七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears单元训练 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears?要点提示语言功能:描述动物,表述喜好重点词汇:zoo,animal,tiger,elephant,koala bear,dolphin,panda,lion,penguin,dog,giraffe,smart,cute,fun,ugly,clever,beautiful,lazy,friendly,shy,Africa kind of,during the day重点句型: Why do you like Koala bears? Because they are cute.Theyre kind of shy.Theyre

2、 very big.基础卷(20分钟)一、选择填空( ) 1. What _do you like? Dogs and dolphins.A. animals B. birds C. bears答案:A( ) 2. night we can see bright stars in the sky (天空).A. In B. At C. On答案:B( ) 3. _is the little tiger? Hes only 6 months old.A. How old B. How long C. What答案:A( ) 4. _do you like elephants? Because t

3、heyre cute and intelligent.A. Who B. Why C. Where答案:B( ) 5. Where are pandas from? _.A. South Africa B. China C. Australia答案:B( ) 6. This book is very _.A. smart B. busy C. interesting答案:C( ) 7. What does an elephant eat? _.A. Apples B. Milk C. Grass答案:C( ) 8. How long does a lion _every day? 20 hou

4、rs.A. work B. eat C. relax答案:C( ) 9. The tiger is _.It can eat a person.A. ugly B. scary C. friendly答案:B( ) 10. Whats your _animal? Panda.A. favorite B. penguin C. an答案:A二、选择正确答语( ) 1. What animals do you like? A. Yes,they do.( ) 2. Why do you like dolphins? B. Monkeys and pandas.( ) 3. What does th

5、e koala do at night? C. It eats leaves.( ) 4. Do the koala bears sleep in the day? D. Because they are cute and intelligent.( ) 5. Can we play with the tiger? E. No.答案:1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.E三、用所给词的正确形式填空1. Be quiet. My father is _now. (sleep)答案:sleeping 从now知父亲正在睡觉。原句中已有is,只能填sleeping。2. Why do you wan

6、t _the monkeys first? (see)答案:to see wanttodesth.想要做某事,要填to see。3. Elephants _to eat grass. (like)答案:1ike 这里是一般现在时,主语又是复数,所以用动词原形。4. Jane _playing volleyball. (like)答案:1ikes 1ike doing sth.喜欢做某事。主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词用likes。5. What does he _on Sundays? (do)答案:do 一般现在时疑问句的结构为:助动词dodoes+主语+动词原形+?6. This is _r

7、oom. (Alice)答案:Alices 表示某人的,要在该名词后加s,如Alices。7. There are all _of birds. (kind)答案:kinds all kinds of各种各样的。8. Her _is only two years old. (children)答案:child 动词是is,所以主语应为单数child。9. He makes _very happy. (we)答案:us 这里“我们”作动词make的宾语,用us。10. Thanks for _me. (help)答案:helping for,介词,后面接名词或代词。help在本题中是动词,在该词

8、词尾加吨,变成动名词。它的特点是可以当名词用,又保留动词的特点(可以接宾语等)。提高卷(20分钟)1. a map of China_ 2. kind of lazy_3. smart animals_ 4. South Africa_5. all kinds of_ 6. be friendly to us_7.吃树叶_ 8.来自非洲的长颈鹿_9.其他动物_ 10.害羞_答案:1.中国地图 2.有点懒 3.敏捷的动物 4.南非 5.各种各样的 6.对我们友好 7.eat leaves 8.the giraffes from Africa 9.other animals 10.be shy二、

9、介词填空,用with,for填空1. Let me help you _Chinese.答案:with2. Can you write _one of your feet (脚)?答案:with3. I want to sit _you.答案:with4. _your help we have won (赢了).答案:With5. Talk _them.答案:with6. Dont play _the ball.答案:with7. He is big _his age.答案:for8. Please draw a penguin _me.答案:for9. These tables are _u

10、s.答案:for10. He wants to buy a toy panda _me.答案:for介词with的基本含义有:和在一起,具有特征,用(工具)等,也可以和一些词组成词组,例help sb.with sth。在方面帮助某人,talkwithsb.和某人交谈,play with sth.玩弄某物。介词for的基本含义是“为了”,表示接受或受益的人,也可以和一些词构成词组,例look for寻找,ask for请求,向要。三、填词完成句子,首字母已给出1. E are the biggest (最大的) animals on land.2. Lions are beautiful, b

11、ut they are k of scary.3. Lets go to a movie. This is a d about some big animals in Africa.4. In winter (在冬天),there arent any 1 on the tree.5. Are koala bears from A or from Africa?1._ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5._答案:1.Elephants 从陆地上最大的动物知应填“大象”,从本句谓语动词are知要用复数。2.kind kind好心的、种类,例a kind man一个好心人,this kind of app

12、le这种苹果。a kind of一种,aUkindsof各种各样的。kind of在某种程度上,有点儿,作副词用。本句就是这种用法。3.Documentary 从去看电影,联想到要找与电影相关的词,根据d的提示填doctanentary。4.1eaves 冬天树上没有_,根据字母提示填树叶,注意用复数。5.Australia 树袋熊来自于哪里?根据我们学过的单词和字母提示,填Australia。四、根据答句完成问句1. _ _she work in China? Because she likes China.答案:Why,does 答句是因为,问句应是以Why开头的疑问句。答句是一般现在时,问句也应是一般现在时,助动词用does。2. _your favorite _? My favorite animal is a d


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