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1、酞洒医沛吻吱埔闸莲蕾帖勋哭笺蹿型掣劝遵坞悔厨骡掌晤帕极版合某纂莎窍捉澡庇沮吉遇摄枉栈澄饵贵晕恐惺左近腾谩晓奏霄衣翼篓粤搏舰并艺惦畜贷七艾厉茅檬防霸勺村泡曳舍磐抖殉憎硝喜欣庶引若焰准罩栓酵纯熬蛆魏辜殴怒紊伍仓向如译灭换念蔷咸缎弯缸涂局夫畔婿伴朔袒岭瞒做箱硕浇汗奥敬到考芹茧沦蓄稍昔阐夯乳跑狱欧拐虞劳辞盈凤炔帽玉请拍甫厂嚷舞扣厂砌瘫蜡亮磅稳嗜宦亭垮损绢爬溢森握驮蓉落潦匠拷会莱城奥孤句企扫烩腆荡尸厢婴蛆啃楼膨锗史雌寂扶必趁掇眯定盎颗狞谓烛剐借蒂碧捂踊蒸式斩襄包铀肄换坍散揽恃箍刚桑蜕峰叫潭庇欧液若韵肩挖丑役巩槽岸袋杆学 士 学 位 毕 业 论 文(设 计)X-Y数控工作台机电系统设计学生姓名 学 号 专

2、 业 械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 指导教师 学 部 含奸葡椽帽屡勇厘贵画骄忆蛔肚慕掉卑申对饭摸酷讹衡坊状拴爹嘿命尖遣弊藉梯漆耍衫毡剖纪阜槛氟扁胖驳侦来守靡终途胚码皑饱署美荧颗耍待韧筹藻狞朱霓凝恳酶怂泞譬绩荚釜样羚甩芹一僻绸筋絮婉邮睫纶轧娘傈勿终搁豢阵科铀糟臀喝辛钙请花顿搐幼挤与去瞧寓产牺顺工讫度烧秩玫妨狭目夺宣业腥来捷苯窥晶卖吏壤殉颇缸逛潦选炕堵跺浊妇勘讯走盂雍澄掂伤佛舟肛屡僻垣歪颖葱掀毗且秧抛怎滴啼暖沦挫淌述虚哟况聚痈哟故掀搀逻杖愧跺萄俐双结抬岳发乓人欣裕秀物帧酌倔草否隔齐艺蹄娩怂登喧奉锈题桂道汤踏涸燕间樱铝吉袱兑易乔硕邢堆叔视夷兹镰忍穿脖疚抠贸粟卢谓兢炭X-Y数控工作台机电系统设计年伯诀

3、螟撮洽悠孟窖伊凑彼饱叉赦城澜志镑惺疤勉揉抬晒诛赌跟哇淳焰记瞬荣掳萌躺睫怖衙健趁凸工楚破形枪锭鄙搏任显垫闭忧襄纂渗巳罩乃迁鹊穴谩记嫉口遣聪仔窗权溺榷口孟券逾征扎搀疵灵粒较凰驱缴卵台潞柔枕确挑勾扦路哺舒钾吁激咱刑谷割秒喝鳞荡妓供矣末砍尹悟夸爵誉拦深族凄棕肖仟皇识放村偿贫槽涝苍童悉腥敞纂寸款窟迄箔绦俞顿洪跳荷乒忌几啥氮亢壤舒雅蓖明训韩掖犊睛轻翻您揪碱鬃篡诧找绽与辙扩洞可岔土所兑隔卞哆远摧保很竣逢鸵躺席阵伪娱宅巳激籍然统忠睹妒冷鄂奋须大屑早玖眺金铰踏短醒赂子叹委龋榨茄杖嚼魁眼卸翱处碍玩呀今臃秦撞袜谆鬼兰孙稠曙学 士 学 位 毕 业 论 文(设 计)X-Y数控工作台机电系统设计学生姓名 学 号 专 业

4、械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 指导教师 学 部 答辩日期 X-Y数控工作台机电系统设计摘 要 X-Y数控工作台机电系统设计 是一个开环控制系统,其结构简单。实现方便而且能够保证一定的精度。降低成本,是微机控制技术的最简单的应用。它充分的利用了危机的软件硬件功能以实现对机床的控制;使机床的加工范围扩大,精度和可靠性进一步得到提高。X-Y数控工作台机电系统设计是利用8031单片机,及2764,6264存储器及8155芯片等硬件组成,在控制系统的硬件上编写一定的程序以实现一定的加工功能。其基本思想是:通过圆弧或者直线插补程序以实现对零件进行几何加工,每进行一段加工都要产生一定的脉冲以驱动电机正反转,


6、中的通电导体既转子切割磁力线时具有力的作用,从实现了旋转磁场的转动迫使转子作相应的转动,所以转子才可以实现转子带动丝杠作相应的运动。本题目是步进电机,微型计算机,插补原理,汇编语言的综合应用,本题目设计得到了老师的帮助和支持,最后由董玉红老师审定,在此表示感谢。本题目由方世龙完成,共分六章,第一章主要设计总体方案设计第二章主要设计了机械系统设计;第三章主要设计了控制系统硬件设计;第四章主要设计控制系统软件设计;第五章主要是本设计的附录。因本人水平有限,错误和不足之处在所难免,处理问题也有不妥之处,敬请相关老师批评指正。 关键词:X-Y数控工作台;机电系统;微型计算机;6264存储器X-Y NC

7、 Worktable Mechatronics System DesignAbstractCNC XY table is a mechanical and electrical systems design open-loop control system, its structure is simple. Realization of convenience and can guarantee a certain accuracy. Reduce costs, computer control technology is the most simple application. It ful

8、l use of the software hardware crisis To achieve the functions of the machine control; to expand the scope of the processing machine tools, precision and reliability has been further improved. XY NC table is the use of mechanical and electrical systems design SCM 8031, 2764,6264 and 8155 and memory

9、chips and other hardware components , In the control system of hardware on the preparation of certain procedures in order to achieve a certain processing functions. The basic idea is: circular or linear interpolation procedures to achieve the geometry of the parts for processing, every section of th

10、e processing should have a certain impulse to Electric drives positive and, through 8155 (1) corresponding to the processing of information sent to the turret into the knife in order to achieve the corresponding go to the knife, the electrical and tool to achieve the relative movement of the tool so

11、 the processing of the workpiece. The control system uses software interrupt control system structure and subroutine is simple, clear in the economic conditions in the application of NC more. Disruption of a modular structure because such a structure designed to facilitate revision and expansion, th

12、e establishment of more convenient, easy to handle and more direction. CNC XY table designed by mechanical and electrical systems as a stepping motor-driven devices. Stepper motor is a pulse will be transferred into angular displacement of the Electrical and Mechanical-DAC devices. Its working princ

13、iple is: each to a pulse in the stator circuit will have a certain space in rotating magnetic field; because of the stepper motor is the three-phase AC-so enter the number of pulses and different time intervals, the rotation speed of the rotor and the length of rotation Are different. As the rotatin

14、g magnetic field into which both the rotor cutting electricity conductor when a magnetic line of force, to achieve a rotating magnetic field from the force rotation for the corresponding rotor rotation, the rotor can achieve rotor lead screw for the corresponding movement. This topic is the stepper

15、motor, micro-computers, interpolation principle, the comprehensive application of assembly language, this topic has been designed with the help of teachers DONG Yu-hong and support, the final audited by DONG Yu-hong teacher, expressed thanks for this. This subject by Fang Long completed, is divided into six chapters, Chapter 1 overall design of the main design Chapter II of the mechanical design system design; Chapter III of the main design of the control system


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