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1、一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1H oughta igthat was m o s_My ohe isarin a ie b_ tday.Ma animl such asshee,cos nd bbits likeaing_;others like eatinmat.4he Chies us _ instead ofknives an ors to at5he ought bautiful b_ for rmtheasa bitday preen last week nd sheput i on riht away.he loks eautiul because he wrsa s_ cha

2、in aroud he neck.7TheThirts ae o c_fel smooth and warm.二、用所给词的适当形式填空8.Lo!hre _(coin) are on the floor. ets pick them up.9.ssGen dvied us tcorate a cad fo ch other with those _(leaf).(淮安)10Over0 of e ountry heat _(pr) ithis reion11Sndog s _(know)or bi aneetales12.At resent, peop aretryg heirt to sp t

3、hevirs fo spreading _(wide)intheoherparts of theworl.1os ihn 6 cellphones _(poduc)by the ompanyHean三、根据汉语意思完成课文原句或原句改编1中国哪里产丝绸?ee is sk_ _?5这些产品被装箱,送到中国周围许多不同的国家和地区。Thepoucts_ _and_may difecountread placesaron China.四、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词16Would you lie toe me so_(硬币)7.Tsatory eveloped a nw _(产品)1se fresh

4、vegetes ae sent o the cmpay for_(加工).五、用适当的介词填空19.The paer is made_wood.20.his ringis ade_ilver.2.hesubw carige ma_Chinaenterdic maket sccssfuly.2.Th paper planes wre ae _ the boy ine vr tere.23.Ti pi f wood can e ad_a bench.六、单项选择24.ao Mig is famous _payi baskbAt Bs C D.btwen5.Your looks vey ice. W

5、ats i made _?Cotto,and i mde_Whan.A.fro;i B.o;nCfrm;o Dof;o答案:一、1.sver blouse 3.grass .hopstics来源:Z,xx,k.Com5.blouse 点拨:本题用寻找关键词法解题。根据“he put it on righ awa”可知,她为自己的妈妈买的是穿的。6.silvr.ottn二、.coins 9.laves 1.is proced 1.kow 12widely 点拨:本题用语法判定法解题。widely d.广泛地,修饰prad。来源:学#科#网ZX#13are prouced点拨:本题用语法判定法解题

6、。分析celphones和ru的关系可知,它们属于被动关系,因此用被动语态。三、1prouc Chia 15.re pcked; nt to四、16coins 17.rodct 8procssig五、.frm点拨:本题考查be mae加介词的基本用法。bmde from“由制成(看不出原材料)”。2of 点拨:bmdeof“由制成(看得出原材料)”。2.n 点拨:e ma in地点,在哪里生产的。22.by3.n点拨:此类题用多元归一法来做。beadefrm由制成,从其制成品中看不出原材料,from后接表示原材料的名词;be mde f由制成,从其制成品中能看出原材料;bemadein在生产或制造,in后面加表示地点的名词;e made y由制造,by后面接动作的执行者;bemade into被制成,it后面接表示制成品的名词。六、24C 点拨:此题用固定短语法。固定短语 fou fr意为“因著名”。5.B点拨:e m f 为固定短语,意为“由制成”,由成品可以看出原材料;be ad i后接地点,表示“在制造”。综上所述,故选。


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