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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!客舱英语常用语一、常用词组1. seat belt安全带 2. water extinguisher 灭火器 3. dry chemical extinguisher 干粉灭火器 4. tray table 餐桌 5. waste bin 垃圾桶 6. trolly 餐车 7. torch 手电筒 8. armrest 扶手 9. estimated time of arrival (ETA)预计到达时间 10. estimated time of departure (ETD)预计起飞时间 11. apron围裙 12. tail win

2、d 顺风13. head wind 逆风 14. infant 婴儿 15. unaccompanied minor(UM)没有家长同行小孩 16. briefing 任务提示 17. transit passenger 转机旅客 18. waiting lounge 候机室 19. baggage inspection 行李检验 20. hand baggage 手提行李 21. umaccompanied baggage 托运行李 22. custom 海关23. quarantine 检疫 24. immigration 移民局 25. baggage tag 行李签 26. conne

3、ction 班机接驳27. destination 目的地 28. free baggage allowance 行李重量限制 29. load factor 载客率 30. on time performance 准点率31. LOST-N-FOUND 失物招领 32. confirmation 确定 33. reissued ticket 重开的票 34. passenger manifest 旅客名单35. wheelchair 轮椅 36. ground staff 地勤37. live vest救生衣 38. non-stop flight 直飞班机39. immigration c

4、ard 入境表格 40. demonstration 示范 41. evacuate 疏散 42. traffic congestion 航路拥挤43.二、正常程序Regular Process1. 登船 Boarding1.1欢迎Greetings1. 早上好,女士(先生)。欢迎登船!Morning, madam(sir). Welcome board!2. 早上好,先生。欢迎登机。坐头等还是经济舱?Morning, sir. Welcome aboard. First class or economy class?3. 早上好,能帮您什么忙?Good morning. What can I

5、 do for you? 4. 早上好!请您出示船票。Good morning. May I have a look at your ferry ticket? / Show your ticket, please?5. 我是头等舱/普通舱乘务员I m the stewardess of the first-class cabin/ economic class cabin.6. 我来为您引座。 Ill show you your seat. 7. 见到您很高兴Nice to see you. / Nice to meet you.8. 请您往里边走,请对号入座Step in please.

6、Take the seat to number, please.9. 请到这边坐可以吗?Would you please sit here?10. 请向后退一下。Would you please back off a little? 11. 请按顺序,一个接一个。Please be in order, one by one.12. 请您先走/请跟我来.After you. / Follow me, please.13. 头等舱在二楼,往前走(往后走)The first class cabin is on the second floor. Go ahead (backward).14. 小心碰

7、头Mind your head, please.15. 麻烦您侧身让后面的旅客过一下。Excuse me. Please give way to the passengers behind.1.2行李1. 让我帮您拿行李好吗?Can I help you with the luggage?2. 这边请,行李放在这里This way, please. Leave your luggage here, please.3. 让我帮您把行李放在这里,让开安全通道。May I help you to put your luggage here and to keep the safety passage

8、 clearly?4. 请把您的箱子放在指定位置。 Please put your box in the appointed area. 5. 您不能把行李放在这儿,过道不能堵塞。 You may not leave the baggage here. The aisle shouldnt be blocked. 6. 请您配合不要把行李放在紧急出口旁边。您可以把它放在座位旁边。 Im afraid you cant leave your bag there. You are sitting next to the emergency exit. I think you may find th

9、eres enough room to put it near your seat. 1.3座位Seating1. 您好,请从这边通道往前走。Good morning (afternoon, evening). This aisle (way), please.2. 请从这边上楼梯,楼上是头等舱/贵宾舱。Please go this way to the upstairs. 3. 请跟我来,您的座位在客舱中部。Follow me, please. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin.4. 是左边靠走廊座位-这是您的座位。An aisle seat o

10、n the left side - here you are, sir.5. 恐怕您坐错位子了,G100正好在那边走廊的后二排。Im afraid you are in the wrong seat. G100 is just two rows behind on the other aisle.6. 请稍等一下,我查查看。Excuse me for a second, Ill check.7. 为了您的安全,请您坐好Please be seated for your safety.8. 请您系好座椅上的安全带,谢谢Please fasten your seat belt, thank you

11、.9. 座椅排号在座椅扶手上。Seat numbers are indicated on the handrail of chair.10. 您的座位是G*,请跟我来。Your seat number is G*. Please follow me.11. 旅客登船完毕后,我帮您看看第一排有没有空座位。After the boarding finishes, Ill see if there is any vacant seat for you in the first row.12. G101座位没有旅客,启航后您可以去坐。The seat G101 is vacant, and you c

12、an change your seat after set sail.13. 对不起,您旁边的旅客想和她的孩子坐在一起,您方便跟她换座位吗?Excuse me. The lady next to you wants to sit with her kid. Would you mind changing seats with her?14. 对不起,我已沟通过了,但那位旅客还是想坐靠窗的座位。I have talked with that passenger, but he would more like the window seat.15. 为了使客轮保持配载平衡,请您回到指定的位子上坐好

13、,谢谢您的合作。In order to keep the ferry in balance, please return to your original seats. Thank you.16. 对不起,您先在座位休息,我去问一下,马上就回来。I am sorry. Please sit in here for the time being. I will check it with the ground staff and be back soon.17. 让您久等了,是我们工作的失误。您现在可以坐在XX座位,我带您过去。Thank you for waiting. It is our f

14、ault. Please sit in X. Ill show you the way.18. 我理解您,我替您去看看是否有空座位,请您暂时坐在这个座位。 I appreciate your problem and Ill see if there is any empty seat. Would you please sit here for the time being? 19. 客轮马上要启航了,请不要在客舱内走动。The ferry is about to set sail. Please dont walk about in the cabin.20. 请您回到您座位上好吗?客轮马上

15、要启航了。 Would you please return to your seat? The ferry is setting sail soon. 21. 请您到这边坐,会感觉好些 If you feel seasick, please sit here and you will feel better.1.4升等1. 您可升等头等舱或贵宾舱,这样您能好好休息一下。 You could upgrade first class or VIP class so that you can take a better nap. 2. 你想由普通舱等升至头等舱等吗? 船上可以为您办理升舱手续。Would you like to upgrade your class? We can upgrade you on board. 3. 你可以先上二楼,稍后会有乘务员为您办理补票手续,每位80元.You can go upstairs first; then well charge you extra 80 Yuan


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