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1、1. to reflect on a problem严肃考虑一个问题2. intellectual preoccupation有思想有学问的人孜孜不倦思考探索的问题3.to take on the modern form具有现代形式4.to come up with the formula提出了这样一种准则5.survival of the fittest适者生存6.substantial measure of responsibility在很大程度上负有责任7.unemployment insurance失业保险8.Medicare and Medicaid医疗照顾和医疗补助9.weapon

2、s procurement武器采购10.supply-side economics供应学派经济学11.corporate executives企业经理人员12.food stamps食品劵13.Workers Compensation工人(失业)补助金14.subsidized housing住房补贴15.disability insurance伤残保险16.social tranquility社会安定1.in the line of Shermans march在谢尔曼将军的行军路线上2.a folding cot apiece每人一张轻便的帆布折叠床3.to replenish our f

3、ood stock补充我们的食品4.as an added treat作为特别的款待5.free-roaming cattle自由放牧的牛群6.an infamous outlaw一个臭名昭著的亡命之徒7.business as usual一切照常8.to make regular runs to and fro定期往来运输9.a weather-boarded shack由隔板搭成的简陋的小屋10.under the care and interest of our entire family在我们全家的悉心照管下1.in the line of Shermans march在谢尔曼将军的行

4、军路线上2.a folding cot apiece每人一张轻便的帆布折叠床3.to replenish our food stock补充我们的食品4.as an added treat作为特别的款待5.free-roaming cattle自由放牧的牛群6.an infamous outlaw一个臭名昭著的亡命之徒7.business as usual一切照常8.to make regular runs to and fro定期往来运输9.a weather-boarded shack由隔板搭成的简陋的小屋10.under the care and interest of our entir

5、e family在我们全家的悉心照管下1.good for only one throw只能投一次2.a life that could be lived without hypocrisy or deprivation or shame一种没有虚伪、不丧失自我、不感到羞辱的生活3.all up and down the street整条街道4.a long necessary voyage from the house of marriage为摆脱婚姻的禁锢而必须踏上的漫长旅途5.a perfect waterfall of noise如瀑布般的叫声6.like the sound of a

6、 wave full of stones, crashing on the beach这声音就像是卷着石块的海浪冲击着海滩7.backing out of our driveway从汽车道里把车倒出去8.during all the years of our dwindling friendship在我们的友谊逐渐淡化的那些岁月里1.dignity of man人的尊严2.intellectual improvement 提高智力3.capital goods 生产资料4.representative institutions代议制政府机构5.dogmatic preconceptions教条

7、式的偏见6.structures of analysis分析问题的理论体系7.a set of binding propositions一系列必须遵循的主张8.rigid a priori doctrine僵硬的先验理论9.to narrow the spectrum of choice(由于信仰教条的原因)使选择的范围变得十分狭小10.fatalistic view of history宿命论的历史观11.closed universe封闭的世界12.abundant and streaming life of man丰富的、永不停顿的人类生活13.an absolute grip on A

8、bsolute Truth独自掌握了绝对真理14.the uncoerced intercourse of unconstrained minds自由思想不受约束的交流15.a monolithic world铁板一块的世界1.an eyesore among eyesore丑中之丑2.who fathered the edict他制定了这则法令3.itsmelled of dust and disuse房间里灰尘弥漫,散发着因长久不用而产生的气味4.with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt一条细细的金表链一直垂到腰际,下端隐没在腰带之下5.a big, dark ready man一个身材高大,皮肤黝黑,精明能干的男人6.the matched team of bays from the livery stable从马车店租来的配套的栗色马7.a day laborer临时工8.inthe attitude of an embrace呈拥抱的姿势


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