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1、教 案20112012学年第二学期学科名称: 大学英语 授课班级: 11企划3,11旅管4,5,6班 教师姓名: 张媛 教研室: 公共英语教研室 使用教材: 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第二册) 参考书目: 21世纪大学实用英语教学参考书(第二册) 教学周授课内容课时授课方式一UNIT 1听说2练习UNIT 1 TEXT A课文2讲授UNIT 1 TEXT A课后练习2讲授二UNIT 1语法现象及练习,UNIT 1写作2讲授UNIT 1 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授UNIT 2听说2练习三UNIT 2 TEXT A课文2讲授UNIT 2 TEXT A课后练习2讲授UNIT 2语法现象及练习,U

2、NIT 2写作2讲授四UNIT 2 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授B 级试题讲解2讲授UNIT3 听说2练习五放假六UNIT 3 TEXT A课文2讲授UNIT 3 TEXT A课后练习2讲授UNIT 3语法现象及练习,UNIT 3写作2讲授七UNIT 3 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授UNIT 4听说2练习UNIT 4 TEXT A课文2讲授八UNIT 4 TEXT A课后练习2讲授UNIT 4语法现象及练习,UNIT 4写作2讲授UNIT 4 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授九综合实践周十UNIT 5听说2练习UNIT 5 TEXT A课文2讲授UNIT 5 TEXT A课后练习2讲授十一UNIT 5语

3、法现象及练习,UNIT 5写作2讲授UNIT 5 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授B 级试题讲解2讲授十二UNIT 6听说2练习UNIT 6 TEXT A课文2讲授UNIT 6 TEXT A课后练习2讲授十三UNIT 6语法现象及练习,UNIT 6写作2讲授UNIT 6 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授B 级试题讲解2讲授授课计划教学周授课内容课时授课方式十四UNIT 7听说2练习UNIT 7 TEXT A课文2讲授UNIT 7 TEXT A课后练习2讲授十五UNIT 7语法现象及练习,UNIT 7写作2讲授UNIT 7 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授B 级试题讲解2讲授十六UNIT 8听说2练习UNIT 8

4、 TEXT A课文2讲授十七UNIT 8 TEXT A课后练习2讲授UNIT 8语法现象及练习,UNIT 8写作2讲授UNIT 8 TEXT B课文串讲2讲授B 级试题讲解2讲授单元名称UNIT 1单元序列第一单元总课时10教学目的After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to 1.master the basic language and skills necessary to ask for and give clarification;2.understand the main ideas of Text

5、 A, Text B and Text C, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the first two texts;3.know how to write a letter of invitation;4. know how to use V+V-ing;5. guess the meaning of unknown words in context (1).教学重点与难点1. useful words & expres

6、sions: continent;embarrass;get on/ off;head for;pull over;tap sb. on the shoulder;feel like;turn out;instead of2. the usage of V+V-ing;内容提纲教学类型与方法课时安排Preview:Let the students have some idea of what this unit is all about.In this Unit you are going to learn the mysteries of the English language, and

7、how to give clarification.Listening and Speaking (2课时)1. Explain some new words & expressions in this part(5)2. The Language for Asking For and Giving Clarification (15)3. Asking For and Giving Clarification (40)4. Listening Practice (10)5. Have a discussion on the topic” Life would be meaningless w

8、ithout misunderstandings” (15)6. Summary & homework (5)H.W.: read Text A twice as well as the new words after it.练习2Text A- Misunderstanding (2课时)1.Starter (5)2.read new words and expressions twice (3)3.Part one (para1para3) (37) (i) Para 1(12)l Translation of Para 1Language of Para 1l Questions and

9、 answers of Para 1 (ii) Para 2(12)l Translationl Language pointl Questions and answers (iii) Para 3(12)l Translationl Language pointl Questions and answers4.Part two (para4para5) (25)(i) Para 4 (12)l Translationl Language pointl Questions and answers(ii) Para5(12)l Translationl Language pointl Quest

10、ions and answers5. Part three (para6)(13)l Translationl Language pointl Questions and answers6.summary (7)H.W. exercise5 on page 18Text A Exercises1. Review (10)2.Check the answer of Exercise 5 (12)3. Do and check exercise 6 (12)4. Do and check exercise 7 (12)5. Do and check exercise 8 (8) 6. Discus

11、sion (30)7. Summary and homework (6)Grammar Review & writing1. Warm-up(3)2. Grammar: v-ing(30)Exercise about grammar on page 2324 (15)3. Practical writing preparation (15)l How to write a letter of invitationl Guidelines for writing invitations:l Useful Expressions:(1). How to start your letter:(2).

12、 How to offer details about your arrangements:(3). How to end your letter:4. Writing Exercises (24)5. Summary and Homework(3)H.W.: After class pay a bit more time on the 独立主格and prepare for Text B-Text B & Exercises1.Review & check (5)2. Text B Comprehension (60)Para1Para 2(5)Para3 (10)Para4(10)Para5(5)Para 6(8)Para7para9(17)Para10(5)3. Exercises (22)4.Summary (3) 讲授2授课内容Unit 1课程序列第一单元教学类型讲授+练习授课时间7.5 hours课时10教学方法讲授+练习教具录音机教学目标与要求1.master the basic language and skills necessary to ask for and give clarification;2.understand the main ideas of Tex


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