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1、鲁教版五四制第一学期期末考试六年级英语试题一、单项选择填空。(20分)(一)从A、B、C、D中选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。26. blackA. fatherB. watchC. jacket D. tomato 27. comeA. fromB. motherC. photo D. dollar 28. nameA. breakfastB. sweaterC. please D. great 29. thingA. thanksB. thatC. these D. brother 30. foodA. lookB. goodC. room D. book (二)从每小题

2、A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的正确答案。31. We like ice cream dessert. A. forB. ofC. toD. at 32. The shoes are sale $25 each. A. on, forB. at, forC. for, atD. for, on 33. Jims are watching TV now. A. houseB. homeC. familyD. families 34. Lets go and have their new pants. A. look atB. the look at C. a look D. a look

3、at 35. Is that your sister? No, . Its my aunt. A. it isB. is notC. it isntD. its isnt 36. They are my good friends. I love and they love . A. they, I B. them, meC. them, ID. they, me37. Is this sweater? No, it isnt. Its sweater. A. your, myB. my, yourC. your, hisD. her, her 38. your child, you can b

4、uy a lovely cat. A. Of B. OnC. ToD. For 39. What color is your backpack? . A. Its good.B. Its beautiful.C. Its black.D. Its new. 40. He doesnt like apples, he likes oranges. A. andB. butC. orD. so 41. Does Tony a hat? Yes, he . A. has, doB. has, doesC. have, hasD. have, does 42. Mr Green nice T-shir

5、ts in his store, and Linda wants a red one. A. buys, sellsB. sells, to buyC. sell, buyD. to sell, to buy 43. Jack like to play computer games. He TV at home. A. dont, watchB. doesnt, watchesC. doesnt, watchD. isnt, watches 44. Can I help you? . A. Thank you, you can.B. Im sorry. C. Yes, please. I wa

6、nt a pen.D. You are welcome.45. How nuch is this CD? .A. Its 15 yuan.B. They are 15 yuan.C. Its a 15 yuan.D. They are fifteen yuans.三、完形填空:(20分)AHi, friends! Im Zig Zag. I have a big clothes store. There are 46 clothes 47 all colors red and white shirts for $8, white and blue T-shirts for $21, black

7、 and orange pants 48 $33, green and red sweaters for $74. We have red, yellow, green and black 49 for only $5. The black shoes are on the sale for $238 and 50 white doublestar shoes 51 for $362. We also have bags 52 sports for $27. Do you 53 baseball caps? We have small, medium (中号) 54 large ones. A

8、nd they are 55 a good price. Come and have a look, please!46. A. muchB. lots ofC. lot of D. a lots of47. A. inB. fromC. onD. of48. A. atB. to C. forD. on49. A. shoeB. sockC. pantD. socks50. A. aB. theC. thisD. that51. A. amB. isC. areD. need52. A. forB. toC. atD. of53. A. takeB. makeC. bringD. need5

9、4. A. andB. butC. thenD. or55. A. onB. forC. atD. inB Sonia Hall is my good friend. She 56 sports. And she has a 57 collection. In the day she often plays 58 in the club. In the evening, she looks after 59 collection. 60 go to her home and have a look at 61 .Look! She has five baseballs, eight volle

10、yballs, four soccer balls, twelve tennis rackets and thirteen ping-pong balls. But she has 62 basketballs. She wants 63 some basketballs and more other balls. Can you help 64 ? Can you give your old basketball 65 her?56. A. doesB. doC. likes D. like57. A. muchB. ballsC. sportD. sports58. A. theB. /C

11、. aD. one59. A. herB. sheC. hersD. their60. A. SheB. LetC. LetsD. Lets61. A. theyB. itC. themD. their62. A. notB. not aC. noD. no any63. A. to collectB. collectC. collectionD. collecting64. A. herB. meC. sheD. us65. A. forB. toC. onD. of四、阅读理解。(10分)AMy name is Gary and I have a sister and a brother,

12、 Rose and Paul. Do you eat healthy food every day? Its important(重要)!I like bananas very much. My mother often buys many bananas from the supermarket for me. Rose and Paul like hamburgers. They also like salad. They make salad with vegetables and fruit. But I dont like salad. Paul doesnt like brocco

13、li. But Rose does. My parents like tomatoes and broccoli. We like fruit and vegetables, but we dont like ice cream. French fries and ice cream are bad for is. Write a list of the food you eat. Is it good food? Do you eat right? Every day? 66. like (s) bananas. A. GaryB. PaulC. Rose and Paul D. Rose

14、and I67. Rose likes . A. saladB. hamburgersC. broccoliD. salad, hamburgers and broccoli68. Paul dislikes (不喜欢) . A. saladB. chickenC. vegetablesD. broccoli69. and like tomatoes. A. My parents, IB. Paul, RoseC. My father, motherD. My father, Paul70. is (are) bad for your health. A. VegetablesB. French fires and ice cream C. Hamburgers and salad D. The list of foodB There is a s


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