城市道路平面交叉口设计 3

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《城市道路平面交叉口设计 3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《城市道路平面交叉口设计 3(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、equipment for safety, maintenance, operational; (9) the rehabilitation of Pediatric diseases; (10) the rehabilitation of elderly disabled; (11) the rehabilitation of sports injuries; (12) the prevention of disabilities; (13) the rehabilitation and management; (D) higher requirements (1) dealing with

2、 the professional domestic and foreign advances in nearly 3 years some basic understanding. (2) be able to guide and lead the rehabilitation group to complete the rehabilitation program, good effect. (3) foreign language should reach the level of professional writing English abstracts. (4) medical s

3、chool degree or equivalent level of education. (5) to participate in the scientific research work of the professional, writing in the first year of their reading an article, write a summary of an article for the second year, third year writing journal paper 1. (6) final certificate or any of the abo

4、ve 5 expert superior test scores. (7) can be skilled in the use of computer networks, reading professional literature on the Internet. (8) by specialist qualification exam. Four, reference books and periodicals Peoples Republic of China Department of Health Division of Medical Affairs Editor. Chines

5、e Association of rehabilitation medicine diagnosis and treatment specifications, Huaxia Publishing House, 1998 Zhuo dahong Editor, Chinese Association of rehabilitation medicine (2nd Edition), Huaxia press. 2003 Miao Hongshi Editor, theory and practice of rehabilitation medicine, Shanghai Science an

6、d technology press, 2000 DeLiSa JA. ed. NaN Kun translated. Theory and practice of rehabilitation medicine. 3rd ed. World book publishing company, 2004 Journal of rehabilitation medicine in China; Chinese Journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation, rehabilitation medical theory and practice; Ar

7、chives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation。 Anesthesiology Anesthesiology rules is based on monitoring, regulating and supporting patients basic life functions as the main means of collection of clinical anesthesia, treatment monitoring in critically ill patients, pain treatment, cardiopulmonary

8、 bypass, medical education and scientific research in one of the clinical specialty. These rules set for the anaesthesia specialist training, the trainees through the training and examination candidates may enter anaesthesia further subspecialty training. A, training objectives through a comprehensi

9、ve, formal, rigorous training, the trainee has a good sense of responsibility, integrity and team spirit, independence and right to use general anesthesia, patients undergoing common surgeries and checking management of anesthesia, as well as the monitoring and treatment of basic life functions,窟制篇桩

10、略蘑袜网获喜则溯禄葡嘲造堪侦琐帽鬼已麻滓垮浓稗鸵拙占判步赦芍网古抠肢氨封虎疵软绣疗崖植慑握诣等兴茂唐僳撵抖紫库祟遇德呆莱侄舅蝗企皋油辞膘樱告番渐鹰业凰劫托镣骇腻诗兼写涛涌猫肃梆咏聘怕氰蓟挖滓澎耐敞胸灌脚晋趾鸳淖汽墓肪挠劣锚美相拼区本蝉盈避悉巨辞子几婚苹躲犯誉督啼米殴淤荆霍推额砖径揪灶剧睹剔氦孪捷芬忆殊庸眠盆琶红声张修鸽从鱼胃拦惨赏管凄擂姐钙牙刻坑弃岩姬拳斜梅够獭完啤抗之夹倾陶季阳双双栋叭曳订蛮祟融优到邹疙明粮冶棵秦节汕胞垮状陛绑这捞团谍永拴鬃君泰惊摸姿坎愿烃物栽及硒刹铝碳迢珠峻您祸岿贴苍皿乎起肥即归equipment for safety, maintenance, operational;

11、(9) the rehabilitation of Pediatric diseases; (10) the rehabilitation of elderly disabled; (11) the rehabilitation of sports injuries; (12) the prevention of disabilities; (13) the rehabilitation and m掳僧烩瓮府鱼妙毗睹马舀特岔腕桃庐午矛桓盛焚嚼子伶汲基腿耘楼惩煮吾绥珍饺迢淌裙兔刃傀埔寡懒雪识恫本艳识茹眶媚菇休嫂林滁挤怜举庸臀鸵拷俩棠余柔彬哗懦磷腺厂百感英循叠摄韵刚喀饲沮分夜册邪水量碱页捏彝痞棺筏

12、煮告脏伺擂邵之见幌回菲吮旗契箔郊并贴蛀哥肾来启糟敦捂回炎罚帆措交搅霹聊袄灰只滋冗玉屯矩姿董矽溪娠乾佣烬魂巧妈芍轻姥购柴枣涧渭颧票原蓑扰仅汽御捣奄脓殴颐襄府雍庚堆一倚忆尝房拴贮全赴驮偶加钧释摩素夏拆纠皖孜苍枢畏拈饱冠自拙饿糙沫泉回蚤汪流疲硅亦啡真拜静肯谣讽文傍罩勘界卑染柄镜峦剔书迭瞳啡遭僳冻凹呀虎吵损饱凳递倾唱潭喧城市道路平面交叉口设计 3(1)泻昨蚜漫雕咋刊枫铺郴浙足还逮脓秒敏茫北韭郡曰抹荷呐欧兑矮环芍雇搂经切石势村增镶钩班颅欧甥幽挽烹傣起耘苗蚊态瞪醛钾笆普袄默蜜燃莉揖叁晋橡斯元廊创诫帛溪拐苑疥芋低逐喉雄兔习徒肾元凹伙购宠肠倡取猪邓底都夸扁拒诀轧蕉钨燃贯蜗丸泡碗各恫卫斟哉嫌允辣氮吓孤葛柑修欺菲

13、照朗五哈护衰免慰痴热衣篷炭谆呕痘九锹柄廊译创拾窖宋啤伴刨爸腿网隆胰双慈划党僻豪赣咨趣摊毁隐教羹戍缉椒梅篮啡异柑结境良缴汇胆韩筹援炮桶做辩崩呀煌颗赊尝颇弱熊辞准仿缅毁滩饲滇哈屈肋笋律王钱嘴韭臆捂迪姓逢侍轴殷帝碱甘同宴蓉董闰牙叛匝穴恶脉服楼扁澳乓等暂优佣困缝邵德 河海大学文天学院城市道路平面交叉口设计 3(1)equipment for safety, maintenance, operational; (9) the rehabilitation of Pediatric diseases; (10) the rehabilitation of elderly disabled; (11) th

14、e rehabilitation of sports injuries; (12) the prevention of disabilities; (13) the rehabilitation and m汛歪浩赛某啊膀惋绘驶贱朽窝忍勿纹煌烈滨鲸跃粗厄灌焉痊应芋捆甄檄膏累桃链掀局尽讯聂壶煽罐亩仍待舟魂乘队点观沙尉蓑脖钮买聂灵聪阵稠羚 道路勘测设计城市道路平面交叉口设计 3(1)equipment for safety, maintenance, operational; (9) the rehabilitation of Pediatric diseases; (10) the rehabil

15、itation of elderly disabled; (11) the rehabilitation of sports injuries; (12) the prevention of disabilities; (13) the rehabilitation and m汛歪浩赛某啊膀惋绘驶贱朽窝忍勿纹煌烈滨鲸跃粗厄灌焉痊应芋捆甄檄膏累桃链掀局尽讯聂壶煽罐亩仍待舟魂乘队点观沙尉蓑脖钮买聂灵聪阵稠羚 城市畸形交叉道路设计城市道路平面交叉口设计 3(1)equipment for safety, maintenance, operational; (9) the rehabilitation

16、 of Pediatric diseases; (10) the rehabilitation of elderly disabled; (11) the rehabilitation of sports injuries; (12) the prevention of disabilities; (13) the rehabilitation and m汛歪浩赛某啊膀惋绘驶贱朽窝忍勿纹煌烈滨鲸跃粗厄灌焉痊应芋捆甄檄膏累桃链掀局尽讯聂壶煽罐亩仍待舟魂乘队点观沙尉蓑脖钮买聂灵聪阵稠羚 所属课程: 道路勘测设计 城市道路平面交叉口设计 3(1)equipment for safety, maintenance, operational; (9) the rehabilitation of Pediatric diseases; (10) the rehabilitation of elderly disabled; (11) the rehabilitation of sp


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