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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上6年级上册 Unit 3A卷: 课堂点拨题 1. 复习一般过去式“主谓宾”的肯定句(1)Helen _ to school on foot this morning. A. went B. go C. goes(2)Nancy early every day. But she late this morning. A. gets up; was B. get up; is C. got up; was(3)I to the kitchen and some delicious food just now. A. went; ate B. go; eat C. am g

2、oing; am eating(4)【难题】We a monkey on the hills last week.A. saw, jump B. saw, jumping C. saw, jumps D.see, jumping2. 过去式“主谓宾”一般疑问句(1)【易错】 your sister at home just now? A. Was B. Were C. Did(2)- you bring any food there? -Yes, I brought . A.Did , a lot B.Did, many C. Did, a lot of(3)- you any apples

3、on the farm? A.Did;picked B. Did;pick C. Do;picked(4)I to the party last weekend. A.didnt go B. didnt went C.wasnt go(5)Look! Tom is (walk) the river. Lets go and play (介词) him.(6) - she (pick) oranges? -No, she didnt.3. 过去式“主谓宾”特殊疑问句(1)What did she do yesterday evening? She .A.water flowers B. wate

4、rs flowers C. watered flowers(2)【易错】Where _ Su Yang and her cousin yesterday afternoon? A.was B. were C. did(3)Where did you go _ this holiday? A. at B. for C.in(4)【易错】-How did you spend your weekends? -I _ any places. It _ all day.A. went, rainy B. werent go, rained C. didnt go, rainedD. went, rain

5、ed4. 过去式“主系表”特殊疑问句(1)Where your brother last night? A.were B.was C.is(2)How _(be) your last summer holiday?5. excited和exciting的用法(1)【易错】Mary is (exciting) about the fashion show.(2)【易错】The students are (get) very excited.6. It is time for 和Its time to的转换(1)Its time to (have) lunch. (2)It is time for

6、 bed.(改为同义句) B卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.Helen very excited the party. A.is, for B.was ,about C.is, in ( )2.We picked many apples and on the farm. A. go to fish B. went to fishing C.went fishing D. go fishing.( )3.My father a book last night. A.read B.reads C.is reading( )4.His father wants to the Summer Pal

7、ace. A.to going B.to go C.go( )5. you Ben yesterday? A.Did;called B.Do;call C. Did;call( )6.Jim _ go home last night. A. doesnt B. didnt C. isnt( )7.【易错】We had a picnic_ National Day. A. on B. at C. in D. for二填入适当的词1.good(副词) 2.heavy(反义词) 3.funny(名词) 4.holiday(复数) 5.got(原形) 6.fish(复数) 7.excited(原形)

8、8.写出下列动词的过去式go come sit have sing catch get run tell eat make 9.I _(go) to the cinema last Saturday. 10.【易错】We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing)11.Mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table now? Yes.12.Mr Sun usually _(go) _(fish)at weekends.13.My father _(catch) a big rabbit. It was great fun.14.My father _ (d

9、rink) a lot of wine(酒) just now . 15.【易错】Jim_ (like)_(read).Look! He_(read) an English magazine.16._ you _ (finish) your homework yesterday? 17.Bobby (wear) a T-shirt at that time.18.Id like (wear) the paper clothes.19. the meeting go (good)?20.- he (watch) the film yesterday? -Yes, he .21.-Did you

10、wear paper clothes? -Yes,I (wear) a paper T-shirt. 22. you (watch) TV yesterday? 23.Id like (make) a model ship.24.The women (wear) a red coat that day. 25.What _ your uncle _ (do) yesterday morning? He (get ) some fruits. 26.How (do) Mr. Green (go) to work yesterday? He (be) on foot.27.Its time to

11、(have) lunch. 三翻译1.去农场 2. 给他打电话 3.拜访我的婶婶 4.Easter holiday 5. at first: 6. be excited about: 7.国庆节 8.穿纸衣服 9.进展顺利 10.大雨 11.许多瓶子 12.捉鱼 13.摘苹果 14.你在假期里去了哪儿? 我去游览长城了。Where you in the holiday? I the .15.【易错】我们钓到了一条大鱼。但是我们没有吃。 We a big . But we it.16.【易错】我们摘了很多橘子还给花浇了水。 We many oranges and flowers.17.你昨天去溜冰了吗?是的,那太好玩了。- you go yesterday? -Yes, that great .18.【易错】展览秀进展好吗? 起初很棒,但后来下起了雨。 -Did the ? It was wonderful at first,but then there .20.-去年的圣诞假期你干什么的? -我和家人去了一


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