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1、The globalising learning economy:Implications for innovation policy December 1997Report based on contributions from seven projects under the TSER programmeDG XII, Commission of the European UnionBengt-ke LundvallSusana BorrsPREFACEThe European Union is mobilising considerable effort to cope with the

2、 major challenges confronting European society: in a context of increasing globalisation of the economic activities, the EU has to ensure the implementation of a sustainable economic and social development which takes account simultaneously of the need to create jobs, to strengthen the level of comp

3、etitiveness of companies, to fight social exclusion and to ensure the protection of environment and the quality of life of its citizens. But, at the same time it has to anticipate and prepare for the needs for a new society based increasingly on knowledge and learning capacity of its citizens.Socio-

4、economic research, carried out at the European level through the projects financed by the Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER) aims to contribute to the current debates on these issues, and to provide the European, national and regional decision-makers with new knowledge which could ena

5、ble them to improve the definition and the implementation of their various policies. This report is the result of a specific pilot action to establish the dialogue between researchers and decision-makers on the role that technology and innovation play in the economy. Having as a starting point the w

6、ork undertaken in seven current TSER projects, this action, directed by Professor Bengt-ke Lundvall, brought together a group of researchers from different disciplines and schools of thought. Together with political decision-makers, they debated the results of their research and sought to find answe

7、rs to, and new insights into the following questions: What is the impact on innovation policies as a result of the emergence of a global economy, based increasingly on knowledge and learning? What are the effects of globalisation, including European integration, on national innovation systems? Do in

8、novation systems develop towards greater European integration or towards greater fragmentation? What are the mechanisms which allow a better design of research and development policies taking into account the phenomenon of globalisation and learning? What is the most suitable political level of inte

9、rvention in this new context?Conclusions stress the need for greater co-ordination of the various policies not only at the sectoral but also at the transnational level in order to better face the challenges of the globalisation. Stress laid on the co-ordination of the research, innovation and educat

10、ion policies supports the efforts of the European policy in these sectors which could find increased effectiveness if a similar approach were followed in the Member States. These combined efforts would certainly contribute to better preparing us for the requirements of the European society of tomorr

11、ow.Foreword and acknowledgementsThis report - a European Commission initiative - draws some provisional policy conclusions from the research currently being carried out in specific European projects under the Targeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER) Programme of the EU. In late spring 1997 the unit i

12、n charge of the programme in DGXII asked Professor Bengt-ke Lundvall of Aalborg University (former Deputy Director for DSTI at the OECD) to take the lead in a pilot action to inform policymakers of findings from seven ongoing TSER projects. This entailed two meetings with project participants and ot

13、her experts, and more than 30 contributions from project members, and has resulted in the following report.One basic objective of the exercise has been to provide policymakers with a reasonably coherent world view and with basic principles for policy-making on innovation in this new context. Another

14、 objective has been to point out research areas where more work is needed. These objectives have determined the process for producing the report, as well as its content and structure. The first meeting in Brussels (2425 April 1997) gave us the opportunity to present TSER project co-ordinators and ot

15、her invited contributors with a brief sketch of what we regard as the most salient transformations currently taking place in technological innovation at world level and in Europe. The participants suggested additional elements, features and corrections to this general framework, as well as a number

16、of specific topics to be addressed in the report. With this as a starting point, the major lines of the report were drawn, and some of the participants agreed to write specific contributions.The report has extensively benefited from these and other forms of contributions. Without them it would never have been completed on time nor in its current form. When writing/editing the report, we were faced with the dif


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