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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateVI.-礼貌原则Politeness-PrincipleVI.-礼貌原则Politeness-PrincipleVI. Leechs Politeness PrincipleContentsI. The Theoretical BackgroundII. The Politeness Principle & its MaximsIII. Interpretation

2、of the Politeness PrincipleIV. Violation of CP out of Politeness V. Humor Created by Flouting PP MaximsVI. Comprehensive Floutings of CP and PP MaximsVII. Pragmatic Analysis of Deliberate MisinterpretationReading: Leech, G. N. Principles of Pragmatics M. London: Longman. 1983.I. The Theoretical Back

3、groundPoliteness Principle (PP for short) was proposed by Leech in 1983.Leech: The Gricean framework itself cannot give a sufficient explanation of the following questions: Why do people so often convey their meaning indirectly? Why do people deliberately violate the CP maxims?Therefore, Leech (1983

4、) puts forward his Politeness Principle to rescue the CP from the serious trouble it is in:Cooperative Principle can not explain the dilemma that people fail to fulfill Cooperative Principle while at the same time observing it. (Leech, 1983: 80) II. The Politeness Principle & its MaximsGenerally spe

5、aking, Politeness Principle can be stated in such a way: Other things being equal, minimize the expression of impolite beliefs and maximize the expression of polite beliefs. (Leech, 1983: 80) Centering on the relationship between self and other, Leech analyzes politeness by the use of maxims and pro

6、poses six maxims of Politeness Principle:(1) Tact maxim: (得体准则) A. Minimize cost to other B. Maximize benefit to other(2) Generosity maxim: (慷慨准则) A. Minimize benefit to self B. Maximize cost to self(3) Approbation maxim: (赞誉准则) A. Minimize dispraise of other B. Maximize praise of other(4) Modesty m

7、axim: (谦逊准则) A. Minimize praise of self B. Maximize dispraise of self(5) Agreement maxim: (一致准则) A. Minimize disagreement between self and other B. Maximize agreement between self and other(6) Sympathy maxim: (同情准则) A. Minimize antipathy between self and other B. Maximize sympathy between self and o

8、ther (Leech, 1983:132)III. Interpretation of the Politeness Principle(1) Tact maxim: A. Minimize cost to other B. Maximize benefit to othere.g. a) Peel these potatoes. b) Hand me the newspaper. c) Sit down. d) Look at that. e) Enjoy your holiday. f) Have another sandwich.From (a) to (f), the degree

9、of politeness becomes increasingly greater. (2) Generosity maxim: A. Minimize benefit to self B. Maximize cost to selfe.g. a) You must come and have dinner with us. b) We must come and have dinner with you.(a) Is polite while (b) is impolite. (3) Approbation maxim: A. Minimize dispraise of other B.

10、Maximize praise of othere.g. A: Do you like these apricots? B: Ive tasted better.B is making an indirect negative comment on the apricots. Hes trying to be polite, avoiding the blunt direct comment “The apricots dont taste well.”(4) Modesty maxim: A. Minimize praise of self B. Maximize dispraise of

11、selfe.g. a) How stupid of me! b) How smart of me!(a) is polite while (b) is impolite. (5) Agreement maxim: A. Minimize disagreement between self and other B. Maximize agreement between self and othere.g. A: English is a difficult language to learn. B1: Yes, definitely. B2: Well, I dont think so.B1 i

12、s polite while B2 is impolite.(6) Sympathy maxim: A. Minimize antipathy between self and other B. Maximize sympathy between self and other e.g. a) Im terribly pleased to hear that your cat died. b) Im terribly sorry to hear about your cats death.(a) Is impolite while (b) is polite.So it can be seen

13、that Leechs PP mainly concerns the relationship between two participants, self and other. Self is normally identified with the speaker while other refers not only to the hearer, but also to the third parties designated by third-person pronouns because speakers also show politeness to those who may n

14、ot be involved in the conversation.Politeness is reflected on the maximization of benefit to other and minimization of benefit to self.According to Leech, not all the maxims are equally important, “politeness is focused more strongly on other than on self”. (Leech, 1983: 133)Within each maxim, the sub-maxim (A) is more important than sub-maxim (B); alternatively speaking, negative politeness (avoidance of discord) is more important than positive politeness (seeking concord). IV. Violation of CP out of PolitenessLeech: People deliberately violate cooperative principle out of consideration for


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