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1、Key sentences for Unit 191. However, these are often followed by moments of frustration and discouragement, during which you might feel as if you will never master the concepts and attain the ability to understand and communicate effectively.然而,这些(学外语的过程)经常被沮丧和气馁的时刻伴随着,在这期间你也许会感觉到你好像永远也不会精掌握那些概念,不会达

2、到有效理解和交流的能力。2. Below are some time-tested, research-verified approaches that will help mitigate potential frustration and will increase your ability to succeed in language learning.下面是一些经过时间考验和研究验证的方法,它们将帮助减轻潜在的挫折,会增加你在语言学习中获得成功的能力。3. At the same time, strive to identify your own personal learning b

3、arriers and make efforts to overcome them.与此同时,努力去明确你自己个人的学习障碍,努力去克服它们。4. If your ultimate goal is language fluency, as it is for many students learning a language, then it is important to know that you will become more fluent more quickly if you increase the amount of contact you have with the lang

4、uage.正如这是许多学生学习一门语言的目标,如果你最终的目标是语言的流利性,那么如果增加你和这门语言的接触量,你的语言会变得更加流利和准确。这是非常重要的一点。5. She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. 她后退几步,露出惊讶的神色,然后举起手,好像在防御。6. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.这些行为不分好与不好,而是在一些文化发展中的

5、简单的交流方式。7. Body language is the universal unofficial language that makes us all multilingual and is instinctive to us at birth.身体语言是通用的非官方语言,它使我们具有“多种语言”的能力,是我们自出生时就有的本能。8. Body language is shielded from any technological advancement yet its significance can be greater than any current means of comm

6、unication.身体语言虽然被科技的进步所遮蔽,但是它的重要性可以比现在任何交流的方式更大。9. When someone feels compelled to subconsciously copy our body language its a sure bet that they are feeling very comfortable around you and do in fact like you.当有人感到被迫下意识地复制我们的肢体语言,那么他们在你周围感觉很舒适,照着你的样子去做。10. This massive drive to learn and teach Mand

7、arin indicates that while Chinas national power is growing 30 years after its reform and opening-up, the nations soft power has also grown.普通话教和学显示出的强大驱动力表明随着30年改革开放后中国国力的日益增长,国家的软实力也有了增长。11. But in the phenomenon of learning Chinese that is sweeping the world, most of the passion from Westerners co

8、mes from their curiosity and appreciation of traditional Chinese culture. 但全世界学习汉语的狂潮中,西方人的激情大多数来自他们对中国传统文化的好奇和欣赏。12. In England, one accent has traditionally stood out above all others in its ability to convey associations of respectable social standing and a good education.在英格兰,传统上讲一种口音可以从别的口音中凸显出

9、来。因为这种口音体现出受人尊敬的社会地位和受过良好的教育。 13. Today, with the breakdown of rigid divisions between social classes and the development of the mass media, RP is no longer the preserve of social elite.今天,随着严格的社会阶层划分的瓦解以及和大众传媒的发展,“标准发音”不再是社会精英的专利。14. The quality of someones voice and their choice of words make a pe

10、rson instantly recognizable, even though you cant see him or her.一个人的声音质量和他们对词语的选择让人立即辨认出来,虽然你看不见他或她。15. English spread across the world over hundreds of years because of trade, exploration and business, and this process produced many different Englishes. 英语因为贸易、探开拓和生意因素在世界各地传播数百年,这一过程产生了许多不同的英语(变体)

11、。16. One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society. 瞥见未来的方法之一就是调查现今的主流趋势。17. A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, which is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and travels at amazing 430km/h. 新式磁悬浮列车是体现

12、交通工具变迁的一个好例子。它环保、节省,并且能以难以置信的430千米每小时的速度运行。18. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.Claire觉得被一个机器人同情是荒唐的。19. Kamens most recent invention had been a source of intense speculation and media hype for months leading up to its debut. Kamen最近的发明早在首发前数月就成为了热议的焦点和媒体大肆宣传的对象。20.

13、 The Segway Human Transporter looked more like a small lawnmower than the next step in motorized transportation, but it boast some interesting features. Segwa看起来并不能代表交通工具机动化运输的又一进展,而更像一台小草坪机。然而它号称有许多有趣的特色。21. After creating innovations like the worlds first portable pump for diabetics, Kamen shifted

14、 focus to the challenges faced by wheelchair users. 在创造出特色产品后,比如在为糖尿病患者创作了世界上第一个移动泵之后,Kamen将注意力转移到轮椅使用者所面临的挑战上。22. Despite the controversy, the U.S postal service began using Kamens invention a moth after its unveiling, and a factory was built with plans to manufacture 40,000 Segways a month. 尽管有争议存

15、在,美国邮政局在Kamen的发明问世一个月后就开始使用它了,而且,一座计划月产40,000辆Segways的工厂已经建造起来。23. Traditional surgical procedures requires surgeon to make large incisions in a patients body in order to gain access to the internal organs. 传统外科手术的程序需要外科医生在病人的体内切开大的切口,这样才能到达内部器官进行手术。24. Patient who undergo surgery requiring this kin

16、d of invasive procedure are often prone to infection, as bacterial can infect the cut in the skin. 经受这种带有侵入性程序的外科手术的病人更易感染,因为细菌能够感染皮肤上的切口。25. Neighborhood cars were coming and going, and their almost-quite motors became the white noise that masked the sound of coming spacecraft. 邻家的车来来往往,它们几乎安静的引擎声此时变成了白噪音,掩盖了飞船逐渐临近的声音。26. I was led to a spot in the field where the grass was swirl


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