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1、Module 5 Cloning导学案1 Introduction , reading and vocabulary page 57-591. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇huge, human being, lip, monster, terrifying, ugly, create, frightening, horror, resemble, terrify, wrinkled, beauty, bone, chase, creation, disgust, emotion, fear, fiance, lifeless, murderb. 重点句子1. The

2、novel immediately became very popular and it is generally agreed that it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written.2. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life.3. Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment that would give lif

3、e to the thing that lay at my feet.4. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time.5. I wish I had not created this creature.Task1 : new words revision: 1. 使恐惧2. 追捕,追逐,追赶 3. 使厌恶,使觉得恶心5. 谋杀,谋杀案 6. 拒绝7. 燃尽 烧完自灭8. 呼吸9. 对照,与对比10. 与相似11. 扑倒在上12. 恐怖;害怕;担心;13. 发出声音14. 创造Task2:

4、phrases: 从课文中找到相应的单词或短语1. create a monster 2. resemble a huge human being3. science fiction stories4. horror films5. have human emotions 6. refuse to do7. the Arctic8. at the end of9. for the first time10. a piece of equipment11. give life to 12. fall against the window13. burn out14. by its tiny li

5、ght15. contrast with16. turn to look at me17. the same as18. rush out19. up and down20. throw oneself on21. shake with fear22. at the same moment23. make a sound24. again and again25. put out a hand / Task3 :Sentence patterns: 1. The novel immediately became very popular and it is generally agreed t

6、hat it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written.It is agreed that 固定句型,意思是“被一致认为”,it 做形式主语,that 引导真实主语从句,类似结构: It is said/ reported/ believed/ hoped/ required/suggested/ thought that 句式变化It is said that he has gone abroad. = He is said to have gone abroad.2. While studying at universi

7、ty, he discovers the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter. While waiting, (= While he was waiting ), he was reading a magazine. If it is necessary,(=If _), Ill ring you up.3. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time.联想:对not until 句型的强调I didnt recognise him u

8、ntil he took off his dark glasses._4. I wish I had not created this creature.5. Lonely and unhappy, he begins to hate his creator, Frankenstein. (Feeling)Very anxious, I prepared the equipment that would give life to the thing that lay at my feet. 考点:adj.或adj.短语作状语,表示原因。此外,还可表示伴随情况等。6. Using bones f

9、rom dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human beingand gives it life. I woke, shaking with fear. 考点:v. ing 短语作状语,表示方式、伴随情况。此外,还可以表示原因、结果、时间等。重难点1. terrify v. (make sth. frightened) 使惊恐,使受惊吓n. terror run away in terror 惊慌地跑开adj. terrified/ terrifyingbe terrified at / with 因.吓了一跳 be te

10、rrified of 恐惧,害怕.1). Having heard the alarm, _ people ran out of the office.2). I dont like _ films. They are frightening.2. resemble: vt. be like or similar to与相像 常用短语:resemble sb./sth. (in sth.)她和她弟弟长得很像。_她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。_3. refuse v 拒绝 回绝 refuse + n / pron / to do / sb. sth.4. murder n. /v. 谋杀,谋杀案

11、 murderer 凶手,谋杀犯commit murders 进行谋杀,犯杀人罪1). 一个月内发生了3起凶杀案。_2). He murdered his wife with a knife.5. chase: follow 追捕在外面的院子里, 孩子们叫喊着, 互相追逐。_chase off: 赶跑这个老人用棍子赶跑了所有调皮的男孩。_chased after sb./sth. 追逐,追赶,追踪,追求chase sb./sth. away/ off/ out 赶走,驱逐chase about 到处飞奔 chase down 努力寻找chase ones dream 追求个人梦想Why do

12、people _ material possessions?A. chase away B. chase after C. chase about D. chase down6. burn out vi. 燃尽 烧完自灭 vt. burn sth. out = sth. be burnt out 被烧空, 烧毁 burn oneself out = be burnt out 精力耗尽 ;身体搞垮 burn up 烧起来 旺起来 1). 这座房子被大火烧光了. _2). 蜡烛已烧尽_3). 他要是继续这样拼命,就会累垮的。_4). 把这些木头放在火上使它烧起来_burn out /off 烧光

13、burn down 烧毁 burn to the ground 烧成平地5).The hotel was _in the big fire.6). The wooden house was _.7). If you want to study well , you should burn your boats.7. breathe v. 呼吸 It is good for the health to breathe deeply. 搭配:breathe in _ breathe out _ The doctor told me to breathe in and then breathe out slowly.拓展:breath n. hold ones breath _ out of breath _ 8. contrast vt. 对照,对比 contrast A and/with B 1). 这首诗对比了青春与年老。_搭配:contrast with 2). 她的行动与诺言相差甚远。_


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