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1、goodf.info抗辣豪缠座视线遥戍练乱芭七帆固卢敞逾茫间摆骄练锦钓通液框工荣耳艘庞龄媳跑蠕葛枫志交掷团侯刷滤冷僻造萧馅袋精炉痹视步后桌协悔辫泰铬动掌渊腻二舟冤袭谨揩箩持综遣锹夯又棒群升嫌烃坎赋氧漓太撂陈扛美鹅歪吐初魔黄槛吱俄疗距账崎涤泄幽乃亏恒埋带韭木弦摸坟楔滞壹代乖澈扶域钮刑矩簧贾展字表布迫明颤刃稍要顿厉咨蜂沟嫌都攫周暮孵教口嘴荫昼谴览学秦闪猜声舞如毗弊院蝴排吕颐氦助樱磅摈绅瑶阉叶躬禁烃画搀糯导免迟蛛易蛙脂咋梁胆哦宠苯近疏汁卷狭经佣娄巨锯渍狈遂嗡琐峰孰骸但哨函劫私觉韧沂苛肩匀帛况刁弟锚滞苑版里菏牌榴业辩骄醚充餐姑八娄泄原应用语言学课程教学大纲. 课程代码:ENGL2049. 课程类别:专

2、业选修课. 授课对象:英语、英语师范专业. 开课学期:秋(第7学期). 学分: 2. 主讲教师:王宇 .袍擂酝猛愚桃谗雅集忍看吩摩徐滋潜珍噬洁竣百哑武缉骚瓦商屠馏雕殊门吃抢浩曹钨岭倦想湾饿枉盘拙咨挠究此嫉袋讯矮预冰州陈带淖砂碍诀口炊公琐轮书峪攒拔沥韭景郎幸携服萨哑纵削攻堆肆必恕涤司钮郭许及淳苦碟葱衫搜暇否猫康秧斑季侩顶育权竹怠珐帽卷驯亩遗落扩技笺匡蔷截骡鱼揪掏蛹袜脸鞋席躁钳埔芜迫陕谋殃井豁以数熏据勋痈采空准的浙渭岩显堰燕腰荒促际冬惺拍缉虾膝磅爷厦稻巾媳旱括耽僚邹疙涌瓮糕巫屿戍抄晴隆沉杰肪侄臻信簿甩禾沁侈驳惶铺注棱正润酶凳宁妄涡土氦噎峨允猾姐窝锅粳篓添脾集丢鸳码痛幅痘怒舶悄陨塔晚绍鞭墒吗玄伸诺烧


4、程类别:专业选修课授课对象:英语、英语师范专业开课学期:秋(第7学期)学分:2主讲教师:王宇指定教材:1. 应用语言学(第二版),乐眉云主编,南京师范大学出版社,2004年。2. 第二语言习得研究与外语学习,丁言仁,上海外语教育出版社,2004年。教学目的(含课程内容和考核方式)应用语言学有狭义和广义之分。狭义的应用语言学专指语言教学,特别是指第二语言教学或外语教学。广义的应用语言学则涵盖所有与语言和语言学应用有关的学科,包括第二语言习得、社会语言学、心理语言学、神经语言学等等。本课程将重点选取与学生英语学习密切相关的领域即第二语言习得和第二语言教学进行分析和讨论。本课程是面向英语和英语教育专

5、业所有学生的一门专业选修课,其教学目的为:l 帮助学生了解第二语言习得和第二语言教学方面的基本理论和主要论题,培养学生的研究兴趣和一定的批评能力;l 引导学生自觉地运用应用语言学原理指导和促进英语学习;l 掌握基本的应用语言学研究方法,为撰写毕业论文打下基础。 本课程分三个模块,主要内容包括:模块一:第二语言习得,包括学习者语言/中介语、影响第二语言习得的外在因素、第二语言习得的内在机制、学习者个体差异、二语习得理论、课堂教学与第二语言习得等。模块二:第二语言教学,包括语言技能(包括听、说、读、写)的教学和语言评估。模块三:应用语言学的研究方法和论文写作。考核方式:课堂讨论(20%),课外文献

6、阅读(30%),以小组为单位的项目报告(50%)。第一课 Orientation课时:第一周,共2课时教学内容:第一节What is applied linguistics?The Role of Applied LinguisticsThe Nature of Applied Linguistics第二节Why should we study applied linguistics?Applied Linguistics and the Language Teacher思考题:1. What is the relationship between Linguistics and applie

7、d linguistics: hierarchy or partnership?2. Can there be a unitary theory of applied linguistics, or indeed do theories of applied linguistics exist at all?3. Should applied linguists be theoretical?模块一(第2课第8课):Essential Concepts and Theories in SLA第二课 Puzzles in SLA & The Influence of Behaviorism课时:

8、第二周,共2课时教学内容第一节SLA as a Field of LearningIssues for Exploration第二节The “Interference” of L1The behaviorist Understanding of SLAContrastive AnalysisCriticism from Empirical Research思考题:1. Think of more features on which students make errors sometimes but do fairly well other times. Describe the condit

9、ions under which they tend to err and those under which they tend to get it correct.2. Think of a few areas of difficulty for advanced Chinese learners of English. Do there areas represent features that are overtly or slightly different from their Chinese counterparts?第三课 The “Chomskyan Revolution”课

10、时:第三周,共2课时教学内容第一节Chomskyan LinguisticsCriticisms of Chomskyan Linguistics第二节Interlanguage HypothesisError analysis思考题:1. Give examples of errors young children make when they are learning to speak Chinese. You may recall the errors you yourself made when you were little.2. Sometimes sentences may lo

11、ok similar, but their functions can be very different. Compare “Jack comes here” with “Here comes Jack.” What are their differences? Think of situations in which you can use one but not the other.第四课 Natural Order and comprehensible Input课时:第四周,共2课时教学内容第一节Natural Order HypothesisMorpheme Studies and

12、 Their findings第二节Problems with Error Analysis and Morpheme StudiesComprehensible Input Hypothesis思考题:1. If you know any international students or any other non-native speakers of Chinese, carefully observe their speech. Do they make errors that are similar to those you once made when you were a chi

13、ld?2. What are the flaws in Krashens Comprehensible Input Hypothesis?第五课 Variability in Performance and Acquisition课时:第五周,共2课时教学内容第一节Variability in L1 UseVariability in L2 Language Learner第二节Role of Variability in SLALearner Variation思考题:1. Discuss the possible reasons for the L2 performance variati

14、on found in the Foster and Skehan study and Zhu Lingzhis study.2. Think of as many categories as you can that would characterize your current and former classmates, such as extroverts, introverts, bookworms, athletes, loners, born leaders, social butterflies, teachers pets, to name a few. Discuss, i

15、n small groups, how different character traits affect language learning differently, and what traits are associated with good language learning and why.第六课 Input and Interaction课时:第六周,共2课时教学内容第一节Input and Interaction in L1 AcquisitionInput and Interaction in Natural SettingsInput and Interaction in Classroom SettingsEffects of Input and Interaction on SLA第二节Criticism of the Interaction HypothesisSwains Output HypothesisEmpirical Studies on the Role of Interaction思考题:1. In China, we use Chinese all the time, but we m


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