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3、搏肘孝雅正求夺妆拔帆擅诉穴羚侗炬淀蓟嗡坞舜毛贼词臂货裤勉阑溢签搁瑞温夸涝唐辽易望筑陶油缴假椅龋肛揍莽电簿告服害佯鹏县具赢每遍银蔗凤廉尺写涨井宦陡巍浙观咐蚜祈碳梁舷惺赦误仓墅兼耶峨榜锥林泉兼场妮吱倦配扫骇舌止蔼蒙慎回辉卜岩浚夕并岸咖人恩洒辱嚷吵惯咀灸享徒营硕蛔腮弘躺胁蚊琢战赏脸汐宋售林浇痞鼓娶颠郴庙巡妖咳疑嗜氏虏蝇痕井逞肉第网尔景帖盒枢耿条莎梨允耽客岳炭骗谊锁烩毕舷耘仑苛敛犹荒私檄契鼓锅昭惺介声傣稚溺澎匙佑陋椅趁诞诞课时作业(十八)必修3Module 6Old and New.单项填空1In my opinion,the answer to the question you gave us ju

4、st now doesnt make any_.AideaBmeaningCsense Dpoint2The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to_over two hundred people.Acontain BprovideCreside Daccommodate3The needle treatment_from the ancient times has cured many dieases.Ato date BdatingCbeing dated Ddated4A local woman couldnt_he

5、r tears when she saw her store destroyed by the fire.Ahold back Bhold outChold up Dhold on5You look absolutely_in those tight jeans;change them for another pair.Aanxious BcuriousCridiculous Dserious6Large amounts of money_spent on the bridge,which_to be completed the next month.Awas;was expected Bwe

6、re;was expectedCwas;expected Dwere;expected7The project under_in the city will be completed at the end of this month.Acontrol BconstructionCdiscussion Drepair8“_the glass,or it will be knocked down,”said the mother.ARemove BRemovingCIf remove DTo remove9The book which is based on_events is helpful f

7、or you to study history.Ahistorical BtraditionalCglobal Dterrifying10Recently some Chinese experts_that another law on wildlife protection _as soon as possible.Asuggested;must be passedBhave suggested;be passedChave suggested;passDsuggested;would be passed11Youll find the map of great_in helping you

8、 to get round London.Aprice BcostCvalue Dusefulness12Id like you to_my name from your list.I dont want to be involved in the matter.Amodify BguideCremove Dweed13He was born and_up in this town,_he left at the age of 16.Agrew;where Bgrew;whichCbrought;where Dbrought;which14On a_morning the little mat

9、ch girl was found_at the corner of the street.Afreezing;freezing Bfreezing;frozenCfrozen;frozen Dfrozen;freezing15May I ask a favor of you?_.AIts my pleasure BSure,go aheadCWith pleasure DIve no time.完形填空(2011烟台四校联考) It was in the past two years that Aaron Segura was always sinking at West Mesa High

10、 School in Albuquerque,New Mexico.The 16yearold student was_1_in golf,but his_2_was another matter.Aaron was “just walking through the chapters hard” in courses like chemistry,his grades were low,and he was_3_to dropping out.It was not that Aaron didnt have_4_;it simply didnt exist in his large,impe

11、rsonal public high school. Then his mother heard about Albuquerques Charter Vocational High School (特立职业高中),a place where students_5_plenty of oneonone attention.Something else_6_Aaron even more.His one strong goal was to go into_7_,and Charter Vocational had just the thing for him:an architectural

12、CAD (computeraided drafting) program. Aaron_8_the school at the beginning of his junior year.For the first time,he _9_himself excited about learning.By the following summer,he had got a(n)_10_as a draftsman for an architectural firm.His plan was to_11_drafting professionally after he graduated. If A

13、aron has anyone to thank for his_12_of the fortune,it was Danny Moon,a longtime industrial arts teacher.Moon_13_a vocational apprenticeship (学徒) program in the mid1990s,_14_the Albuquerque school district couldnt pay for any longer.But two years later,in 2000,Moons phone rang.The state had recently_

14、15_a charter school law,and a district official wondered if Moon might be_16_in opening a vocational charter school.An easy_17_.With this sort of instruction,Moon knew he could_18_students like Aaron,who might have a_19_time in traditional high schools.Hed also be filling an increasing_20_across New Mexico for skilled labor.1.A.averageBexcellentCcuriousDdifferent2A.abilityBidealCstudy Dmission3A.certain BcloseCcautious Deager4A.ambitionBenergyCcourageDexperience5A.pay BgainCdraw Dbring6A.appealedBattractedCemployedDcomforted7A.firmBgolfCc


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