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1、博乐市第三小学课堂教学设计单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时教学内容:Period1 A Lets learn Lets play 教学目标知识与技能:1.知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词:family、parents、uncle、aunt、baby brother,并能用“This is my. He/She has. He/She likes. He/She is.”等英语正确、流利地介绍自己的家庭成员。2.技能目标:能够用英语简单介绍自己的家庭成员。过程与方法: Use tasked-based teaching methods and situa

2、tion teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:培养学生热爱家庭,关心父母的情感。 教学重点:使学生掌握单词:family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother并能在情景中运用。教学难点: 能用英语正确、流利地介绍自己的家庭。教学准备: Some pictures 教学过程:Step1 Greetings 2、教师出示单词卡片,孩子抢答。教师在黑板上画出family tree,3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my. She/He

3、is. 进行介绍和描述。4、孩子把自己的照片放在投影上,尝试用This is my. She/He is. 进行介绍和描述。Step2 Presentation1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。 教师:I have a big family. How many people in my family?。再问:How many people in your family.鼓励孩子回答。 This is my mother. This is my father. They are m

4、y parents. 教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle. This is my aunt 。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my fathers or mothers brother. My aunt is my fathers or my mothers sister.”2、播放配套课件:教师说:“This is Amys family. How many people in Amys family. Who are they? ”指课件中的单词

5、认读。3、教师分别出示Amy的家庭成员的照片,让孩子说说单词。4、进行Group work的练习,先让一个孩子拿着自己的家庭照片放在投影上,介绍和描述家庭成员。Step3 Practice1、Listen to a song Come and see my family 2、听一听,画一画学生相互描述自己的家庭成员,同组同学根据描述画出来。看看描述的是否准确Step4 Production.1. Group work2. Good to know. 教师介绍C部分Good to know的内容,学生跟说mom, mommy, dad, daddy, papa.教师让学生了解这些都是口语。边看视

6、频边学唱Come and see my family Step5. Homework学生做配套练习。板书设计: Unit6 Meet My Family This is my.教学反思:博乐市第三小学课堂教学设计单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时教学内容:Period2 A Lets talk Lets count 教学目标知识与技能:1.能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。过程与方法:

7、 Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method. 情感态度价值观: Pupil is interesting at English, they like to do action., and they feel happy for communicating.教学重点:熟练掌握句型How many are there?的用法并能在实践中运用。教学难点:理解Lets talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用教学准备:Some pictures 教学过程:Step1 Greetings and revisionSin

8、g the song (上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲)单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“How many cards in my hand?” Step2 Presentation教师出示上一课Lets learn部分的课件。说:“This is Amys family. How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”The

9、re are people in the picture. They are my.”来回答。教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:How many people are there in my family?。学生说:“There are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“My family教师提问一些学生How many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用My family has members.的句型说一说。教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“Thats only 3”教师和学生一起总结:问

10、:“How many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。Step3 Practice1、Who are they?教师快速出示Amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜Who are they?2、猜一猜Step4 Production1. Lets count.教师先做好示范和要求,然后让学生两人一组练习。2. Make a survey.How many people are there in your family? Who are they?Step4.Homework学生做配套练习。板书设计: Unit6 Meet My Family How many

11、 people are there in your family?Who are they?My family has members教学反思:博乐市第三小学课堂教学设计单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时教学内容:Period3 B Lets learn Lets play 教学目标知识与技能:单词nurse, doctor, farmer, driver的拼写。过程与方法: Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chan

12、ts to interest the class.情感态度价值观:培养学生热爱学习,热爱劳动的高尚品质。教学重点:熟练掌握四个单词的拼写。单词nurse, doctor, farmer, driver的拼写。教学难点: 单词的正确拼、读、写。Im going to be a教学准备:Some cards教学过程:Step1 Warm up 口语练习:How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they?让学生改编B部分的chant, 然后表演出来。Listen and act看一看,传一传各组的第一个孩子看卡

13、片,向后耳语传单词,最后一个学生说出来,看看那个小组传得最快最准。Step2 Presentation 教师出示Read and write部分的课件,问“What can you see?”学生根据情况说出家庭成员的单词。教师出示词卡,孩子抢答单词,指导每个词读音时提醒学生注意每个单词的最后尾音(mother father sister brother)教师板书四会单词,学生边拼读,便跟着老师书空练习。每个单词,分别请每组一名同学拼拼,比一比谁拼读的熟练,快速。教师遮盖单词,孩子试拼每一词。在小组里进行拼读练习,学生互为小老师,互相帮助教师出示卡片,让孩子拼出相应的单词,哪组拼出的多奖励一个

14、苹果标志,拼出的单词最多的组获胜。教师贴出图片,问:“Can you spell these words?”学生回答并拼出单词。教师把家庭成员的单词写在黑板上的四线三格中。出示单词, 教师在四线格中示范书写单词,学生在本上模仿拼写。教师出示Write and say部分的内容,让学生看图独立完成短文。通过Read and write部分的动画来学习本部分的内容。学生小组为单位,模仿Write and say部分表演,拿出自己的家庭照片,介绍自己的家庭。Step3 Practice1拼读单词列队比赛将全班分成两组,教师发给每个学生一张字母卡片,不常用的字母(如Q,Z)可以一人多拿几张,游戏开始,2字母组词。Step4 Production 做Lets check练习:教师播放录音,让学生Step5: Homework. 做配套练习。 板书设计: Unit6 Meet My FamilyHow many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they?教学反思:博乐市第三小学课堂教学设计单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时教学内容:Period4 B Lets talk read and write 教学目标知识与技能:(1)能听、说


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