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1、Communications Management Plan项目沟通管理计划Prepared for 基于上海电大远程学习平台的市民远程学习试点项目Monday, 25 April 2022Version 1.0Prepared byRay ZongThe information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must r

2、espond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION I

3、N THIS DOCUMENT.Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical

4、, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly p

5、rovided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.The descriptions of other companies products in this document, if any, are provided only as a convenence to

6、you. Any such references should not be considered an endorsement or support by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot guarantee their accuracy, and the products may change over time. Also, the descriptions are intended as brief highlights to aid understanding, rather than as thorough coverage. For authoritativ

7、e descriptions of these products, please consult their respective manufacturers. 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.The names of actual companies and products ment

8、ioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.Revision and Signoff SheetChange RecordDateAuthorVersionChange reference26 May 2009 Ray Zong1.0Initial version for review/discussionReviewersDateNameVersion approved PositionTable of Contents1 Project Narrative .22 Table of Reference. 53

9、Escalation Path64 Contact List 75 Calendar of Meetings and Reports 8In ter nal8External91 Project Narrative摘要本文档用于指导项目全过程的沟通工作,沟通方法,沟通渠道等各个方面的计划与安排.目标通过描述项目全过程中进行沟通工作时需要采用的沟通方法,沟通渠道等方面的计划与安排,帮 助项目涉及人了解沟通需求,比如谁要什么信息;什么时候需要;怎么获得.机密与敏感信息项目团队成员在本项目实施过程中,所接触到的相关技术信息属于企业机密,在未得到项目经理 的授权时不得擅自向外部人员进行发布所接触到的相

10、关业务信息属于政府敏感信息,在未得到 项目经理与客户的授权时不得擅自向外部人员进行发布.在默认情况下,项目团队成员应该自觉对项目相关的信息进行保密.沟通方法项目期间内,将使用正式的程序来促进交流。沟通方法包括(但不限于):报告,主要指项目周状态报告,微软项目经理将与客户项目经理一起工作,编制状况 报告,分发给客户和微软的项目管理层。临时会议或直接交谈:按需要组织会议进行沟通,或直接与相关人员(不限于项目组 成员)进行讨论,注意记录沟通和讨论结果。电话或电话会议:对于异地或者涉及非项目实施地点人员的沟通以电话或电话会议为主,此类电话或电话会议视为与面对面会议同等的作用,注意记录沟通和会议结果。传

11、真:对于重大事项,可通过传真通知客户或微软。电子邮件:电子邮件可以有效提高沟通效率、降低项目成本,本项目视邮件沟通记录 与纸质记录具有同样的作用。会议:项目会议必须按照规定的频度和时间准时执行,会议必须提前准备,安排主持人和记录员。本项目涉及会议主要包括(但不限于):a)周项目例会:审查总体状况、项目时间表和状况报告中提到的未决问题,提出问题,可能的话解决问题。追踪问题,风险,和依赖条件。确定下周计划分工。b)项目启动会议,使项目参与人明确本次项目的目标,工作范围,本项目实施的方法 及各自的角色和职责。c)项目管理委员会或高层的沟通会议:每月或根据情况安排会议时间,面对面会议或 电话会议,更新

12、项目状态,追踪项目问题,风险,和依赖条件。对项目提出建议, 或解决方案。项目团队上海电大项口指导委员会项目经理产品经理項目经理项目評申小組业务专家产品架构组支挣平台组应用系统组沟通细则内部报告项目内部的报告机制分为书面报告和口头报告两种书面报告可以采用专门报告模版或系统反馈 以及Email的形式.专门报告模版可以使用团队站点中的项目文档模版.系统反馈可以使用团队基础系统(Team Foundation System)进行相应的文字互动.Email形式为通用的沟通方式,项目内部大部分事务沟通,交流和报告均可使用Email的形式 进行.项目团队成员需要根据实际情况对所分配的任务进行完成情况的任务报

13、告,任务报告需要通过 团队基础系统或Email的形式进行,把任务的执行情况及时地报告给相应的负责人.报告对象 根据项目的组织结构,由下至上地进行.项目新闻与简报与项目相关的一些新闻与简报可由两种方式传递给所有项目成员.对于重大的新闻或项目相关 的消息可以通过项目团队站点进行新闻发布或简报发布.对于一些非重大的消息可以由相关负 责人Email或口头通知所有项目成员.外部沟通所有外部沟通由项目经理负责.其他项目成员除非具有项目经理的授权与指派,不得与项目外 部人员(包括客户)进行任何直接沟通(需求调研除外)与承诺.公开任何与项目相关的信息公开活动,统一由项目经理发起与负责,其他项目成员除非具有项目

14、经 理的授权与指派,不得擅自进行任何公开活动.外部调查任何与项目相关的外部调查活动,统一由项目经理发起与负责,其他项目成员除非具有项目经 理授权与指派,不得擅自进行任何外部调查活动,包括任何书面调查和口头调查(需求调研除 外).2 Table of ReferenceThe contents of this docume nt are based on the followi ng docume nts/refere nces, e-mails com muni cati ons available. Further details are available in the followi n

15、g docume nts:Sl. No.Name of Document/Document IDVersion, Date of Issue3 Escalation PathAn escalation Committee will be formed with the members mentioned below. For any issues and escalati ons, the committee will be in formed and this team will meet for a resoluti on.NameRoleAliasLei ZhengService Executivelzheng4 Contact ListMGSI team resources can be contacted by the e-mail alias The list of team members with their roles a


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