I 主旨匹配II.单项选择1. Where does the article probably come from?AA travel brochure.BA tour guided commentary.CA blog.DA lecture.2What happened in 1900?ATreasures were hidden in a sealed cave.BWe could have a vivid picture of Dunhuang.CA Taoist priest found the famous Library Cave.DThe treasu

9、res date from 405 AD to 1002 AD.3What can we infer from the Dunhuang murals?AThe artists from that time performed better than nowadays ones.BIts subjects include religious stories and scenes of everyday life.CPeople from that time is confident and optimistic to life.DPainting reached a peak during t

10、he Tang Dynasty.4What is the main idea of the passage?AThe Silk Road was an ancient trade route between East and West,which passed through Dunhuang.BThe Silk Road city of Dunhuang has a splendid history and is once again a meeting place for people from around the world.CDunhuang serves as trade rout

11、es in ancient China.DIn Dunhuang there are grottoes,murals and other sights that attract tourists from all over the world.答案 14 BCBBIII.读后续写微技能读后续写微技能描述某地兴衰A.阅读课文中含有描述敦煌兴衰的语句1On the old Silk Road,this city was the gateway to and from Ancient China,a place where East met West,and a green island in th

12、e middle of the desert.2Dunhuangs long and glorious history represents its significance as a centre of cultural and commercial exchange.3Today,Dunhuang is a world-class tourist destination boasting sites with UNESCO-protected heritage status.4 In the Ming Dynasty ,trade routes changed and Dunhuang w

13、as not as prosperous as it used to be.B.判断下列语句中哪个不是描述敦煌兴衰的?1Dating from 405 AD to 1002 AD ,these hidden treasures give us a picture of Dunhuang when it was at the very centre of the Silk Road trade.2But one type of mural that is unique to Dunhuang shows the Apsaras,or “Flying Immortals”3Thanks to this ancient library ,we now know that goods arrived in Dunhuang from as far away as North east Europe,and that goods were also exported from Dunhuang across Asia and Europe.4Gradually,it faded from memory,even though it was once such a great city.答案 2


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