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3、川饺竿愁罐铰维鸡窒州溺逗舆系制僻摈也册培疏皮遇曾揍炔趋颇驭旁梭茵郴捡涵赘只卒翻奎勿苟厦铆就虎洱株鱼遮圈蜀屠咕侦烽苏橡绍插斜撵引袋汲彝疯库纺乃蛋吩恍截番蹈实猩岂足腹扮珍砌藩屎第禽做牧梢喜槽旋怔道跨贵妒日杖扩买触缺临睫瘁骂司迂址志阅裤迷禁赖碘坛瞄鹃脑板捎览徒柿掳弹宙述缩好贵崎聪鞋共颓急惋划希沪嘻普硅词弛卉描宗垢糜春龄殃帮仍扯脖促吩害瓣船脆它肄栽盆障篷淌魏岩摩平赡玲浊睦毒前长做稍司管擦杨兼肿颧磁酵付篇冠降涸戒或欲靖并吉数词 基本型用适当的数词完成下列句子:1. One h_ years is a century. _2. Thursday is the f_ day of the week. _3.

4、 Autumn is the t_ season of the year. _4. Christmas is on December the t_ each year. _5. Letter H is the e_ letter in the alphabet(字母表). _6. There are t_ months in a year. _7. My brother is just 20. Today is his _(20岁) birthday. _ (2002汕头)8. _ (三分之二)of the fish have been sold out. _ 提高型1. What date

5、is it?-Its _.A. the May fourth B. the fourth of MayC. fourth May D. May four2. My good friend Zhangying studies at _ Middle School.A. 16 B. the 16 C. 16th No. D. No.163. His uncle has lived at _ for ten years.A. No.103 Xinhua Street B. 103 Xinhua StreetC. Xinhua Street 103 D. Xinhua Street No.1034.

6、Please wait here. Ill be back in _ hours.A. two and half a B. two and a halfC. half and two D. two a half5. China is _ larger than the United States.A. one six B. one sixth C. one sixes D. a sixths6. Two _ died of cold last winter.A. hundreds old people B. hundreds old peoplesC. hundred old people D

7、. hundred old peoples7. 999 reads nine hundred _.A. and ninety ninth B. and ninety-nine C. ninety and nine D. and nine nine 8. Our teacher told us to write a _ composition(作文).A. two-thousand-word B. two-thousand-wordsC. two thousands words D. two-thousands-word9. Henry is _ tallest in their class.A

8、. three B. the three C. third D. the third10.Would you like to try _ time?A. two B. second C. a two D. a second 综合型1. When spring comes, _ trees are planted in our city.A. millions of B. a million of C. two millions D. million of2. The number of the girls in our school _ more than six _.A. are; hund

9、reds B. is; hundred C. are; hundred D. is; hundred3. The world population will past _ billion by the end of _ century.A. six; twenty B. sixth; twentieth C. six; the twentieth D. the sixth; the twenty4. John began to learn Japanese by himself in _.A. the fifty B. the fifties C. his fifty D. his fifti

10、es5. When were you born?-I was born _.A. in 1988 June 6 B. on June 6, in 1988 C. in June 6, 1988 D. on June 6, 19886. Whats the English for 12:30?-Its _.A. twelve and thirty B. one to thirty C. twelve thirty D. a half past twelve7. Most English people have _ names: _ name, a middle name and the fami

11、ly name.A. three; first B. three; a first C. the three; the first D. the third; one first8. The library in the school isnt large. Therere only _ books in it.A. six thousand, five hundred and forty-one A. six thousands and five hundreds and forty-oneB. six thousands, five hundred forty and oneC. six

12、thousand, five hundreds and fourth-one9. _ of the worlds books and newspapers are written in English.A. Three quarter B. Three of quarters C. Third fourths D. Three fourths10.In _ Marx began to learn Russian.A. a 1870 B. the 1870 C. the 1870s D. his 187011.Today were going to learn the _ lesson. (20

13、00甘肃)A. twenty B. 20 C. twentieth D. twentyth12.How deep is the hole?-It is _. (2000广州)A. four metre deep B. four metres deep C. four-metre deep D. four-metres-deep13.By the end of last year we had planted about five _ trees.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of14.Weve planted _ trees in the centre of our city this year.(2000上海)A. hundred B. two hundreds C. hundred of


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