高一人教版英语必修二练习:Unit 1 Cultural relics 1 Word版含答案

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料1.1 课时作业.用所给词的适当形式填空1He _ (select) to play for England.2Those who will attend the meeting fill in the form on the _ (receive) desk.3Seventeen people died in the mine disaster and five _ (survive)4Each of his treasures is _ (value)5It was _ (amaze) that she knew nothing about that.6The

2、 thief opened the safe and took away all my _ (jewel)答案:1.was selected2.reception3.survived4.valuable5.amazing6.jewels.介、副词填空1The design of the room was _ the fancy style popular in those days.2It was also a treasure decorated _ gold and jewels.3The Amber Room was designed _ the palace of Frederick

3、.4Frederick William , _ whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.5_ return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.6This was a time when the two countries were _ war.7After that, what happened _ the Amber Room remains a mystery.8_ studying old photos, they have made the new one l

4、ook like the old one.答案:1.in2.with3.for4.to5.In6.at7.to8.By.选词填空1They set off _ the lost child.2He _ a football club and plays every Saturday.3I bought him a drink _ for his help.4The book which is not worth buying _.5The country has been _ with its neighbour for two years.6This piece of furniture i

5、s really inexpensive with a price of _ forty dollars.7I _ of their being happy together.8Wood can often _ make furniture.9The Christmas tree _ glass balls and lights.10I _ more exercise to keep fit/slim.答案:1.in search of2.belongs to3.in return4.is worth reading5.at war6.less than7.have no doubt8.be

6、used to9.is decorated with10.decide to do.完成句子1This kind of bird _ _ _ (可能已经消失了) from here, for we havent seen them for years.2I _ my watch _ (被偷了) on the bus yesterday.3_ _ _ _ _ (毫无疑问) our experiment will succeed.4_ _ _ _ _ (那是一个的时代) there were no radios, no telephones or TV sets.5It is said that

7、the book is _ _ _ (很值得一读)答案:1.could have disappeared2had, stolen3.There is no doubt that4It was a time when5.well worth reading.完形填空Heritage EducationChinas “Cultural Heritage Day” falls on the second Saturday of June every year. Many celebrations are held and all cultural relic protection sites are

8、 _1_ to open free to the public on the day. There is no _2_ that various celebrating _3_ across the country will arise public _4_ of the importance of cultural heritage protection and _5_ the young people to love the fine _6_ culture of the motherland.China faces a heavy task to protect and rescue i

9、ts cultural _7_. We need to consider seriously the _8_ of the lack of awareness about cultural heritage protection. _9_, Heritage Education is one of our main approaches. People cannot _10_ value cultural heritage if they do not know _11_ it is important or how to protect it. Over the past seven yea

10、rs, CHP _12_ over a hundred educational _13_ to various groups, such as schools, government offices, _14_ the general public. Many people have attended CHP seminars. Typically, each seminar lasts two to three hours and _15_ of an informative presentation, _16_ by a longer questionandanswer session a

11、nd discussion. Each attender with _17_ knowledge of cultural heritage, _18_ it to be just the Forbidden City (紫禁城) and the Great Wall. People often think that the duty only _19_ to the government. So “Cultural Heritage Day” will be a welcome _20_ to educate a wide public on world heritage conservati

12、on.1A.forbidden BsuggestedCmade Ddesigned2A.need BdoubtCwonder Dreason3A.parties BactivitiesCreceptions Deyewitnesses4A.awareness BknowledgeCaffairs Dopinion5A.inform BadviseCpersuade Dinspire6A.natural BmodernCtraditional Dartificial7A.discoveries BtreasuresCrelics Dwonders8A.harm BrecordCmeaning D

13、importance9A.So BInsteadCAnd DThus10A.properly BsimplyCcarefully Dentirely11A.what BwhyChow Dwhen12A.has offered Bhas ignoredChas insisted Dhas presented13A.honours BquizzesCseminars Drights14A.as well as Bas much asCas good as Das long as15A.consists BbecomesClies Dforms16A.recognized BrequestedCre

14、told Dfollowed17A.professional BlimitedClearned Drequired18A.considering BunderstandingCrealizing D concluding19A.comes BstandsCbelongs Dcalls20A.possibility BrelicCopportunity Dchance答案与解析:1解析:design意为“计划,打算”, be designed to .意为“计划做”。答案:D2解析:There is no doubt .“毫无疑问”; There is no need意为“没有必要”, reason和wonder不与“There is no .


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