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1、 高考英语七选五型阅读理解(黑、吉、辽、陕、宁、琼、京 使用)七选五常考题型(1) 主旨题: 考查考生对文章的整体理解和把握。(2) 逻辑关系题: 因果条件、表达条件关系的词汇衔接手段(3) 例证题: 文章中举出一些例子无非是为了说明一定的道理。因此是解题的关键, 要特别关注。(4) 定义题: 定义题的出现往往与文章结构有关系, 多出现在段首。题型特点: (1)这种题型的命题形式是给考生一篇字数在200-300单词的短文,有目的地在文章中去除5处信息,形成5处信息空缺,提供总共7个备选选项(待选信息),要求考生选出5个合适的选项对应地填入原文中的5处空缺,从而将原文恢复成一篇完整的文章。 (2

2、)注重考查学生的逻辑思维能力。新题型要求考生具备词汇、句子、语段、语篇的知识,同时具有综合、分析、归纳的逻辑思维能力。 (3)题材新颖。具有时代气息与学生的学习经历和生活经历相适应。题型分析与解题步骤:1. 不必要先浏览文章,因为文章缺乏信息, 内容不完整。2由于选项是要填入空缺处的目标,这样有了对目标的把握,就可以“以目标为导向的”去阅读文章。 3. 浏览选项,划出关键词、主题词。如人名、地名等。 4. 观察文章已给信息与后面7个选项中所给信息之间的关系。 5.要特别注意空格前段落结尾部分以及空格后段落开始部分出现的关键词(名词、动词、连词、数词、冠词等), 6. 检查恢复后的文章是不是在整

3、体上具有连贯性和一致性。 主题参考根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。71 Such as runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel miserableBut experts believe that there is no link between cold weather and catching colds 72Internal Medicine expert, Dr Meenakshi Jain of Max Hospital

4、 says, “One reason could be that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily 73 ”The common cold is a viral infection that can be caused by any of up to 250 strains of virus, the most common group of which are the rhinovirus that hit the nose74 “They are transmitted through the

5、 nose respiratory passages, by touch, and by contact with airborne particles that are created by sneezing or coughing,” says Dr JainThere is no cure for the common cold and antibiotics are of no helpHowever, there are some precautions which can help:75 In this case, you can protect your hands from g

6、etting germsDont touch your eyes, nose and mouth, which can limit your chances of infectionDont share drinking glasses or utensils with anyone as this will prevent the spread of the virusMake sure to eat enough fruits to boost your immune systemAAlso the virus thrives in humidityBDrink lots of fluid

7、s to avoid dehydrationCThey are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all common coldsDGet enough sleep and youll certainly feel betterESo why are we particularly vulnerable(脆弱的) this season?FWash your hands regularlyGIts winter and you have probably noticed germs are everywhere答案:717

8、5 GEACF根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A 70 magnitude(级)earthquake killed more than 230,000 people in HaitiThen an 88 magnitude quake killed more than 900 people in ChileAnd few weeks later, a 60 magnitude quake struck rural eastern Turkey, killing at least 57 peopleThe earthquakes kept c

9、oming hard and fast 71 Its notThe problem is whats happening above ground, not underground, experts say72 Theyre rapidly putting up buildings that cant stand up to earth quakes, scientists believerAnd news reports and better earthquake monitoring make it seem as if earth quakes are increasing all th

10、e timeOn average, there are 134 earthquakes a year that have a magnitude between 60 and 69So far this year there have been 40 earthquakesmore than in most years for that time periodBut thats because the 88 quake in Chile caused a large number of strong aftershocksAlso, its not the number of quakes,

11、but their destructive effects that gain attentionThe death is largely due to building standards, 73 Paul Earle, a US seismologist, called for better building standards in the worlds big citiesOf the 130 cities worldwide with populations of more than I million, more than half are likely to be hit by

12、earthquakes 74 “If you have a problem feeding yourself, youre not really going to worry about earthquakes,” said PaulThe earthquakes made everyone start to think 75 “People are paying attention to the violent planet were always lived onCome back an another six moths if there has been no earthquakes,

13、 most people will have forgotten it again,” said US disaster researcher Dennis MiletiABut it wont lastBMore people are moving into big citiesCEarthquakes dont kill people, buildings doDThere have been more deaths overt the past decade from earthquakesEMany people began to wonder if something terribl

14、e is happening undergroundFWhile it seems as if the are more earthquakes occurring, there really arentGBut developing nations with growing populations dont pay attention to earthquake preparedness答案:7175 EBCGA根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。Getting your children to study can be a little like

15、 getting them to eat their vegetables_71_ Make a study time and have it at the same time every dayThis will help your kid to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their timeAllow them to study in block of time, such as for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle_72_ Ideal (理想的) study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner Never allow your chil


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