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1、外研版一年级下学期英语填空题过关专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 将图片和单词用线连接起来。 A. afternoon B. eye C. book2. 为下列句子选择正确的译文。A.让我们去踢足球。 B. 她不会画画。 C. 汤姆是我的朋友。D.我会骑自行车。 E. 你会做什么?(1)Tomis my friend._(2)I can ride a bicycle._(3)Lets go to playfootball._(4)What can you do?_(5)She cant draw._3. 情景匹配。Give me a new dress, please._ A. I need a

2、 red shorts.Look at this blouse._ B. Good afternoon, Alice.Good afternoon, Kitty._ C. Here you are.What do you need?_ D. Thank you.Here you are._ E. Its nice.4. 单词拼写。蛋糕 尺子 橙子5. 读一读,圈一圈。1.(This/These)ismypen.2.(This/These)aremypencils.3.This(is/are)mybook.4.These(is/are)6. 圈出正确的单词,并从方框中选择对应的单词将句子补充完整

3、。7. 读一读,选出不同类的单词,选出字母编号。A. three B. small C. one D. two ( )A. Ann B. Danny C. Alice D. Kitty ( )A. sweet B. biscuits C. eggs D. sweets ( )A. cake B. pie C. jelly D. food ( )8. 填上对应的图片的英文字母。( ) A. fat( ) B. mouth( ) C. mother( ) D. grandmother9. 选出在意义上属于不同类的单词。pie apple orange fateye ear orange nosec

4、ake pizza pencil hamburger10. 选词填空。mother morning read draw rubber(1) (2)(3) (4)(5)11. 单词拼写。书本 雪梨 苹果12. 小鸟送信。(填序号)A. down B. Open C. your D. up E. am F. night1.Whats_name?2.Stand_, please!3.Good_, Bill!4.Hi, I_Andy!5._your eyes.6.Sit_Please!13. 连词成句。(1) does , do , father , what , your . (2) you , c

5、an , guess . (3) great , his , uniform , looks , he , in . (4) a , policeman , is , he , good . 14. 看图读一读,选择正确的搭配。_ a. Hes my brother. Hes short. He can read._ b. Shes my friend. Shes thin. She can dance._ c. Shes my friend. Shes short. She can sing._ d. Hes my classmate. Hes fat. He can draw.15. 写出

6、相对应的字母。A.下午好! B.早上好! C.嗨!我是Eddie。 D.再见,方老师。Goodbye! Miss Fang._Hi! Im Eddie._Good morning!_Good afternoon!_16. 选出每组中不同类的单词。A. this B. that C. here ( )A. green B. card C. blue ( )A. sweet B. Mum C. Dad ( )A. ride B. fly C. boy ( )A. ball B. draw C. write ( )17. 读一读,连一连,选出正确答案。Whatsthis? A. Five pigs.Isthat a monkey? B. Its yellow.Whatcolour is it? C. Its a tiger.Howmany pigs? D. No. Its a panda.MayI have a cake, please? E. Here you are.页码 / 总页数


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