2022年高考英语 备战十天攻克词汇 第三天教案

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《2022年高考英语 备战十天攻克词汇 第三天教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高考英语 备战十天攻克词汇 第三天教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高考英语 备战十天攻克词汇 第三天教案1. You must take the _ steps by yourself; after you have begun, I will help you. A) primitive B) preliminary C) primary D) practicable2. How can you best _ in your students the speech habits of the English language? A) civilize B) cultivate C) evolve D) train 3. After three h

2、ours of heated debate, the _ bill was passed by a narrow majority . A) virtual B) universal C) controversial D) substantial4. Richards news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted. A) prehensive B) integrated C) redundant D) productive 5. Shaking hands when people meet

3、each other for the first time is practiced as a _ way of greeting. A) conventional B) conservative C) constant D) convenient 6. If you _ a magnet-needle, its two ends can point North and South, and so it can be used to determine directions. A) overtakeB) fix C) highlightD) suspend7. I am afraid that

4、 you have to alter your _ views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived. A) indifferentB) distressing C) optimistic D) pessimistic8. Stamping on any countrys national flag is an _ to its people. A) inflationB) ingredient C) insultD) invasion 9. When he was a young boy, a serious disease de

5、prived him of the _ of hearing. A) organB) possession C) conductD) faculty 10. If you _ bright sunlight _ dry wood with a glass, it will start burning. A) expose to B) concentrate on C) aim atD) focus on 11. The manufacturers refused to take all _ for damage caused by misuse. A) dutyB) responsibilit

6、y C) obligationD) share 12. The noise was so faint that you had to _ your ears to hear it. A) stirB) strengthen C) strainD) stride 13. Weve done our _ to make the process as simple as possible. A) terminalB) utmost C) extremeD) supreme 14. What he said was too _ for me to understand. A) poundB) plex

7、 C) prehensiveD) conventional 15. Their products are frequently overpriced and _ in quality. A) influentialB) inferior C) superiorD) subordinate 16. The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect _ so a walk along Nanking Road is an enjoyable discovery. A) controlB) order C) harmonyD) action 1

8、7. One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a _ operation, he quickly recovered his sight. A) delicateB) considerate C) preciseD) sensitive18. If your baby is losing weight, you should _ your doctor promptly. A) advocateB) consult C) enquireD) investigate 19. I have worked on three _ Sa

9、turdays. A) continuousB) consistent C) successiveD) regular 20. With the introduction of _ technology, information flows faster than it ever did. A) involvedB) plicated C) sophisticatedD) plex 21. The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was _ behind as usual. A) decliningB) del

10、aying C) lackingD) lagging22. It will be safer to walk on the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial _ will be conducted by puter. A) transformations B) transmissions C) transitionsD) transactions 23. While both plans were perfectly sensible, onl

11、y one seemed _ in Chinas particular situation. A) usefulB) available C) feasibleD) desirable 24. Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion, _ the $160 billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress. A) in proportion toB) in reply to C) in relation toD) in contras

12、t to 25. We _ the cook because her cooking was so poor. A) dismissedB) deserted C) resignedD) withdrew 26. Dogs are often praised for their _; they almost never abandon their masters. A) faithB) loyalty C) trustD) truthfulness 27. Most parents encourage their children to take an active part in socia

13、l events, _ those events do not interfere with their studies. A) lest B) though C) unlessD) provided 28. We must _ these trash ideas. A) discardB) dispose C) dischargeD) dismiss 29. She can run 100 meters in 13 seconds without _ herself. A) executingB) inserting C) exertingD) devoting 30. Our holiday plans _ because of transport strikes. A) fell outB) fell through C) fell overD) fell behind参考答案 1-10BBCAADCCDD11-20BCBBBCABCC21-30DDCDABDACB


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