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1、. .一. 词义匹配 (共10题,共10分)1. Everyone might undergo such changes once in a while. (1分)A.experience B.understand C.experiment D.expect 标准答案:A 2. The herb medicine eventually cured her diseases. (1分)A.nicely B.apparently C.finally D.naturally 标准答案:C 3. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be t

2、here by noon. (1分)A.decided B.persuaded C.concluded D.convinced 标准答案:C 4. As we all know, the rose symbolizes love. (1分)A.resents B.presents C.represents D.illustrates 标准答案:C 5. His main rival is going further. (1分)A.leader B.partner C.opponent D.cooperator 标准答案:C 6. I should teach my students that

3、science is akin to common sense. (1分)A.similar to B.referred to C.related to D.connected to 标准答案:A 7. It is said that the Mom maltreats her own daughter. (1分)A.kills B.beats C.starves D.abuses 标准答案:D 8. He went to Cuba in the preceding summer. (1分)A.before B.near C.future D.previous 标准答案:D 9. This a

4、rticle shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs. (1分)A.thoughts B.ideas C.opinions D.suggestions 标准答案:D ! 10. At no time has the country been more flourishing than at present. (1分)A.busy B.poor C.prosperous D.strong 标准答案:C 二. 词汇语法 (共20题,共20分)1. So far the ceasefire has been _ b

5、y both sides. (1分)A.observed B.deserved C.served D.looked 标准答案:A 2. Congress passed a law that_ the?disposal of waste. (1分)A.regulates B.relates C.registers D.regards 标准答案:A 3. Im afraid he is so poor that he cant _ books. (1分)A.afford B.offer C.supply D.provide 标准答案:A 4. The book of J. K. Rowling i

6、s sold well whenever it is_. (1分)A.declared B.released C.relieved D.announced 标准答案:B 5. They wont buy new clothes because they _ money to buy a new house. (1分)A.save B.are saving C.have saved D.were saving 标准答案:B 6. We waited until five oclock, but he did not?_. (1分)A.show off B.show up C.show aroun

7、d D.show on 标准答案:B 7. Some?senior?students?wrote?in?asking?for?information?_?postgraduate?studies.? (1分)A.concern B.concerned C.having concerned D.concerning 标准答案:D 8. Last week we _ to the restaurant in the new hotel. (1分)A.go B.have gone C.went D.are going 标准答案:C 9. The doctor took my temperature

8、and _ to my heart. (1分)A.listen B.will listen C.has listened D.listened 标准答案:D 10. I hope my dream about prison wont _! (1分)A.realize B.attain C.achieve D e true 标准答案:D 11. Environmental groups say action is needed to find clean,?_ energy sources.? (1分)A.renew B.renewal C.renewing D.renewable 标准答案:D

9、 12. He was embarrassed at first but he was clever enough to amuse the audience with his sense of _. (1分)A.guilt B.direction C.humor D.achievement 标准答案:C 13. So many fantastic ideas! Its too much for me to _ all at once. (1分)A.abandon B.absorb C.break D.revolve 标准答案:B 14. Such?a?transition?would?_?C

10、hina?with?much?greater?job-creating?potential. (1分)A.provide B.offer C.give D.take 标准答案:A 15. If I _ how that works, Ill post an update. (1分)A.figure out B.break out C.carry out D.turn out 标准答案:A 16. I am studying the reason _the growing number of mixed marriage. (1分)A.because B.behind C.why D.of 标准

11、答案:B 17. She _ to the office than she got down to writing the report. (1分)A.has no sooner got B.had hardly got C.no sooner got D.had no sooner got 标准答案:D 18. Li Ming felt proud of being _ a living dictionary. (1分)A.known for B.known as C.named after D.named for 标准答案:B 19. The meeting _ till next wee

12、k. (1分)A.put off B.will put off C.will be put off D.was put off 标准答案:C 20. You cant _ anyone for your lagging-behind of the study. (1分)A.accuse B.blame C.scold D.criticize 标准答案:B 三. 完型填空 (共10题,共10分)1. By tradition, the 1(?) of Thanksgiving Day is to commemorate the early successful harvests celebrat

13、ed by the white settlers 2(?) arrived in the New World. The first celebrations in what is now Canada were held in Newfoundland in 1578 by the English navigator, Martin Frobisher. These were the usual harvest festivals after the years work. The first recorded celebration in 3(?) is now the USA 4(?) s

14、ometime in autumn in 1610, celebrated by the colonists at Jamestown, Virginia. 5(?), for these colonists it was not so much a celebration of the harvest but the fact that supply ships had arrived 6(?) England. Due to the terrible winter 1609-1610, the colonists numbers had been 7(?) from 490 down to 60, and they were desperate. The first harvest-related Thanksgiving in the later USA was in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts, a year 8(?) the a


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