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1、牛津八年级版初二英语上期中英语能力训练题(一)I.听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(分)1.r te conversatin hwdo you tikof t wma 2. Whtsbject cn te woman ep the man .Wh d yuhik aynethe womans s fied . odes e manlieiing 5. Whic country ae they vsiin. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所缺单词。(10分) ke: ht subjet usudyingMary:Mth, Ciese, (1)_,ompur, Hitor, Geography, S

2、ienc and o on Mike: Which (2) _ doyou like est Mry: Englis. heothers are interesting, toBut my Scince poor.ike: as hereason ary:I thnkI haventbee workig enouh. Mike: I(3) _ ybegan tolrn Japans,dnt you Mry:Ys, Iok aapanese cur by (4) _ the rdio Me:ow (5) _ Japanese ords hvyu leart Mary:Iveeanabout 00

3、 wors.Mike: Cn o sin a ong in Jaanes a:No, I(6) _ . Mke: Can y talk ith fon guets inaaese Mary: On a () _ .Mik: Im lso()_i anes.Wu you() _ m to lrJapns ary:Ill b gld t. Leslearn it togthe (10) _ next Monay.I 读下面短文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。(0分) A ig quarel bkeout i Sa rancisco i the 92 The oatsthat _ (1)oplen

4、oh f the city a _ (2) San Francio By wre too cwded. May peole hadan i _ (3) hey sid that a b_ (4) shoul e buit. S_ () eople calle itThe Brigeha Cudnte Bui. oseh B. Strauss, world-fmus brigebuildr, aid h _ () it old be buit inally,wor wssrted. On oesad, I _(7)teearth hakn wen was up onto. Wdidtthik i

5、t d evr make i. W tough the ridge wu f_(8) ntoth wate. I d _ (9) al. brgew put up and s beco the bes _(10) rid in merica-the odn ate Brig. IV. 选词填空。(20分)ut, for,wll, wi,gie u, harde, imptant, a lot, nk of,gooaMy lose rind mdekmat. She i (1) _ English,(2)_ Im or in it. Onc I faid in est el very ad nd

6、 lmst wnteto () _ this sbjet. hemydeskmte tldme ht Englih was avery() _ subjc e mst stu () . I s moved. thnon,I suied Egis(6)than before Wen I haddiffultis, I wud go tor () _ help. (8)_ e he, y Englih d improved(9) _ thed ofthem. lthugh w re w in dieret sc, Ioften (1) _ ernd h help.用所给形容词、副词的适当形式填空。

7、(20分) Hve yunoticdany diferenes eweeoand kTm stwenty yers old. Mik istwen-on. o Mieis o year(1)_ (old)tha Tom. Tom s five et tn nd ahfnchs() _ (tall)Mik s five feteleven inhestal. S Mi is hlf aninch()_ (tall) thn Tom. Mikes and Tomsptmets loo ry(4) _(dfferet). ieisone othe (5) _ (expensive) in our t

8、own. T parmntismuc(6) _(sml) thn Miks, u hi(7) _ (attraie) than Mike nmanwa. ike i etig(8) _ (busandbusy) thesdas. He catfind(9) (ay)time t ean hi patmentor keep it in ordr. He is lo(0) _ () ha TomabouhosworkHe oesnt care i his placeisltle(1) _(dirty) o messy.Tm s a vry(12) _(nt) peson. Hs l islwa(1

9、3) _ (atnd clean)than iesikeis not o(14) _ (good) at cooin asT, but he is agood as omin pots. T cn beat Mike n many pos ch as basball and asetbll, buthe cant ply teis a(15) _(wel)as Mie ca Mie sa(6) _ (go) dancerhnhe is,to Ther prsonalties are iffernt. Mik lies t be teener o atnon e liksto meet nw p

10、eopl, btTo become () _(shy)ad uiet when heetay new ole. Mi i(18) _ (akatve) ad19) _ (socible) than To. ohTom d Mikeare the(0) _(god) iendsof m. I. 阅读理解。(5分) Je 202XSchol is ou, jnior ear s overand he senior year inext. O thlast dy f sho, all fsjniors wer excitd t say ttwe re ofcilly seniors-th cas o

11、f 2. e iishe our l xam and rceedour grad Anthaeearch per Iwas so worrie about. Well. I pasit withflying colrs. Our annul sping dace sow wensoothly ad wasret. Even thugit was emoiona ight or al esniors ador meme wo re leavingt ta, e ha to hde or sdness andput mles on our c r t sh. he auence enjoye tesw s much, d sme pepleevensid tat they nd t stnd uand dance with. Oh, hafuwe d!ce smmr ben,I have saredinki aout myseniorea and ow clos I t headn intthat big wrl. HnetlyI amsaed to deth beaue what Imoingtodo in ollge wl bascay eemine f


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