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1、2023年apicnic英语作文30词篇一:预备英语作文Plan a picnic Plan a picnic We will have a picnic in the park next week . We are planning for the picnic now . I want to buy some bread and water because bread is my favourite . Mother would like to buy some apples and oranges because fruit is good for our health . Father

2、 plans to buy some salty nuts and milk . What a healthy picnic we will have !篇二:预备英语作文Our picnic Our picnic We had a picnic in the park last week. We planned a lot of things for this picnic . My mother bought some apples and oranges because fruit is good for our health . I took some delicious bread

3、and water because I like bread best . My father prepared a lot of salty nuts and milk . We flew kites and went boating . We had a good time last week .篇三:初中英语作文A picnic 初中英语作文A picnic 假如你是TOM,打算约BEN和一些同学一起去野餐.现在要写信和BEN商量野餐事宜.根据提示写一篇60词左右的短文,要包含如下要点,可适当发挥.要点:提示:I want to konw,I wonder,1.怎么样去野餐 I hope

4、 to know,2.什么时间出发 I 'd like to know3.在那里见面集中4.要带些什么范文A picnicDear Ben,We are going to have a picnic this weekend. I hope to know how we will go to the park. I'd like to know when and where we will meet. I will bring some delicious things for lunch, and I want to know what you will bring. I w

5、onder how much money we will take. Hope we will have a nice day. Your,Tom篇四:初中英语作文A picnic 初中英语作文A picnic 假如你是TOM,打算约BEN和一些同学一起去野餐.现在要写信和BEN商量野餐事宜.根据提示写一篇60词左右的短文,要包含如下要点,可适当发挥.要点:提示:I want to konw,I wonder,1.怎么样去野餐 I hope to know,2.什么时间出发 I 'd like to know3.在那里见面集中4.要带些什么范文A picnicDear Ben,We a

6、re going to have a picnic this weekend. I hope to know how we will go to the park. I'd like to know when and where we will meet. I will bring some delicious things for lunch, and I want to know what you will bring. I wonder how much money we will take. Hope we will have a nice day. Your,Tom篇五:20

7、23广东高考英语作文_读写任务30词概括指导 高考英语读写任务是给出一段短文,让考生阅读后在规定的时间内用2-3句话,不超过30词概括文章大意,然后根据一个主题,围绕几个要点发表自己的一些看法。 1. 读写任务主要考查学生的概括能力和综合语言应用能力。首先,它要求学生用_30_词左右概括一段_200_词左右的短文;然后,让学生围绕要点进行写作,要点一般有_3_个。2. 概括短文时,要会抓关键词。如短文中出现频率最高的名词主语便是大意句的_主语_,根据短文中_形容词_的褒贬意义,可以推测出作者对于这一观点或事件的看法和态度。 抓实义词遴选关键词-阅读概括短文Exemplifying in Ski

8、lls关键词的分类主语-短文中出现最多的主语名词,通常就是大意句的主语。谓语-“干什么” “怎么样”形容词-观点和态度:褒:赞成 or 肯定/ 贬:反对 or 否定针对不同文体写短文概要说明文和新闻报道:中心句(通常在首段) 抓好关键词现象分析型说明文: “现象”“现象形成原因” “解决问题的方法或建议”记叙文:“五何”: 何时 (when), 何地 (where), 何人(who), 何事 (what) ,结果如何 (how)夹叙夹议型: 加上作者的看法或感想等 以第三人称或无人称来概括议论文找出中心论点以及最后的结论, 再补充论据概要句型模板1. According to the pass

9、age, we know that./ From the passage, we can know that.2. In this passage, the writer / author states / thinks / argues that.3. In this passage, the writer/author tells us about.(来自:www.sMHaiD 海 达范文网:apicnic英语作文30词).4. The story / passage is about.5. The story / passage mainly tells us that.6. Its r

10、eported that./ As is reported in the passage, .the points you should pay attention to1.不需要把所有要点都涵盖。2.在这些内容中比重最大的是what,不要把what写得太详细,注意浓缩。3.找出叙事中夹带的议论,挖掘出文章的主题。4.用自己的话把主题和主要情节组织成摘要。Dont copy the sentences in the text.Use another word or phrase that has the same or similar meaning.Use different sentence structures to express the same idea.


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