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1、现在完成时复习课-课堂实录T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: Nice to meet you here.Ss: Nice to meet you too.T: Luckily, today well have an unforgettable English class. I hope all of us love it and enjoy it. As the saying goes,“Practice makes perfect. No pains, no gains. Where theres a will, theres a

2、way.”First lets read our jobs together.开场白的交流是为了提醒学生重视这节复习课的同时,还要知道学习 是靠努力得来,不劳无获,而且有志者事竟成,只要用心学一切皆有 可能。同时练习学生的听力能力。Ss: 1. Review the Present Perfect.2. Grasp the main uses of the tense.3. Can combine the theory with practice to talk about how to keep healthy. 学生齐读复习任务,是想让学生有复习方向,做到心中有数。T: I think t

3、he third one is the most important of all. Lets play a game. Look at the pictures and guess what s wrong with her/him. Answer it as quickly as you can.S1: Lose his job.S2: Win a prize.S3: Win the first prize.S4: Have a toothache.S5: Have a headache.S6: Have a fever.S7: Have a stomachache.形象生动的游戏营造了宽

4、松和谐的教学氛围,使学生处于轻松、愉快 的学习环境,发展学生的创新思维,增加用所学知识探索新知识的机 会,使学生的交际能力得到锻炼。T: So much for our game. Lets begin our revision.1. Review the form of the Present Perfect tense.Ss: have/has + PP2. T: Review the three uses of the Present Perfect tense.S1: The action happened in the past and had an influence on the

5、 present or had a result.S2: The time is already, yet, just, ever, before and so far.S3: have/has been to 去过;have/has gone to 去了S4: The third use is that the action happened in the past until now orthe future.S5: The time is for. since. How long3. T: Yeah, they are extension of time. And they are co

6、nnected to the durational verbs Lets go on reviewing some momentary verbs and its durational verbs Answer it as quickly as you canS1: die - be deadS2: leave -be away fromS3: come - be in/ atS4: borrow - keepS5: buy - have4. T: Think the past participle rules of the regular verbsS1: play - playedS2:

7、live - livedS3: plan- plannedS4: study - studied5. T: Think how many kinds of past participle rules of the irregular verbs.S1: Five. AAA; ABB; ABA; ABC; AABS2: AAA “put put put ; cost cost cost”ABB “buy bought bought ; fight fought fought”ABA “come came come; run ran run”ABC “begin began begun ; dri

8、ve drove driven”AAB “beat beat beaten”鼓励、PK和抢答教学,有利于培养学生的竞争意识。在课堂上,当 学生回答不上问题时候,鼓励就起到了很好的作用。这是帮助差生克 服英语学习的方法,而且任何的鼓励都会使孩子们感到高兴。这节课 我没有大胆使用鼓励,当学生不敢举手的时候,没有更好的尝试用鼓 励方法。总觉得这样既浪费时间又怕完不成任务。可我们作为一名教 师要倡导开放式的,互动的教学方法。强化教学情感,建立以人为本 的学生主体观,在课堂教学中充分营造一种能够发挥学生,让学生在 和谐的英语环境中得到很好的锻炼的氛围。尽力创设各种情景,鼓励 学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在

9、学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的 态度。为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我 发展的一个空间。让学生在生动有趣的活动中学会学习。同时还创设 小组活动,鼓励学生个体之间的融洽合作和有序竞争,把激励和竞争 带进课堂,形成较开放的教学模式。6. T: Lets practice together.Exercise one: Turn it into the negative sentence.S1:在 have/has 后加 not,并把 already 改为 yetS2:He hasnt caught a cold yet.S3:He hasnt gone to the hosp

10、ital.Exercise two: Turn it into the general question.S1: 把 have/has 提前,并把 already 改为 yetS2:Has he caught a cold yet?S3:Has he gone to the hospital?Exercise three: Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.S1: The twins have washed (wash) the clothes for an hour.S2: He has played (play) basketball si

11、nce three years ago.S3:A: Wheres Jim, Li Lei?B: He hasgoneto his school library.S4: We have been to the Great Wall twice.Its very beautiful.Exercise four: Turn it into the Synonymous sentences.S1: Tom has been in Changyi for ten years.S2: Tom has had the book since last week.总结归纳的目的是疏通脉络,是知识更加系统化、程序

12、化,以便使用 时能顺利提取,以便使知识及时转化为能力。7. T: Look at the pictures and answer whats wrong with them. Yeah, they are ill. What should they do? Right, go to see the doctor. Now, work in pairs and act “see the doctor”.Ss are ready for the activity. Then each team began to act “see the doctor”. Ss act the doctor, th

13、e kid and the families. The doctor put on the white uniform. The kid pretends to be ill. (This is the scene play.) 交际活动与角色扮演。学习英语一个重要的目的就是用于交际,开展 多种活动,注重语言的操作与运用,采用多种形式的活动,激发学生 的求知欲望,不断变化教学形式,让学生时时产生新鲜好奇感,让学 生在活动中学,在学习中交际,在交际中创造。这节复习课中,我多采用表演对话。即让学生就所学过的对话进 行模仿表演,也就是把学过的知识分成一个个小任务后,要求每个小 组至少要准备一个小任务

14、,在复习课上各组把他们所准备的任务向同 学们进行了展示。我想课堂上学生参与活动的积极性一定会更高,而且不会感到厌听,各小组能把自己准备的小任务向同学们进行汇报, 这一过程就是极好的复习过程,在课堂上学生一直处于积极的状态之 中,学生们在做中学、在学中做。8. T: Good jobs. Now more and more people are not healthy enough.What shall we do? Can you give us some good advice about how to keep healthy? One student gives us one tip a

15、t least.S1: An apple a day, keep the doctor away.S2: Eat less meat and eat more vegetables and fruit.S3: Have breakfast and dont eat fast food.S4: Get some exercise, such as running and swimming.S5: Go to work on foot.S6: Be happy every day.S7: Work with a smile on our face.S8: Dont be angry.S9: Dont go to bed late.S10: Go to the hospital when you are ill.9. T: Lets sum up what you have got this class.S1: 现在完成时的构成S2: 现在完成时的 3个用法S3 :现在完成时的时间for加一段时间,since加过去的点时间提问用how long;它们都是延续性时间,要与延续性动词连用。S4:现在完成时变否定句,在have/has后加not,变一般疑问句,把 have/ has 提前。S5:我们还知道了怎么保持健康。


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