【精校版】湖北省武汉市高二英语选修6教案精编版Unit 1 Period 1

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 1 Art第一部分教学设计说明About the topic and the structures单元话题和结构本单元的话题是Art/ 艺术,介绍了绘画和西方绘画史。单元句法项目是虚拟语气(1)。艺术是人类以情感和想象为特性,来把握和反映世界,表示对世界及自身,对二者关系的看法的一种特殊方式。教学设计在单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分”。但在实际教学过程中,我们建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排的因素,对课本、对教学设计重新划分课时、裁剪、拼接使用我们提供的材料,以便“物尽所用”,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可以

2、参照我们提出的“实际教学过程课时划分建议”进行教学。Period 1Reading 阅读课Warming Up引导学生Warming up by defining artist,by talking about Chinese painting 或者by looking and saying about Chinese,激发背景、学生相关词汇和句法结构,为阅读作好准备。根据表现手段和方式的不同,艺术可分为: 表演艺术(音乐、舞蹈等),造型艺术(绘画、雕塑、建筑艺术等),视听艺术(电影,电视等),语言艺术(文学等),综合艺术(戏剧、摄影等)。比较新的分法,则根据时空性质将艺术分为:时间艺术,空间

3、艺术,综合艺术。 Pre-reading要求学生回答有关“galleries”和“西方艺术家”方面的问题,呈现自己对“艺术”的认识和了解,为阅读做心理的铺垫和准备。下列是常见的艺术类别:建筑,文学,音乐,戏剧,舞蹈,魔术,戏曲曲艺,杂技,电影,电视,摄影,广播,美术,绘画,油画,中国画,水粉画,水彩画,素描,版画,木刻,水印,丝网,铜版,石版,书法,雕塑,木雕,泥塑,石雕,金属雕塑,篆刻,陶艺,装置艺术,行为艺术。Reading “西方绘画简史”是篇说明文,简要说明了西方绘画的发展历程和代表人物。教师可以参考我们提供的如下步骤:Reading and underlining,Explainin

4、g difficult points,Reading and transferring,Reading to decide on the type of writing and summary of the ideas,Retelling the text和Closing down by taking a quiz引导学生从形式和内容两方面阅读本文,提高对说明文文体的认识。同时了解:绘画是一种在二维的平面上以手工方式临摹自然的艺术,在中世纪的欧洲,常把绘画称作“猴子的艺术”,因为如同猴子喜欢模仿人类活动一样,绘画也是模仿场景。在20世纪以前,绘画模仿的越真实技术越高超,但进入20世纪,随着摄影

5、技术的出现和发展,绘画开始转向表现画家主观自我的方向,看到一幅画鉴赏家有时已经说不清画的是什么,但一定能说出是谁画的。每个画家开始发展自己独特的风格。 Period 2Learning about language 知识课Learning about language 第一、三部分是词法训练,强化学生对本单元重点词汇、短语的掌握和实用;第二部分是句法训练,进一步强化学生对英语“虚拟语气(1)”的理解和运用。为了使学生对虚拟语气用法有一个清晰完整的理解,建议有关语法讲解全部放在本单元,第二单元主要注重通过练习巩固强化。Period 3Using language运用课Using language

6、重点阅读“Manhattan最佳艺术画廊”,可以补充“名画鉴赏”:达芬奇自画像,天上的爱与世间的爱,岩间圣母,圣母升天,蒙娜丽莎,泉,最后的晚餐,土耳其浴场,创造亚当,美丽的女园丁。“听、讨论、写”依然围绕“画廊”展开。实际教学过程课时划分建议Period 1将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、Reading和Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。Period 2将Learning about language 和Workbook中的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS、USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起上一节“语言知识课”。Peri

7、od 3将Using language 设计为一节包括听说读写单项技能或组合技能训练的“综合技能课(一)”。Period 4将Workbook 的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING整合在一起上一节“听说课”。Period 5将Workbook 的LISTENING TASK、READING AND WRITING TASK和 SPEAKING TASK整合为一节“综合技能课(二)”。第二部分教学资源说明Section 1Background 背景围绕单元话题“艺术”我们提供了若干实用性背景材料。这些材料既可以作为教师教学参考材料为教师所用,也可以直接或改写、重组后作为课

8、堂内外的拓展性阅读材料呈现给学生。Section 2Explanation解析重点针对“阅读课型”中的课文难句,我们提供了详尽的,就句论句的解析和翻译,并且以解析的焦点话题为线索,进行了一定的归纳、辨析和总结,以帮助教师更好地实施“语言形式”的教学。Section 3Vocabulary词汇按照课本单元词汇表顺序,我们重点提供动词、短语搭配的讲解。所提供的例句,经典、地道、实用、易懂,完全可以直接用于教学。第三部分教学测评说明围绕单元词法、句法项目,我们提供了长短不一的“单元教学测评”,并备有参考答案供教师使用。有些测评题目直接源于历年高考试卷,更具有说服力和实用性。Part 1 Teachi

9、ng Design第一部分 教学设计Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading(A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING)IntroductionIn this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to talk about galleries。 Then they shall read an expository piece by reading and underlining, explaining difficult points, r

10、eading and transferring, reading to decide on the type of writing and summary of the ideas, retelling the text. The period will be ended by students taking a quiz. Objectives To help students learn to make reference To help students learn to read an exposition about western painting To help students

11、 better understand “art” To help students learn to use some important words and expressions To help students identify examples of “Subjunctive Mood (1) I wish I could/ did/ would If I did , I would do” in the textFocusWordsfocus, convince, attempt, predictExpressions focus on, a great deal, scores o

12、fPatterns If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. During the Renaissance oil paints were also develope

13、d, which made colours look richer and deeper.But without the impressionists many of these painting styles would not exist. The painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyesWhen you walk into the gallery you feel like you are inside a huge white sea shell.AidsMultimedia facil

14、ities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams Procedures1. Warming up Warming up by talking about what paining isHello, everyone. Today we shall read a passage entitled A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING. But first what do you know about painting? Could anyone stand up to tell the class something about pa

15、inting? Painting has existed as an artistic tradition for thousand of years. From the cave painting of Lascaux to the great, masterpieces of Da Vinci it has played a historical and aesthetic role in the different ages of existence. Schools of painting were developed as well as many various texts dis

16、cussing the art form. Several styles of painting have come into being. Historical, allegorical, religious, portraiture, landscape and still life are all different forms of painting that have developed over the years.Warming up by talking about Chinese paintingBefore we read about the western painting lets talk a b


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