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1、九年级英语Unit1-Unit2练习题 一,根据要求填词.1.Kate cant read the p of the new words.2.If you want to learn English well, you should read it a every day.3.The teacher told us m the words of pop song also helped a little.4.Be afraid of failure(失败). Please face the c bravely.5.Be sure of me. I wont tell your (秘诀) to

2、others.6.Her (死亡) was a great shock(打击)to me and made me very sad.7. Sometimes, he finds watching movies f because the people speak too quickly.8. His brother is a s now. He joined the army(参军) last year.9. The silk feels s .10Reading English a can help us improve English.二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. The best w

3、ay (improve) your speaking skills is talking with your partner in English.2. Do you learn English by (solve) the grammar problems?3. Your (speak) English is very good.4. At last, we end up (speak) in Chinese.5. We had trouble (climb) Mount Tai.6. He to send her son to study in England, but that was

4、a difficult (decide).7. The book is and the children are in it.(interest)8. The old man is afraid of (be) alone.9. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of (play) games with my friends.10 It took Bill Gates lots of time (develop) the computer software(微软).11. Lucy saw a little boy (cry

5、) in the corner.13. (study) grammar is a great way to learn a language.14.Im (terrify) of being alone. I want to play with my friends.15.He couldnt even afford (buy) a good suit because he spent most of his money on his sons education.三、单项选择1.-HowdoyoulearnEnglish? -_.A.IlearnEnglishforthepeople B.

6、IdontlikeEnglishC.IlearnEnglishbyworkingwithsomestudents D. I like English very much. 2. ( ) It is easy me understand my teacher.A. for, to B. of , to C. at ,in D. to ,for3. ( )I think English is hard well. I want to give it up.A. so, to learn B. too, learning C. too, to learn D. too, not to learn4.

7、 ( ) The smile on her face shows that she is her work.A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for D. afraid of5. ( ) -I dont have a partner to .-Maybe you should join a dancing club.A. dance with B. dance C. dancing with D. danced with6.( )I saw many students to a foreigner just now.A. talks B. ta

8、lking C. to talk D. talked7.( )-Why dont you ask Lucy? - .A. Yes , I do B. Thanks C. I will D. No, I dont8. Jane is so shy that she is afraid of in front of a group. A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. to speak9.( )He has learning English five years.A. be, for B. been, in C. been, since D. been, for 1

9、0.( ) you remember, Im Dania, your childhood friend?A. Arent B. Dont C. Do not D. Cant11.( )She used to late. But now she is used to early.A. sleep, sleeping B. sleeping, sleep C. sleeps, sleeping D.sleeping, sleeps12. ( )You used to be shy, ?A. dont you B. arent you C. werent you D. didnt you13.( )

10、You may be if you have a problem.A. excited , exciting B. exciting, excited C. worried , worrying D. worrying, worried14. ( )The car me 20,000 yuan.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays15 .( ) When we heard the bad news, we .A. cant stop to cry B. couldnt stop to cry C. couldnt stop crying D. cant sto

11、p crying16.( )Drinking too much is bad for your health. is important for you.A.Give it up B.Give it in C.Giving it up D.Giving it in17( )I went to visit him, but , he left a minute ago.A. in my surprise B.to my surprised C.I was surprised D. to my surprise18( ) you said in the meeting was exactly I

12、excepted to hear.A. What, that B. What, what C.That, what D.That, that19.( )-You arent a stranger(陌生人), are you? - . Dont you remember the mountain with us last weekend?A. Yes,climbing B. No, climbing C.Yes,climb D.No, climb20.( )Its raining .We have to stay at home instead of going fishing.A. badly B .hardly C. heavily D. strongly四、根据汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 他觉得学习语发是学习语言的一种好方法。He thinks that is to learn a language.2. 我对这个无聊的故事感到乏闷。I am with the


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