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1、雅思基础语法练习1.cince sl a ueocance.dosnt fin c.asnt foudb.havefounddarent findig2.While e aroe to the Indies, Columbu discovere Aeri.a.searhed chdsearcor.w discovingd.was serching or3.Exstin rrves ffossil uelby 205.ahve eenrun ou c.igoin to be ru oub.will ve run t.have un u4.If logginof ropica raiforests

2、ontinea h presntae, a 3 pr centincrese in atmosphericCO2 ythe year 20.there wl be .herewoudbeb.thre might hve ee.hr could not hae bee5.Oly y ivesting heviy in alu-addeexorts fm te prsetrade mblane.ate cont cn emrge c.cath couny merb.theonty migt mrged.e coutry eerged6.Th sterfh doulehelix , thsco or

3、geneticengrig dramatiay increaed.han solvedc.olvingb.having een solvddslvd.Sc themi60s cnsderblrsearc n mbyo transplant .ha arried ut c.hs bencied ou.wa doed.was arrieut8. seeal hyptees haee adanedfo the diseaane f thedinosaur, n conusive evienc upporsan of hem.a.desp c.alhoghbinpte of. spite ofe fc

4、Unil the16t entur rth to beflata.is belieedc.lieedb.h beenelieved.wasblived.If th temperaure fe ecor 5Chighermeldonwld hav occredaasc.as bengb.d ben d.ha11. dequte prcauions are take, there is no rsk nvlvd in oertion.a.Although c.Neteless.Provding d.Een12.M suervisaise me o th probem.alook aheadc.lo

5、o out ofblok don.loo io1.h mor acd youdd to th soution, it beomes.cloui c.the loudiestb.th cloded.me clouy14Te lctrersaidI time ou the literaur rviw.aegnc.shouleginb.bein d.re beginnig5Aftr studyin our experiment results, the tutor suggsed thexeimn.a.ustrepetcwe repeatb.ha w orepeat.me t repat16.Atr

6、 orrutsyou hould a an appoinmen with tutor.a.yo receingcyou hav rcevd.y would havereidd.ou reeied17.You he xpeiment twice,no oce.shold haecrried outc.avn caried otb.huldt he croud.codn ve arie ou18.Ilook o made amita.s cb.s thogh .pehaps19.Aftereciinh results,the stdent stopped .a.t wryworryinb.havi

7、nwrriedd.to e wrred0.Yo inclue thi sectionI is ot nessry.ust.dont need.countddnt ave o21.Unless an xenion tlast one eek eforeth u , illot e gien.ayo qust c.u reqetedbyou will equestd.reqestig2.he asignmet made e .ato hin hard c.think hrb.thinking hdd.thught hr.he sentists wereroited he dn ze.t nterc

8、.enterb.eneri d.froentein24. th rht answe I would have got ul maks.a.Had I known If Ill knw.if wuldhave knownd.If I was kong5.The eult wre coniin that e dided puls them.aso .ery b.ucdso uch2. ayyou di,theanswer i aaysthe me.a.oweve c.ho evrb.hicheved.Whyve27. proungmethane, the rces al proucs bn ono

9、xide.aApar cBesdesb.s ell d.Inadtion8Te biolgistadite eceiumbersofanimas in abortory tests.a.usig .beinusedb.to usd.us29. whale is amam, t is warboded andives milktoits young.hocwhchmans thathich d.that0e apa mnor problems.a.to havehadc.ws hvingb.hain.harammar Practie Aswer11B21.a. 12.D.c3B3.B23.4.A14A24a5C15.C56.


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