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1、 Module7 Unit 4 SharingI教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是济贫扶弱、志愿服务、合作共享。教学目的是让学生认识到社会上贫富、强弱的差异和帮助别人的意义,帮助学生树立同情弱者、救困济贫的思想。 Warming Up部分通过对同学进行采访的小组活动,了解同学们平时帮助别人的方式。最后讨论自愿帮助和志愿者的不同,从而引出下文的阅读课文。Pre-reading部分介绍了阅读课文的背景知识。Reading部分是一封家书。作者是一个到巴布亚新几内亚教书的志愿者。文中介绍了巴布亚新几内亚农村的教育和生活状况,描述了到一个学生家做客的经历。Comprehending部分设置了三个练习,目的在

2、于让学生逐层加深对课文的理解。Learning about Language部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。本单元的语法是复习限制性定语从句,特别是用that不用which的情况。Using Language部分中包括了听、读、写三个部分的内容。阅读部分介绍了一个出售特殊礼物、帮助发展中国家的网页。听力部分通过记者对一个志愿者的采访,让学生更多地了解发展中国家,培养学生助人为乐的精神。学习用时间表达法叙述事件是本听力练习的重点。Summing Up部分要求学生对本单元所学的知识进行总结和评价,以找出不足之处,从而改进。 Learning Tip部分建议学生要积极参加小组活动,以练习口语,培养

3、交际能力。II教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语;(2) 系统掌握运用限制性定语从句。2. 教学难点(1) 认识帮助别人的重要性;(2) 学会发表评论和表达自己的看法;(3) 学会以时间为线索,叙述人物生平。III教学计划本单元建议分六课时:第一课时:Words study & Warming up 第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending第三课时: Language Points 第四&五课时:Grammar第六课时:Reading and discussing (Using Language)第七课时: Writing task

4、 IV教学步骤: Period 1 Words Study & Warming upTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.2.To teach how to use the new words and phrases in the text. 3. To help Ss to learn the importance of helping others and the ways to help others.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Words and ph

5、rases: 1) hear from= hear of /about 2) die v (doing) be dying to be dying for 3) the other day another day one day 4) come across come about 5) relate v adj. be relevant to 6) stick out stick to 7) adjust v. adjust to (doing) sth adjust oneself to sth 8) dry out dry up dry off 9) arrange v. n. make

6、arrangements for have an arrangement with come to an arrangement 10) donate to make a donation to 11) in need in need of in danger in trouble 12) distribute v. distribute to distribute among Step 2. Practice translation:1) 我期望尽快收到你的来信.2) 我迫切想知道发生了什么事.3) 今天早上我偶然遇见了一个老朋友.4) 他无法适应城市的生活.5) 我们应该帮助那些有困难的人

7、.6) 政府正在向村民分发食物.Step 3. Warming Up1) . Lead Ss to the content of this unit. Teacher may say, “We have all heard about Lei Feng, who was ready to help others and set us an example. We live our own lives. Everybody has his own work to do. Why must we help others?” Nobody can do everything alone, no ma

8、tter how powerful he is. So everybody needs others help. But we cannot always receive but never give. So we should return it. We give help today, but we may need help tomorrow. Even if we may not see a person again, by helping him, we can let him know help is necessary and important for those who ar

9、e in need. By helping each other, people can feel that life is full of warmth and friendliness and is worth living. In a word, to help others is to help oneself. 2). Ask Ss to discuss the following question. In what ways do we help the people around?3). Ss work in groups of four and one of them to i

10、nterview the other three. Tell him to ask the questions in Ex1 of Warming Up on P28. Then one pair to act out their dialogues before the class.4). Divide Ss into four groups and ask them to discuss the following question. Can we call the person who helps others a “volunteer”?Conclusion: When one of

11、your parents or friends needs help, you may not be asked to help but you volunteer to help, we dont say you are a volunteer. A volunteer is a person who helps others in or outside his community or in a foreign country.Step4 Exercise 1 &3 on P32 for consolidation.Step5 Homework: 1) Remember the now w

12、ords and phrases for dictation; 2) Preview the reading text. Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingStep 1. Pre-reading Purpose: To get Ss prepared for the reading text.1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P29P30 and guess what the passage talks about.2. Ask Ss to describe the students and the

13、ir classrooms in the pictures. After that, let Ss imagine their living conditions.3. Read Ss to the reading text. Teacher may say, “Today we are going to read a letter written by an Australian volunteer, Jo, who taught for two years in Papua New Guinea, a country to the south of Australia.”Step 2. Skimming


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