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1、2010 学年度第2学期五年级 英语 学科教科研工作计划梅园西路小学2011年2月科、级内教师个人科研专题及研究课安排学生情况初步分析 本学期教学要求(包括思想熏陶、基础知识、各项能力应达到的要求)某些学生的学习态度不端正,上课纪律松散,而且对上学期知识的遗忘也比较的多,但是大部分学生已经上个学期的学习,基本上已经养成了良好的学习习惯以及打下了坚实的学习基础,只要在此基础上不断加强知识的巩固以及知识掌握的测试来控制学生的学习进度和学习效率,就能够更好地促进学生的学习,提高学习成绩、让师生共同进步。听懂课堂活动中的简单提示能在口头表达中做到发音清楚、语调达意,能运用一些常用的日常套语。能用简单的

2、英语讲述简单的小故事。认读所学词语,根据拼读规律,读出简单单词,读懂教材。模仿范例写出句子,写出简单问候语,用写出简单短文。能按要求用简单的英语做游戏,能在教师的帮助下表演小故事,能表演教材中的英语对话和歌曲以及小诗词。能演唱简单的英文歌曲。各单元的整体安排(包括单元教学目标,教学重、难点,教学策略及教学进度安排)第一单元Phase:former pupil I want to be study at go by school bus need to (do sth) older than each other begin classes for half an hour on weekday

3、s May I speak to? be worried about late for school sleep in class a lot of catch up with hand in on time do well in Sentences:Whos the pretty girl in this photo? Whos:谁,(用于问人)How does she go to school? How:怎样,(用于问做事方式)How old is she? How old:多少岁,(用于问年龄)各单元的整体安排(包括单元教学目标,教学重、难点,教学策略及教学进度安排)Sentences:

4、主语是第三人称单数的一般现在时句子,行为动词末尾要加“s”。She studies at Rose School. She gets up early.Does she go to school by underground? (Does开头的句子,行为动词用原形。)She always goes to school by school bus.He cant do well in class. (情态动词后面的行为动词用原形。)主语是第三人称单数的一般现在时句子,行为动词末尾要加“s”。He looks tired.Does he go to bed very late? (Does开头的句

5、子,行为动词用原形。)比较级,用于两者之间的比较。Jiamin looks thinner now than before.He always goes to bed later than me.第二单元,Phase:its time to(do sth) its time for(sth) go back to sleep see the doctorlook pale give a checkup plenty of walk to school go by busread for a long time three times a daySentences:Its time to get

6、 up. (its time to后面跟动词词组,行为动词用原形。)Its time for breakfast. (its time for后面跟名词词组。)Were going to see the doctor. (一般将来时,be going to后面的行为动词用原形。)You should eat plenty of fruit. should:应该,You shouldnt eat too many sweets. shouldnt:不应该,Janet doesnt feel good. (doesnt后面的行为动词用原形。)How much food do you eat eve

7、ry day? How much:多少、多少钱,(用于问不可数名词的数量或价钱。)I dont eat fruit. (否定句) I dont:我不,表示否定。第三单元,Phase:move to nearer to your home much larger the old onebigger and brighter quite a lot one thousand and eighty Id love to.from Britain=come from Britain some of your classmates more thanmuch better have to a harde

8、r job to doSentences:Were going to move to the new school. (一般将来时,be going to后面的行为动词用原形。)How many pupils are there in your school? How many: 多少,(用于问数量)Would you like to visit our new school next Friday? (一般疑问句,用Yes, please.或No, thanks.回答)比较级,用于两者之间的比较。Is your new school much bigger than the old one?

9、The classrooms are bigger and brighter.What languages do you usually speak at school? What languages: 什么语言,What time do your classes begin? What time: 什么时间,(用于问时间)各单元的整体安排(包括单元教学目标,教学重、难点,教学策略及教学进度安排)第四单元,Phase:in the world on land the biggest animals in water in the seaof all run fastest how fast l

10、ook likeSentences:Which is bigger, a blue whale or a dinosaur? Which: 哪一个,(选择疑问句,用于问“几个选一个”的问题。)A blue whale can be more than thirty metres long. can be: can后面动词用原形。What do whales eat? What: 什么,We can see whales at the park? 这是一个反问句,用法与“Can we see whales at the park?”形容词最高级:用于三者之间的比较。结构“是动词the形容词最高级

11、”Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world.Elephants are the biggest animals on land.I think this picture is the best.What are you doing? What: 什么, (现在进行时:aredoing)How fast can a cheetah run? How fast: 多快,What animals can run faster than horses? What: 什么,What does a cheetah look like? What: 什

12、么,副词最高级:用于三者之间的比较。结构:“行为动词副词最高级”。Of all animals they run fastest.They run fastest in the world.A kangaroo can jump highest of the three.A shark swims best of the three.第五单元,Phase:eat at go inside more delicious likebest so fullwalk back home very famous good for me the most deliciousthe most famous

13、names of the food I dont understand!four kinds of food agree withSentences:Which do you prefer? 选择疑问句I prefer (答句)Which:哪一个,(用于问几选一)I dont likeand I dont likeeither. 双重否定。 either也,用于否定句。多音节形容词的比较级。 结构:more形容词原形Hamburgers are more delicious than pizza.Pizza is more delicious than hamburgers.Where sha

14、ll we have dinner? Where=What place:什么地方,(用于问地点、位置)Which food would you like?选择疑问句, Which:哪一个,(用于问几选一)Different people like different foods. 不同的人喜欢不同的食物。各单元的整体安排(包括单元教学目标,教学重、难点,教学策略及教学进度安排)多音节形容词的最高级。 结构:the most形容词原形Chinese food is the most delicious food in the world!They are the most important food for us.It is the most famous food in Guangzhou.第六单元,Phase:put on much colder sunny weather quit


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