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1、消化系统疾病常用英文词汇表 一、症状急性腹痛 acute abdominal pain慢性腹痛 chronic abdominal pain吞咽困难 dysphagia吞咽痛 odynophagia 噫球感(咽部异物感) globus sensation 呃逆 hiccups食管源性胸痛 chest pain of esophageal origin烧心 heartburn反流 regurgitation消化不良 dyspepsia功能性消化不良 functional dyspepsia恶心 nausea呕吐 vomiting腹泻 diarrhea渗透性腹泻 osmotic diarrhea分

2、泌性腹泻 secretory diarrhea炎性腹泻 inflammatory diarrhea功能性腹泻 functional diarrhea水样泻 watery diarrhea脂肪泻 steatorrhea便秘 constipation消化道出血 gastrointestinal bleeding上消化道出血 upper gastrointestinal bleeding 下消化道出血 lower gastrointestinal bleeding 不明原因消化道出血 obscure gastrointestinal bleeding 隐匿性消化道出血 occult gastroin

3、testinal bleeding 呕血 hematemesis呕咖啡样物 coffee-ground emesis 黑便 melena便血 hematochezia 便潜血阳性 positive fecal occult blood test缺铁性贫血 iron deficiency anemia黄疸 jaundice间胆升高(高非结合胆红素血症) unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia直胆升高(高结合胆红素血症)conjugated hyperbilirubinemia胆汁淤积 cholestasis肝内胆汁淤积 intrahepatic cholestasis肝外

4、胆汁淤积 extrahepatic cholestasis肝功能异常 abnormal liver chemistries腹水 ascites肝占位 liver mass消瘦 weight l oss二、食管疾病贲门失弛缓 achalasia远端食管痉挛 distal esophageal spasm(DES)胃食管反流病 gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)食管裂孔疝 hiatal hernia反流性食管炎/糜烂性食管炎 reflux esophagitis/erosive esophagitis非糜烂性胃食管反流病 nonerosive reflux

5、disease(NERD)Barrett 食管 Barrett s esophagus消化性食管狭窄 peptic esophageal stricture药物所致的食管损伤 medication-induced esophageal injury/pill-induced esophagitis嗜酸细胞性食管炎 eosinophilic esophagitis贲门黏膜撕裂 Mallory-Weiss syndrome自发性食管破裂 Boerhaaves syndrome自发性食管血肿 spontaneous esophageal hematoma真菌性食管炎 fungal esophagit

6、is念珠菌性食管炎 candidal esophagitis病毒性食管炎 viral esophagitis食管鳞癌 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma食管腺癌 esophageal adenocarcinoma食管乳头状瘤 esophageal papilloma 食管平滑肌瘤 esophageal leiomyoma 食管脂肪瘤 esophageal lipoma 食管静脉曲张 esophageal varices三、胃和十二指肠疾病 胃轻瘫 gastroparesis 幽门螺杆菌感染 helicobacter pylori infection 胃炎 ga

7、stritis慢性浅表性胃炎 chronic superficial gastritis 慢性非萎缩性胃炎 chronic non-atrophic gastritis 慢性萎缩性胃炎 chronic atrophic gastritis 自身免疫性萎缩性胃炎 autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis 肠化生 intestinal metaplasia异型增生 dysplasia嗜酸细胞性胃肠炎 eosinophilic gastroenteritis 急性糜烂性胃炎 acute erosive gastritisMQntrier 病 MQntrier

8、s disease门脉高压性胃病 portal hypertensive gastropathy胃底静脉曲张 gastric varices胃石 gastric bezoar 消化性溃疡病 peptic ulcer disease 胃溃疡 gastric ulcer十二指肠溃疡 duodenal ulcer 难治性溃疡 refractory ulcer 溃疡出血 ulcer bleedingForrest 分级 Forrest ClassificationI级 活动出血active bleedingIa 喷射样出血 spurting hemorrhageIb 渗血 oozing hemorrh

9、ageII 级 有近期出血征象 stigmata of recent hemorrhageIIa 血管显露 visible vesselIIb 血栓附着 adherent clotIIc 平坦的色素沉着 flat pigmentationIll级 干净的溃疡底部clean-base ulcersDieulafoy 病变 Dieulafoy s lesion 穿孔 perforation胃出口梗阻(幽门梗阻) gastric outlet obstruction 应激性溃疡 stress ulcers卓-艾综合征 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 胃息肉 gastric po

10、lyps胃底腺息肉 fundic gland polyps 增生性息肉 Hyperplastic polyps 腺瘤 adenoma炎性纤维性息肉 Inflammatory fibroid polyps 胃腺癌 gastric adenocarcinoma 早期胃癌 early gastric cancer 进展期胃癌 advanced gastric cancer 鲍曼分型 Borrmann classification 上皮下肿瘤 subepithelial tumor 黏膜下肿瘤 submucosal tumor 黏膜下病变 submucosal lesions 胃肠道间质瘤 gastr

11、ointestinal stromal tumors 神经内分泌肿瘤 neuroendocrine tumors 类癌 carcinoid tumors淋巴瘤 lymphoma平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma脂肪瘤 lipoma异位胰腺 pancreatic rest(aberrant pancreas) 胃扭转 gastric volvulus四、小肠和大肠美克尔憩室 Meckels diverticulum 慢性小肠假性梗阻 chronic small intestinal pseudoobstruction 小肠细菌过度生长 small intestinal bacterial overgr

12、owth 短肠综合征 short bowel syndrome乳糜泻 celiac disease吸收不良 malabsorptionWhipple 病 Whipple s disease蛋白丢失性胃肠病 protein-losing gastroenteropathy 抗生素相关腹泻 antibiotic-associated diarrhea 伪膜性肠炎 pseudomembranous enterocolitis 难辨梭菌感染 Clostridium difficile infection 炎症性肠病 inflammatory bowel disease克罗恩病 Crohns disea

13、se蒙特利尔分类 Montreal classification 发病年龄 age of onset (A)A1 W16; A2 1740; A3 40位置 localization(L)末端回肠 terminal ileum(L1)结肠 colon(L2)回结肠 ileocolon (L3)上消化道 upper gastrointestinal (L4)临床行为 behavior(B)非狭窄非穿透型 nonstricturing nonpenetrating(B1) 狭窄型 structuring 穿透型 penetrating病情严重程度 disease severity缓解期 remis

14、sion(S0)轻度 mild中度 moderate重度 severe溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis病变分布 distribution of disease直肠炎型 proctitis左半结肠炎型 leftsided colitis广泛结肠炎型 extensive colitis 急性肠系膜缺血 acute mesenteric ischemia 肠系膜上动脉栓塞 superior mesenteric artery embolus 急性肠系膜上动脉血栓形成 acute thrombosis of superior mesenteric artery 非闭塞性肠系膜缺血 n

15、onocclusive mesenteric ischemia 肠系膜静脉血栓形成 mesenteric venous thrombosis 局灶节段性小肠缺血 focal segmental ischemia of the small intestine 缺血性结肠炎 ischemic colitis结肠缺血 colon ischemia白塞氏病 Beh?ets disease 过敏性紫癜 Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura阑尾炎 appendicitis 结肠憩室 colonic diverticulum 结肠憩室病 diverticular d isease of the colon 憩室炎 diverticulitis憩室出血 diverticular hemorrhage 肠易激综合征 irritable bowel syndrome 肠梗阻 intestinal obstruction 小肠梗阻 small bowel obstruction 结肠梗阻 colonic obstruction麻痹性肠梗阻 ileus 假性肠梗阻 pseudo-obstruction巨结肠 megacolon 结肠息肉 colonic polyp 管状腺瘤 tubular adenoma 绒毛状腺瘤


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