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1、军建小学 年级 五年级 科目 英语 “三段六步”教学模式教学设计教材开心学英语课题Unit 11 Can you put away your toys?课型New计划课时3教学目标知识与技能Review the sentences and the words. Of Unit 10 and present the new words of Unit 11.过程与方法Read and write. discuss and talk in pairs情感态度与价值观The students Can use“Can you ?”、“Sure Ok”to ask somebody for help a

2、nd answer.教学重点一、 Cultivate the students abilities of Reading , writing ,listening and speaking skills/二、 Use these sentences freely:Can you do sth? Sure.Ill do sth.一、 Pronunciation the new words correctly。Use the sentences and the phrases correctly: turn it on,take it out,hang them up .教学准备Teaching

3、Tools: Some pictures , word cards , and a tape.板书设计Unit 11 Can you put away your toys? What was the food like?It was教学过程教学内容:put on your coat, hang up your clothes, clean up the room, in a minute, later.Can you hang up my clothes? Sure. Ill hang them up in a minute.Can you clean up my room, please?

4、Sorry. Im busy now.一、 热身活动:1、 问候:师生用英语自由对话,营造英语氛围。2、 复习:出示图片,复习上节课所学的词组和句型。二、 教学呈现:1、 创设情景,拿一外衣做“穿上”的动作对学生说: Put on your coat ,please .2、 创设情景,运用图片学习hang up。 Can you hang up my clothes ? Sure. Ill hang them up in a minute.3、 同样学习: Can you clean up my room, please? Sorry.Im busy now .4、 Listen to the

5、 tape and read after it .5、 Read conversation by themselves first. Find out the word later and learn it .6、 Listen to the tape . Listen and repeat .三、 Exercises:完成WB-p.37的练习(1)和(2)。四、 Activity:先准备好一些实物,如衣物和玩具。用书桌和椅子布置成一个客厅的场景。把学生分成五人一组。每组都进行实物表演对话故事。先给学生一些时间准备,然后挑选一个较好的小组列前面表演。五、 小结:总结这节课学生学习的得矢。六、

6、Homework :Copy and recite conversation. 板书: Unit 11 Can you put away your toys ? a picture a picture Can you hang up my clothes ?put on your coat hang up your clothes Sure . Ill hang them up in a m a picture clean up the room Can you clean up my room ?in a munite later Sorry .Im busy now . The Third

7、 Period(Practice;Song activity;Activity)一、 热身运动:1、 问候:师生问候。2、 复习:复习上两节课所学的知识。二、 Practice1 先让学生用笔在书上根据图写出词组turn on ,put away , turn out , take out .再听录音选对图片。让一学生用这个短语造一个表达请求的句子,如:Can you turn on the radio?如果句子对了,就 请其他的学生回答:Sure . Ill turn it on now .三、 Practice2 Pair work 让两个学生结成对子,进行对话表演练习。最后请几对有信心的

8、学生列前面来为全班表演对话。四、 Song activity1、运用磁带,学会歌曲:Can you take out the trash?1、 学生学会后,用其它的词组套用歌词,改变顺序唱这首歌。五、Activity 使用单词卡片now,in a minute,later.邀请三个学生到教室前面来,给每人一张卡片。把其余的学生分成几个小组。把一套学生卡堆放在桌子上,每组轮流抽出一张,并根据抽出的卡片向其中一个被邀请的学生提问,如:Can you (take out the trash)?被问的学生则根据自己手中的卡片回答,如果他/她说Sure,Ill do it now.并表演相应的动作,那么

9、,那一组可得一分。如果被问者给予其他回答,那一组则不得分。在轮到下一组抽出卡片收回来。洗一下牌,再重新发给他们。六、Homework Listen to the tape at home and sing the song . Play thegame-Activity after class or after school.The Fourth Period(Sounds and words ; Workbook P37- 3 ,4)一、 热身活动:1、 问候:师生问候。2、 复习:复习这单元所学的词组。二、 教学活动:1、 用实物和图片,学习和复习:purple,pants,pineapp

10、les,peaches ,pink, paper clips.注意p音,并把它们写在黑板上以做参考。2、 Look , circle and say 让学生尝试一下用学过的词替换本页句子中的单词,编出新的绕口令句子。看谁编得最好并教给全班同学听。3、 Exercise: 完成 WB-P40 的练习 3和 4三、 Homework Read Sounds and words. Recite Conversation and well have a dictation.本课主要学习八个短语和Can you?句型和应答。通过动作和图片引出短语,学生一目了然,很快掌握了句型,也能用不同方式回答。本课出一个难点就是hang up your clothes替换hang them up等,涉及代词的用法,比较难,学生掌握比较困难。要多加练习巩固。


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